2024-11-14 01:00 -- 02:00
Scott Hunter, Paul Yuknewicz
Learn how to run cloud-native serverless and container applications in Azure using Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Container Apps. We help you choose the right service for your apps. We show you how Azure is the best platform for hosting cloud native and intelligent apps, and an app using Azure OpenAI Service and Azure Data. Learn all the new capabilities of our container platforms including how to deploy, test for scale, monitor, and much more.
了解如何使用 Azure Kubernetes 服务和 Azure 容器应用在 Azure 中运行云原生无服务器和容器应用程序。我们帮助您为您的应用程序选择合适的服务。我们将向你展示 Azure 如何成为托管云原生和智能应用的最佳平台,以及使用 Azure OpenAI 服务和 Azure Data 的应用。了解我们的容器平台的所有新功能,包括如何部署、扩展测试、监控等。
2024-11-14 02:00 -- 02:30
Safia Abdalla, Matthew Henderson
Azure Functions is an event-driven serverless platform that makes it easy to build scalable and low-maintenance services in the cloud. .NET Aspire is .NET's modern framework for developing modern applications with a great developer loop. What happens you bring the two together? Pure magic! In this session, we'll go from zero to hero and build a .NET Aspire-enabled Azure Functions application together then deploy it to the cloud. Along the way, we'll learn about the new features in .NET Aspire and Azure Functions that make the development and deployment experience a total breeze.
Azure Functions 是一个事件驱动的无服务器平台,可以轻松地在云中构建可缩放且维护成本低的服务。.NET Aspire 是 .NET 的现代框架,用于开发具有出色开发人员循环的现代应用程序。你怎么把这两者放在一起?纯粹的魔法!在本次会议中,我们将从零开始,共同构建支持 .NET Aspire 的 Azure Functions 应用程序,然后将其部署到云中。在此过程中,我们将了解 .NET Aspire 和 Azure Functions 中的新功能,这些功能使开发和部署体验变得轻而易举。
2024-11-14 02:30 -- 03:00
David Fowler
.NET Aspire is a powerful collection of tools and packages that help you develop cloud apps without all the confusion and overhead that comes with it. .NET Aspire shipped in May, and just had it's first major release since! Join David Fowler for a deep dive into the vision for Aspire and a look at the roadmap for the next few releases.
.NET Aspire 是一个功能强大的工具和包集合,可帮助您开发云应用程序,而不会带来所有混乱和开销。.NET Aspire 于 5 月发布,并且刚刚发布了此后的第一个主要版本!与 David Fowler 一起深入探讨 Aspire 的愿景,并查看接下来几个版本的路线图。
2024-11-14 03:00 -- 03:30
Marc Gravell
2024-11-14 03:30 -- 04:00
Julia Kasper, Martyn Coupland
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, managing and governing APIs effectively is crucial for organizational success. Join us for an insightful session tailored specifically for .NET developers, where we will explore the latest features and best practices for leveraging Azure API Center to its fullest potential.
Discover how Azure API Center enables you to centralize your API inventory, ensuring seamless discovery, tracking, and governance across your organization. Learn how to develop and maintain a structured and organized inventory of your APIs, regardless of their type, lifecycle stage, or deployment location.
在当今快速发展的数字环境中,有效地管理和治理 API 对于组织的成功至关重要。加入我们,参加专为 .NET 开发人员量身定制的富有洞察力的会议,我们将在其中探索充分利用 Azure API 中心的最新功能和最佳做法。
了解 Azure API 中心如何使你能够集中 API 清单,确保在整个组织中无缝发现、跟踪和治理。了解如何开发和维护结构化和有序的 API 清单,无论其类型、生命周期阶段或部署位置如何。
2024-11-14 04:00 -- 04:30
Wendy Breiding (She/Her), Leslie Richardson
Love VS Code? Working on Mac, Windows, or Linux? We'll show you how to get the most out of C# Dev Kit to be the most productive doing C# development in VS Code.
