GEE 数据集——全球大坝跟踪数据库(GDAT)竣工年份、大坝高度、长度、用途和装机容量
全球大坝跟踪数据库(GDAT)是最全面的全球大坝地理参照数据库之一,涵盖全球 35,000 多座大坝。 它包括精确的地理坐标、卫星衍生的集水区以及详细的属性信息,如竣工年份、大坝高度、长度、用途和装机容量。 GDAT 建立在现有全球数据集的基础上,并通过政府、非营利组织和学术机构提供的地区数据加以充实,尤其是在通常缺乏详细覆盖范围的全球南部地区。 该数据集旨在进行跨时空分析,使用户能够评估过去三十年中大坝建设对环境和社会经济的影响,尤其侧重于全球地表水覆盖率的变化。
var gdat_catchments = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GDAT/GDAT_V1_CATCHMENTS"),
gdat_dams = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GDAT/GDAT_V1_DAMS");
// Define a function to map values to colors based on visualization parameters
function getColor(value, visParams) {
var min = visParams.min;
var max = visParams.max;
var palette = ee.List(visParams.palette);
var paletteSize = palette.length();
// Normalize the value between 0 and 1
var normalized = ee.Number(value).subtract(min).divide(max - min).clamp(0, 1);
// Compute the palette index
var index = normalized.multiply(paletteSize.subtract(1)).round();
// Get the color from the palette
var color = palette.get(index);
return color;
// Function to ensure 'Height' is a valid number and default to 0 if missing or invalid
var catchmentsWithHeight = {
// Get the 'Height' property as a string
var heightString = ee.String(feature.get('Height'));
// Check if the 'Height' string is empty or not a valid number
var isValid = heightString.match('^[0-9.]+$'); // Matches only numeric values
var height = ee.Algorithms.If(isValid, ee.Number.parse(heightString), 0); // Default to 0 if invalid
return feature.set('Height', height);
// Apply a random visualizer to the catchments using the validated 'Height' property
var randomVisCatchments = ee.Image().paint({
featureCollection: catchmentsWithHeight,
color: 'Height' // Use the 'Height' property as the color value
// Add the randomly styled catchments to the map
Map.addLayer(randomVisCatchments, {}, 'GDAT Catchments Styled by Height');
// Define visualization parameters for dams based on Year_Fin
var damVis = {
min: 1200,
max: 2024, // Full range of 'Year_Fin'
palette: ['#f7fcf0', '#e0f3db', '#ccebc5', '#a8ddb5', '#7bccc4', '#4eb3d3', '#2b8cbe', '#0868ac', '#084081', '#081d58', '#fcfdbf', '#fee391', '#fec44f', '#fe9929', '#ec7014', '#cc4c02', '#993404', '#662506', '#4d004b', '#2c0031'],
opacity: 0.6
// Style dams by Year_Fin
var styledDams = {
var yearFinished = ee.String(feature.get('Year_Fin'));
// Check if 'Year_Fin' is not empty and can be converted to a number
var isValidYear = yearFinished.match('^[0-9]{4}$'); // Check if it matches a 4-digit number pattern
yearFinished = ee.Algorithms.If(isValidYear, ee.Number.parse(yearFinished), 1200); // Default to 1200 if invalid
var color = getColor(yearFinished, damVis);
return feature.set('style', {color: color, fillColor: color, width: 1});
// Add dams to the map
Map.addLayer({styleProperty: 'style'}),
'Dams Styled by Year Finished'
// Center the map
Map.setCenter(0, 20, 3);
// Print the number of dams and catchments
gdat_dams.size().evaluate(function(count) {
print('Number of dam points:', count);
gdat_catchments.size().evaluate(function(count) {
print('Number of catchment polygons:', count);
// Add a greyscale map style
var snazzy = require("users/aazuspan/snazzy:styles");
snazzy.addStyle("", "Greyscale");
Zhang, Alice Tianbo, and Vincent Xinyi Gu. "Global Dam Tracker: A database of more than 35,000 dams with location, catchment, and attribute information." Scientific data 10, no. 1 (2023): 111.
Zhang, A. T., & Gu, V. X. (2023). Global Dam Tracker: A database of more than 35,000 dams with location, catchment, and attribute information [Data set]. In Scientific Data (Version v1, Vol. 10, Number 1, p. 111). Zenodo.
数据集采用知识共享 4.0 国际许可协议。
提供者:Zhang et al: Zhang et al: Samapriya Roy
关键词 河流屏障、水库、水电大坝、蓄水、防洪、水生生态系统
最后更新: 2024-10-27