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Classification and regression techniques: decision tree and knn

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发布2021-05-19 14:25:20
发布2021-05-19 14:25:20
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Lectures 12 and 13: Classification and regression techniques: decision tree and k-nearest neighbor

-understand what is meant by the task of classification and be able to identify scenarios where it is useful. Understand how it relates to data wrangling.

  • Classification
    • Definition: given a collection of records(training set), each record contains a set of attributes, one of the attributes is the class. Find a predictive model for class attributes as a function of the values of other attributes. then what is the difference between this and prediction? Is this only implement on known data? same thing! classification is to predict a category.
    • Useful scenarios:
      • animal classification
      • bank classifying borrower
      • detecting tax fraud/tax cheats
    • Given a collection of records (training set)
      • Each record contains a set of attributes + one class label
    • Find a predictive model for class label as a function of the values of other attributes
    • Goal: previously unseen records should be assignment a class as accurately as possible
    • Test set = used to determine the accuracy of the model
      • The given data set is divided into training & test sets
      • Training set used to build the mode
      • Test set used to validate the model

-understand what is meant by the task of regression and be able to identify scenarios where it is useful. Understand how it relates to data wrangling.

  • Regression
    • given a collection of records each record contains a set of attributes, one of the attributes is the target variable. Regression is use other attributes to fit the target variable.
    • useful scenarios:
      • predict a number/discrete data.
      • predicting ice-creams consumption from temperature
      • predict activity level of a target gene
    • Similar to classification, but for continuous variables
    • Given a collection of records (training set)
      • Each record contain a set of attributes, one of target variable
    • Learn predictive model from data

-understand the use of accuracy as a metric for measuring the performance of a classification method. Understand how TP,TN,FP and FN are used in the accuracy calculation. The formula for accuracy will be provided on the exam

  • Appreciate the benefits and limitations of accuracy as a performance metric for classification
    • suppose there are 2 classes 0 and 1, with 9990 and 10 instances each
    • can be misleading if all test cases are predicted as class 0
  • Metrics for performance evaluation
    • TP: should say yes, and we said yes.
    • FN: should say yes, but we said no.
    • FP: should say no, but we said yes.
    • TN: should say no, and we said no.
    • First letter represent the result we get is right(T) or wrong(F), the second letter represent how right or wrong we are.
    • Accuracy formula is on the formula sheet
    • The accuracy may misleading at here, it may not detect any other value in a dataset but still get very high accuracy. Therefore, we need other concept here, for example, recall rate might be useful.
  • Divide training data into
    • Training set
    • Test set
  • Learn decision tree using the training set
  • Evaluate performance of decision tree on the test set
  • Can be summarized in a Confusion Matrix (contingency table)
    • Actual class
    • Predicted class


  • For an accurate decision tree classifier -> minimise:
    • False positives
    • False negatives
  • Limitations of accuracy
    • E.g. a 2-class problem:
      • Number of class 0 = 9990
      • Number of class 1 = 10
    • If model predicts everything to be class 0
      • Accuracy = 9990/10000 = 99.9%
      • Accuracy is misleading as model does not detect any class 1 example

-understand the operation and rationale of the k nearest neighbor algorithm for classification

  • Requires
    • Set of stored records
    • Distance Metric to compute distance between records
    • Value of k -> number of nearest neighbours to retrieve
  • To classify an unknown record:
    1. Compute distance to other training records
      • Euclidean distance
      • Pearson coefficient
    2. Identify k nearest neighbours
      • data points that have the k smallest distance
    3. Use class labels of nearest neighbours to determine the class label of unknown record
      • Take the majority vote of class labels among k-nearst neighbours
      • OR weight the vote according to distance
        • Weight factor w =
    4. Choosing the value of k
      • Too small -> sensitive to noise points
      • Too large -> neighbourhood may include points from other classes
  • K-nearest neighbors(K-NN / KNN)
    • k-nearest neighbors of a record x are data points that have the k smallest distance to x
    • process
      • compute the distance to other training records
      • identify k nearest neighbors
      • use class labels of nearest neighbors to determine the class label of unknown record
    • Advantage
      • easier to calculate than decision tree
    • can handle datasets with complex structure
    • Disadvantages
      • hard to determine the size of k
        • if k is too small, sensitive to noise points
        • if k is too large, neighborhood may include points from other classes
    • Classification may be slow for large datasets
    • Need to store training data in order to make the prediction

