FireCCI51:MODIS Fire_cci Burned Area Pixel Product,5.1 版
欧空局火灾扰动气候变化倡议(CCI) 欧空局火灾扰动气候变化倡议(CCI)项目通过卫星观测绘制了全球烧毁面积地图。这里介绍的 AVHRR - LTDR Pix...
7月8日消息,据业内传闻显示,谷歌新一代旗舰智能手机Pixel 9系列预计将于8月中旬正式发布,新机很可能将首度搭载超声波屏下指纹识别技术,以取代原先光学式指纹...
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OK113i-S 是一个优秀的开发板,支持lvds 单8,双8显示,最大分辨率1280x800
Landsat 8 Collection 1 (C1) Land Surface Reflectance Code (LaSRC)
The NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of AVHRR Normalized Difference Vegetation Ind...
The MYDOCGA V6 ocean reflectance product consists of 1 kilometer reflectance dat...
MaxFRPMaximum fire radiative power0180000Megawatts0.1samplePosition of fire pixe...
The MYD09A1 V6 product provides an estimate of the surface spectral reflectance ...
The MODOCGA V6 ocean reflectance product consists of 1 kilometer reflectance dat...
YCEO Surface Urban Heat Islands: Pixel-Level Composites of Yearly Summertime Day...
The MOD14A2 V6 dataset provides 8-day fire mask composites at 1km resolution. It...
These composites are created from all the scenes in each annual period beginning...
This dataset provides a high quality Climate Data Record (CDR) of global infrare...
The NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of AVHRR Surface Reflectance contains gridded...
The Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI) Earth Observation Full Resolution (EF...