喜欢 VS Code?在 Mac、Windows 或 Linux 上工作?我们将向您展示如何充分利用 C# 开发工具包,以最高效地在 VS Code 中进行 C# 开发。
2024-11-14 04:30 -- 05:00
Bill Wagner
Take a look at some great C# features that can make your code more resilient and easier to understand. This talk will help you improve the code your team writes right away because all of these features are available in C# 12, with many available in lower versions. You'll leave knowing not only what makes better code but why.
了解一些出色的 C# 功能,这些功能可以使您的代码更具弹性且更易于理解。本次演讲将帮助您立即改进团队编写的代码,因为所有这些功能在 C# 12 中都可用,其中许多功能在较低版本中可用。您不仅会知道什么造就了更好的代码,而且知道为什么。
2024-11-14 05:00 -- 05:30
Angelos Petropoulos
Join us for an in-depth exploration of openai-dotnet, the .NET client library for OpenAI. In this session, we'll walk you through the key features and capabilities of the library, demonstrate how to integrate it into your .NET applications, and showcase real-world examples. Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to AI, you'll leave with the knowledge and tools to harness the power of OpenAI in your .NET projects. Don't miss this opportunity to get ahead of the curve and start building intelligent applications today!
加入我们,深入了解 openai-dotnet(OpenAI 的 .NET 客户端库)。在本次会议中,我们将引导您了解该库的主要特性和功能,演示如何将其集成到 .NET 应用程序中,并展示实际示例。无论您是经验丰富的开发人员还是 AI 新手,您都将获得在 .NET 项目中利用 OpenAI 的知识和工具。不要错过这个机会,抢占先机,立即开始构建智能应用程序!
2024-11-14 05:30 -- 06:00
Luis Quintanilla, Tanner Gooding, Tarek Sayed
In this presentation, we will explore the core principles and foundational elements of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the .NET ecosystem. This session will delve into the essential AI building blocks, including Tensors and Tokenizers, and demonstrate how these components are integrated and optimized within .NET. We will also highlight how these AI fundamentals build on top of existing investments in the .NET ecosystem, such as Span and Generic Math, to enhance performance and efficiency. Attendees will gain insights into the investments being made at the lower levels of the stack to ensure robust and efficient AI applications. Join us to discover how .NET is empowering developers to build intelligent solutions from the ground up, laying a strong foundation for future innovations.
在本演示文稿中,我们将探讨 .NET 生态系统中人工智能 (AI) 的核心原则和基本要素。本次会议将深入探讨基本的 AI 构建块,包括 Tensor 和 Tokenizers,并演示如何在 .NET 中集成和优化这些组件。我们还将重点介绍这些 AI 基础知识如何建立在 .NET 生态系统中的现有投资(如 Span 和 Generic Math)之上,以提高性能和效率。与会者将深入了解在堆栈的较低级别进行的投资,以确保 AI 应用程序强大而高效。加入我们,了解 .NET 如何使开发人员能够从头开始构建智能解决方案,为未来的创新奠定坚实的基础。
2024-11-14 06:00 -- 06:30
Jordan Matthiesen
As the field of artificial intelligence continues to grow and evolve, the number of available AI models is rapidly expanding. With models like Phi, Mistral, and many others, concepts like small local models and foundational models, it can be overwhelming to navigate this complex landscape. This talk will explore how frameworks like Semantic Kernel and tools like Ollama make it easy to work with these models inside your .NET applications. Learn how to harness the power of the latest AI models to build intelligent, cutting-edge applications with ease. Join us on quick dive into the world of .NET and AI models!
随着人工智能领域的不断发展,可用的 AI 模型数量正在迅速增加。对于 Phi、Mistral 等模型,以及小型本地模型和基础模型等概念,驾驭这种复杂的环境可能会让人不知所措。本次演讲将探讨 Semantic Kernel 等框架和 Ollama 等工具如何让您在 .NET 应用程序中轻松使用这些模型。了解如何利用最新 AI 模型的强大功能轻松构建智能、尖端的应用程序。加入我们,快速深入了解 .NET 和 AI 模型的世界!