-understand the operation and rationale of the decision tree algorithm for classification

  • A flow-chart-like tree structure
    • Internal node = denotes a test on an attribute
    • Branch = an outcome of the test
    • Leaf nodes = class labels / class distribution
  • Advantage:
    • Easy to interpret
    • Relatively efficient to construct
    • Fast for making a decision about a test instance
  • Disadvantage:
    • Sometimes too simple for data with complex structure
    • For complex datasets, the tree might grow very big & not easy to understand
    • May behave strangely for some types of features (e.g. student ID)
  • Decision Tree
    • How to specify test condition
      • Depends on attribute types
        • nominal (e.g. family, sports, luxury for car)
        • ordinal (e.g.small, large, medium for size)
        • continuous (e.g. ranged data)
      • Depends on number of ways to split
        • 2-way split
        • Multi-way split
    • Splitting Based on nominal attributes
      • Multi-way split: use many partitions as distinct values
      • Binary split: divides values into two subsets. Need to find optimal partitioning.
      • how good is a splits
        • the impurity of parent node(before splitting) - the sum of the impurity of its children nodes, notice that each child node need to scale by a parameter, which is (number of data points in this child node) / (number of data points in parent node).
        • the results called gain, the large the gain the better split this is.
  • Create the decision tree
    • Step 1: Calculate information gain [Left Child], [Right Child] for each feature
  • Step 2: Choose feature + split with the highest information gain & use this as the root node and its split
  • Step 3: Do recursively, terminating when a node consists of only Cheat = No / Cheat = Yes

-Understand how a decision tree may be used to make predictions about the class of a test instance

  • Hunt’s algorithm
    • Dt = set of training records that reach a node t
      • If Dt contains records that belong the same class yt, then t is a leaf node labelled as yt
      • If Dt is an empty set, then t is a leaf node labelled by the default class yd
      • If Dt contains records that belong to more than one class, use an attribute test to split the data into smaller subsets. Recursively apply the procedure to each subset.

-Understand the key steps in building a decision tree. How to split the instances, how to specify the attribute test condition, how to determine the best split and how to decide when to stop splitting

  • Specify test condition
    • Depends on attribute types
      • Nominal
      • Ordinal
      • Continuous
    • Depends on number of ways to split
      • 2-way split
      • Multi-way split




2-way split

Divides values into two subsets Need to find optimal partitioning

Divides values into two subsets Need to find optimal partitioning

Binary decision: (A <v) or (A>= v) Consider all possible splits & finds the best cut Can be more compute intensive

Multi-way split

Use as many partitions as distinct values

Use as many partitions as distinct values

Discretization to form an ordinal categorical attribute Static: discretise once at the beginning Dynamic: ranges can be found by equal interval / equal frequency / clustering

Binary decision:

(A <v) or (A>= v)

  • Consider all possible splits & finds the best cut
  • Can be more compute intensive

Multi-way split

  • Use as many partitions as distinct values
  • Use as many partitions as distinct values

Discretization to form an ordinal categorical attribute

  • Static: discretise once at the beginning
  • Dynamic: ranges can be found by equal interval / equal frequency / clustering

