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GaussianBlur Shader 毛玻璃Shader

发布2024-11-01 12:23:08
发布2024-11-01 12:23:08


 * Gaussian Blur
 * Author(s): Flying Banana
 * Date Created: 11-Nov-2015

 * This is a three-pass blur shader. Quality-wise this gives the best result.
Shader "UI/Blur/UIBlurHQ" {
    Properties {
        _TintColor ("Tint Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 0.2)
        _Size ("Spacing", Range(0, 20)) = 5.0
        _Vibrancy ("Vibrancy", Range(0, 2)) = 0.2
    _StencilComp ("Stencil Comparison", Float) = 8
    _Stencil ("Stencil ID", Float) = 0
    _StencilOp ("Stencil Operation", Float) = 0
    _StencilWriteMask ("Stencil Write Mask", Float) = 255
    _StencilReadMask ("Stencil Read Mask", Float) = 255

    Category {
        // We must be transparent, so other objects are drawn before this one.
        Tags { 

    Stencil {
      Ref [_Stencil]
      Comp [_StencilComp]
      Pass [_StencilOp] 
      ReadMask [_StencilReadMask]
      WriteMask [_StencilWriteMask]

        SubShader {

            GrabPass {                         
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
            // Vertical blur
            Pass {
                Name "VERTICAL"
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
                #pragma vertex vert
                #pragma fragment frag
                #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
                #include "UnityCG.cginc"
                struct appdata_t {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0;
                struct v2f {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float4 uvgrab : TEXCOORD0;
                v2f vert (appdata_t v) {
                    v2f o;
                    o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
                    #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP
                    float scale = -1.0;
                    float scale = 1.0;
                    o.uvgrab.xy = (float2(o.vertex.x, o.vertex.y*scale) + o.vertex.w) * 0.5;
                    o.uvgrab.zw = o.vertex.zw;
                    return o;
                sampler2D _GrabTexture;
                float4 _GrabTexture_TexelSize;
                float _Size;
                half4 frag( v2f i ) : COLOR {
                    half4 sum = half4(0,0,0,0);
                    #define GRABPIXEL(weight,kernely) tex2Dproj( _GrabTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(float4(i.uvgrab.x, i.uvgrab.y + _GrabTexture_TexelSize.y * kernely * _Size * 1.61, i.uvgrab.z, i.uvgrab.w))) * weight
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, -4.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, -3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, -2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, -1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.18,  0.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, +1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, +2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, +3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, +4.0);
                    return sum;

            GrabPass {
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }

            // Horizontal blur
            Pass {
                Name "HORIZONTAL"
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
                #pragma vertex vert
                #pragma fragment frag
                #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
                #include "UnityCG.cginc"
                struct appdata_t {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0;
                struct v2f {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float4 uvgrab : TEXCOORD0;
                v2f vert (appdata_t v) {
                    v2f o;
                    o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
                    #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP
                    float scale = -1.0;
                    float scale = 1.0;
                    o.uvgrab.xy = (float2(o.vertex.x, o.vertex.y*scale) + o.vertex.w) * 0.5;
                    o.uvgrab.zw = o.vertex.zw;
                    return o;
                sampler2D _GrabTexture;
                float4 _GrabTexture_TexelSize;
                float _Size;
                half4 frag( v2f i ) : COLOR {
                    half4 sum = half4(0,0,0,0);
                    #define GRABPIXEL(weight,kernelx) tex2Dproj( _GrabTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(float4(i.uvgrab.x + _GrabTexture_TexelSize.x * kernelx * _Size * 1.61, i.uvgrab.y, i.uvgrab.z, i.uvgrab.w))) * weight
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, -4.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, -3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, -2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, -1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.18,  0.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, +1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, +2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, +3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, +4.0);
                    return sum;
            GrabPass {
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
            // Vertical blur
            Pass {
                Name "VERTICAL"
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
                #pragma vertex vert
                #pragma fragment frag
                #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
                #include "UnityCG.cginc"
                struct appdata_t {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0;
                struct v2f {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float4 uvgrab : TEXCOORD0;
                v2f vert (appdata_t v) {
                    v2f o;
                    o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
                    #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP
                    float scale = -1.0;
                    float scale = 1.0;
                    o.uvgrab.xy = (float2(o.vertex.x, o.vertex.y*scale) + o.vertex.w) * 0.5;
                    o.uvgrab.zw = o.vertex.zw;
                    return o;
                sampler2D _GrabTexture;
                float4 _GrabTexture_TexelSize;
                float _Size;
                half4 frag( v2f i ) : COLOR {
                    half4 sum = half4(0,0,0,0);
                    #define GRABPIXEL(weight,kernely) tex2Dproj( _GrabTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(float4(i.uvgrab.x, i.uvgrab.y + _GrabTexture_TexelSize.y * kernely * _Size, i.uvgrab.z, i.uvgrab.w))) * weight
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, -4.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, -3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, -2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, -1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.18,  0.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, +1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, +2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, +3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, +4.0);
                    return sum;

