import configparser
import datetime
import logging
import re
import pickle
from typing import Optional
import praw
import praw.models
DELIMITER = '---' # type: str
JAM_MAINTAINER = 'G01denW01f11'
def init_reddit(config_pathname: str) -> praw.Reddit:
"""Create global Reddit object from config file"""
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
return praw.Reddit(client_id=config['RedditParams']['client_id'],
def get_reddit() -> praw.Reddit:
"""Get the global Reddit object. Create it if it hasn't been created"""
global REDDIT
if not REDDIT:
REDDIT = init_reddit('config.ini')
return REDDIT
class Piece(object):
"""A piece to be listed in the piano jam"""
def __init__(self, composer: str = None, title: str = None, video_url: str = None, score_url: str = None,
category: str = None):
self.composer = composer # type: str
self.title = title # type: str
self.video_url = video_url # type: str
self.score_url = score_url # type: str
self.category = category # type: str
def __eq__(self, other: 'Piece') -> bool:
return self.composer == other.composer and self.title == other.title
def __ne__(self, other: 'Piece') -> bool:
return not self == other
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '{}: [{}]({}) | [Sheet Music]({})'.format(self.composer, self.title, self.video_url.replace(')', '\)'),
self.score_url.replace(')', '\)'))
class Submission(object):
"""A submission to the month's Jam"""
def __init__(self, username: str = None, url: str = None, title: str = None, piece: Piece = None):
self.username = username # type: str
self.url = url # type: str
self.title = title # type: str
self.piece = piece # type: Piece
def __eq__(self, other: 'Submission') -> bool:
return self.username == other.username and self.piece == other.piece
def __ne__(self, other: 'Submission') -> bool:
return not self == other
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '{}\'s {} by [/u/{}]({})'.format(self.piece.composer, self.piece.title, self.username, self.url)
def set_piece(self, pieces: [Piece]) -> None:
From a list of valid pieces, set the one that matches
:param pieces: A list of pieces to choose from
self.piece = find_piece_matching_title(pieces, self.title)
if not self.piece:
logging.warning('Could not find piece for {} | {}'.format(self.title, self.url))
def find_piece_matching_title(pieces: [Piece], title: str) -> Optional[Piece]:
Use a simple heuristic to tell which piece a submission is from the title
:param pieces: Pieces to choose from
:param title: Submission title
:return: Appropriate piece, if any
for piece in pieces:
if biggest_word_in_line(piece.title).lower() in title.lower():
return piece
return None
def format_title(section_title: str) -> str:
Apply proper formatting to the title of a section
:param section_title: The title of a section to be formatted
:return: Formatted title
return '**{}**'.format(section_title)
class Jam(object):
"""A Piano Jam posting"""
CATEGORIES = ['Jazz', 'Classical', 'Ragtime', 'Video Game / Anime / Film'] # type: [str]
def __init__(self, outline_pathname: str = 'jam_outline.txt'):
Create a Piano Jam instance from a given outline file
:param outline_pathname: pathname to file with default jam contents
self.filename = '' # type: str
self.submissions = [] # type: [Submission]
self.pieces = [] # type: [Piece]
with open(outline_pathname, 'r') as f:
self.text = f.read()
def __str__(self):
submissions_str = ''
for submission in self.submissions:
submissions_str += str(submission) + '\n\n'
pieces_str = ''
for piece in self.pieces:
pieces_str += str(piece) + '\n\n'
return self.text.format(submissions_str, pieces_str)
def add_submission(self, submission: Submission):
Add a submission to the Jam. Multiple submissions do not get added
:param submission: Submission to the Piano Jam
:return: None
for prior_submission in self.submissions:
if submission.username == prior_submission.username and submission.piece == submission.piece:
if submission.url != prior_submission.url:
logging.warning('User {0} attempted to submit a piece multiple times'.format(submission.username))
def add_piece(self, piece: Piece):
if piece not in self.pieces:
def save(self, filename: str='') -> None:
if filename:
self.filename = filename
if not self.filename:
raise ValueError('No filename to save to!')
with open(self.filename, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(self, f)
def load(cls, filename: str) -> 'Jam':
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
jam = pickle.load(f) # type: Jam
if type(jam) != Jam:
raise TypeError('Tried to load a Jam. Got {}'.format(type(jam)))
assert jam.filename == filename
return jam
def parse_piece(piece_text: str) -> Piece:
Construct a Piece from its string representation.
Expected format: Composer: [Title](url) | [Sheet Music](sheetUrl)
:param piece_text: Line from Piano Jam specifying a Piece to learn
piece = Piece()
piece.composer = piece_text[:piece_text.index(':')]
piece.title = re.findall(re.compile('\[(.*?)\]'), piece_text)[0] # type: str
urls = re.findall(re.compile('\((.*?)\)'), piece_text)
piece.video_url = urls[0] # type: str
piece.score_url = urls[1] # type: str
return piece
def parse_pieces(section_text: str) -> [Piece]:
"""Parse all the pieces in a given section"""
pieces = section_text.split('\n')[1:] # First line is the category; discard
return (parse_piece(piece_text) for piece_text in pieces if piece_text.strip() != '')
def get_pieces_from_jam(jam_text: str) -> [Piece]:
Parse all the pieces from a Jam, given the contents of a post
:param jam_text: The contents of a Piano Jam posting
:return: List of pieces to be used for the Jam
sections = jam_text.split(DELIMITER)
sections = (section.strip() for section in sections)
filtered_sections = []
for section in sections:
section = section.strip()
for category in Jam.CATEGORIES:
category = format_title(category)
if section.startswith(category):
pieces = []
for section in filtered_sections:
return pieces
def get_selections_from_url(url: str) -> [Piece]:
Parse all the pieces from a jam, given its url
:param url: URL to a Piano Jam post
:return: List of pieces to be used for the Jam
post = praw.models.Submission(get_reddit(), url=url)
except KeyError:
raise KeyError('Could not recognize url {0}'.format(url))
return get_pieces_from_jam(post.selftext)
def search_for_submissions():
Search Reddit for posts with [Piano Jam] in title within past month
:return: List of urls to posts
subreddit = get_reddit().subreddit('piano')
results = subreddit.search('[Piano Jam]', sort='new', time_filter='month')
return (result for result in results)
def filter_submissions(submissions: [praw.models.Submission], jam: praw.models.Submission):
return [submission for submission in submissions
if '[piano jam]' in submission.title.lower() and
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(submission.created) >
def find_last_jam() -> praw.models.Submission:
candidates = search_for_submissions()
for candidate in candidates:
if candidate.author == JAM_MAINTAINER and '[' not in candidate.title:
return candidate
raise ValueError('Could not find last Piano Jam')
def biggest_word_in_line(line: str) -> str:
words = line.split()
length = 0
biggest_word = None
for word in words:
if len(word) > length:
length = len(word)
biggest_word = word
assert biggest_word
return biggest_word
def create_jam() -> [Submission]:
Find all Piano Jam submissions since the last posting
Log a warning if there are submissions not in the previous Jam.
Create Jam from submissions and pickle it for later use.
previous_jam = find_last_jam()
entries = filter_submissions(search_for_submissions(), previous_jam)
submissions = [Submission(entry.author, entry.shortlink, entry.title) for entry in entries]
pieces = get_pieces_from_jam(previous_jam.selftext)
new_jam = Jam()
for submission in submissions:
if submission.piece:
发布于 2017-07-21 10:28:46