  • Determine best split
    • Nodes with homogeneous class distribution are preferred
  • Entropy: measure of node impurity
    • Low entropy = low uncertainty & high purity
    • High entropy = high uncertainty & low purity
    • Measures homogeneity of a node
      • Maximum -> records are equally distributed among all classes
      • Minimum -> all records belong to one class
  • How good is a split?
    • Compare the entropy of parent node (before splitting)
    • Compare the entropy of children nodes (after splitting)
    • Information gain =
  • H(vj) = impurity measure of node vj
  • j = children node index
  • N(vj) = number of data points in child node vj
  • N = number of data points in parent node
  • The information gain = mutual information between the class feature & feature being split on
  • Splitting using the information gain = to choose the feature with highest information shared with the class variable
  • Compute the gain of all splits & choose the largest gain


  • When to stop
    • If Dt contains records that belong the same class yt, then t is a leaf node labeled as yt
    • If Dt is an empty set, then t is a leaf node labeled by the default class, yd

-understand the advantages and disadvantages of using k nearest neighbor or decision tree for classification and the reasons for these advantages and disadvantages

  • KNN-Classification
    • Advantage:
      • The cost of the learning process is zero
      • No assumptions about the characteristics of the concepts to learn have to be done
      • Complex concepts can be learned by local approximation using simple procedures
    • Disadvantages:
      • Outlier sensitivity: K-NN algorithm is very sensitive to outliers as it simply chose the neighbors based on distance criteria.
      • Missing Value treatment: K-NN inherently has no capability of dealing with missing value problem.
      • KNN slow algorithm: K-NN might be very easy to implement but as dataset grows efficiency or speed of algorithm declines very fast.
      • Curse of Dimensionality: KNN works well with small number of input variables but as the numbers of variables grow K-NN algorithm struggles to predict the output of new data point.
      • K-NN needs homogeneous features: If you decide to build k-NN using a common distance, like Euclidean or Manhattan distances, it is completely necessary that features have the same scale, since absolute differences in features weight the same, i.e., a given distance in feature 1 must means the same for feature 2.
      • Optimal number of neighbors: One of the biggest issues with K-NN is to choose the optimal number of neighbors to be consider while classifying the new data entry.
      • Imbalanced data causes problems: k-NN doesn’t perform well on imbalanced data. If we consider two classes, A and B, and the majority of the training data is labeled as A, then the model will ultimately give a lot of preference to A. This might result in getting the less common class B wrongly classified.
  • Decision Tree Classification
    • Advantage:
      1. Decision Trees are easy to explain. It results in a set of rules.
      2. It follows the same approach as humans generally follow while making decisions.
      3. Interpretation of a complex Decision Tree model can be simplified by its visualizations. Even a naive person can understand logic.
      4. The Number of hyper-parameters to be tuned is almost null.
    • Disadvantages:
      1. There is a high probability of overfitting in Decision Tree.
      2. Generally, it gives low prediction accuracy for a dataset as compared to other machine learning algorithms.
      3. Information gain in a decision tree with categorical variables gives a biased response for attributes with greater no. of categories.
      4. Calculations can become complex when there are many class labels.

-understand the use of entropy as a node impurity measure for decision tree node splitting. Understand the benefits of entropy for this task and why it is effective for assessing the goodness of a split

  • Entropy
    • We have seen entropy in the feature correlation section, where it was used to measure the amount of uncertainty in an outcome
    • Entropy can also be viewed as an impurity measure
    • The set {A,B,C,A,A,A,A,A} has low entropy: low uncertainty and high purity
    • The set {A,B,C,D,B,E,A,F} has high entropy: high uncertainty and low purity

-appreciate why it is necessary to separate the dataset into training and testing in order to fairly evaluate the performance of a classifier

  • Why we need to split the dataset into training set and test set
    • Learn decision tree using training set and evaluate performance on the test set. This gives unbiased evaluation.

-appreciate that when distribution of testing data is quite different from distribition of training data, accuracy of classifier may be degraded

-appreciate the benefits and limitations of accuracy as a performance metric for classification

  • Limitations of accuracy
    • E.g. a 2-class problem:
      • Number of class 0 = 9990
      • Number of class 1 = 10
    • If model predicts everything to be class 0
      • Accuracy = 9990/10000 = 99.9%
      • Accuracy is misleading as model does not detect any class 1 example


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