            GrabPass {                         
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }

            // Horizontal blur
            Pass {
                Name "HORIZONTAL"
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
                #pragma vertex vert
                #pragma fragment frag
                #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
                #include "UnityCG.cginc"
                struct appdata_t {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0;
                struct v2f {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float4 uvgrab : TEXCOORD0;
                v2f vert (appdata_t v) {
                    v2f o;
                    o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
                    #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP
                    float scale = -1.0;
                    float scale = 1.0;
                    o.uvgrab.xy = (float2(o.vertex.x, o.vertex.y*scale) + o.vertex.w) * 0.5;
                    o.uvgrab.zw = o.vertex.zw;
                    return o;
                sampler2D _GrabTexture;
                float4 _GrabTexture_TexelSize;
                float _Size;
                half4 frag( v2f i ) : COLOR {
                    half4 sum = half4(0,0,0,0);
                    #define GRABPIXEL(weight,kernelx) tex2Dproj(_GrabTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(float4(i.uvgrab.x + _GrabTexture_TexelSize.x * kernelx * _Size, i.uvgrab.y, i.uvgrab.z, i.uvgrab.w))) * weight
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, -4.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, -3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, -2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, -1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.18,  0.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, +1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, +2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, +3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, +4.0);
                    return sum;
            GrabPass {
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
            // Vertical blur
            Pass {
                Name "VERTICAL"
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
                #pragma vertex vert
                #pragma fragment frag
                #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
                #include "UnityCG.cginc"
                struct appdata_t {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0;
                struct v2f {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float4 uvgrab : TEXCOORD0;
                v2f vert (appdata_t v) {
                    v2f o;
                    o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
                    #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP
                    float scale = -1.0;
                    float scale = 1.0;
                    o.uvgrab.xy = (float2(o.vertex.x, o.vertex.y*scale) + o.vertex.w) * 0.5;
                    o.uvgrab.zw = o.vertex.zw;
                    return o;
                sampler2D _GrabTexture;
                float4 _GrabTexture_TexelSize;
                float _Size;
                half4 frag( v2f i ) : COLOR {
                    half4 sum = half4(0,0,0,0);
                    #define GRABPIXEL(weight,kernely) tex2Dproj( _GrabTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(float4(i.uvgrab.x, i.uvgrab.y + _GrabTexture_TexelSize.y * kernely * _Size * 0.2, i.uvgrab.z, i.uvgrab.w))) * weight
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, -4.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, -3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, -2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, -1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.18,  0.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, +1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, +2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, +3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, +4.0);
                    return sum;

            GrabPass {                         
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }

            // Horizontal blur
            Pass {
                Name "HORIZONTAL"
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
                #pragma vertex vert
                #pragma fragment frag
                #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
                #include "UnityCG.cginc"
                struct appdata_t {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0;
                struct v2f {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float4 uvgrab : TEXCOORD0;
                v2f vert (appdata_t v) {
                    v2f o;
                    o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
                    #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP
                    float scale = -1.0;
                    float scale = 1.0;
                    o.uvgrab.xy = (float2(o.vertex.x, o.vertex.y*scale) + o.vertex.w) * 0.5;
                    o.uvgrab.zw = o.vertex.zw;
                    return o;
                sampler2D _GrabTexture;
                float4 _GrabTexture_TexelSize;
                float _Size;
                half4 frag( v2f i ) : COLOR {
                    half4 sum = half4(0,0,0,0);
                    #define GRABPIXEL(weight,kernelx) tex2Dproj(_GrabTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(float4(i.uvgrab.x + _GrabTexture_TexelSize.x * kernelx * _Size * 0.2, i.uvgrab.y, i.uvgrab.z, i.uvgrab.w))) * weight
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, -4.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, -3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, -2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, -1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.18,  0.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.15, +1.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.12, +2.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.09, +3.0);
                    sum += GRABPIXEL(0.05, +4.0);
                    return sum;
            // Distortion
            GrabPass {                         
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
            Pass {
                Tags { "LightMode" = "Always" }
                #pragma vertex vert
                #pragma fragment frag
                #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
                #include "UnityCG.cginc"
                struct appdata_t {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0;
                struct v2f {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    float4 uvgrab : TEXCOORD0;
                v2f vert (appdata_t v) {
                    v2f o;
                    o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
                    #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP
                    float scale = -1.0;
                    float scale = 1.0;
                    o.uvgrab.xy = (float2(o.vertex.x, o.vertex.y*scale) + o.vertex.w) * 0.5;
                    o.uvgrab.zw = o.vertex.zw;
                    return o;
                half4 _TintColor;
                float _Vibrancy;
                sampler2D _GrabTexture;
                float4 _GrabTexture_TexelSize;
                half4 frag( v2f i ) : COLOR {
                    half4 col = tex2Dproj( _GrabTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(i.uvgrab));
                    col.xyz *= 1 + _Vibrancy;
                     col = lerp (col, _TintColor, _TintColor.w);
                    return col;
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