2024-11-14 06:30 -- 07:00
Jonathan Peppers
Jon will walk through the latest features in .NET 9 to make your iOS and Android apps smaller and faster. Can you use System.Reflection? It depends! Jon will walk through the details in making your code NativeAOT and fully-trim compatible, showing the improvements to app size and startup time. This session will also be useful for NuGet package authors that want to ship libraries that can be fully optimized for mobile or self-contained deployments.
Jon 将介绍 .NET 9 中的最新功能,以使您的 iOS 和 Android 应用程序更小、更快。您可以使用 System.Reflection 吗?这要看情况!Jon 将详细介绍如何使代码 NativeAOT 和 trim 完全兼容,并展示对应用程序大小和启动时间的改进。对于希望提供可针对移动或独立部署进行全面优化的库的 NuGet 包作者,此会话也非常有用。
2024-11-14 07:00 -- 07:30
Michael Hawker, Michael Jolley
Companies are building apps used by millions of users on Windows Desktop with WinUI and Windows App SDK. Are you missing out? Come here and find out! This session will cover the latest features released in WinUI and the Windows App SDK, its integration with .NET and Native AOT, how you can get started using these technologies in your Win32 applications, and a look ahead!
公司正在使用 WinUI 和 Windows App SDK 构建数百万用户在 Windows 桌面上使用的应用程序。您是否错过了?快来这里了解一下吧!本次会议将介绍 WinUI 和 Windows 应用程序 SDK 中发布的最新功能、它与 .NET 和本机 AOT 的集成、如何开始在 Win32 应用程序中使用这些技术,以及展望未来!
2024-11-14 07:30 -- 08:00
Catherine Wang, Matt Soucoup
Does your web application experience performance bottlenecks caused by repeated data queries? Does it feel annoying having to write so much boilerplate code to use Redis for caching? We are introducing the .NET 9 Hybrid Cache interface that simplifies caching with Redis down to a single line of code! Furthermore, you can simply extend your existing application to become intelligent with Redis being a vector datastore and semantic cache, while preserving all the performance benefits. Samples and demos will be provided to showcase the Redis capabilities and best practices.
您的 Web 应用程序是否遇到重复数据查询导致的性能瓶颈?必须编写这么多样板代码才能使用 Redis 进行缓存,这感觉很烦人吗?我们推出了 .NET 9 混合缓存接口,该接口可将 Redis 的缓存简化为一行代码!此外,您只需扩展现有应用程序即可实现智能,Redis 是矢量数据存储和语义缓存,同时保留所有性能优势。将提供示例和演示来展示 Redis 功能和最佳实践。
2024-11-14 08:00 -- 08:30
Merrie McGaw, Klaus Loeffelman
Join us as we look at the new features coming your way in WinForms for .NET 9. Check out some awesome ideas for incorporating Copilot into your applications as well as modern UI updates.
加入我们,看看 WinForms for .NET 9 中即将推出的新功能。查看一些将 Copilot 整合到您的应用程序中的绝妙想法以及现代 UI 更新。
2024-11-14 08:30 -- 09:00
Aaron Powell, David Pine
One of the core parts of .NET Aspire is the ability to add integrations into your app host or project code to streamline your resource setup and development. The .NET Aspire team has built a bunch of integrations, but if there's something else you need, you can build it yourself! Join some folks from the .NET Aspire team to learn how integrations work, how to build one, and how you could even contribute to the new .NET Aspire Community Toolkit.
.NET Aspire 的核心部分之一是能够将集成添加到您的应用程序主机或项目代码中,以简化您的资源设置和开发。.NET Aspire 团队已经构建了一系列集成,但如果你还需要其他东西,你可以自己构建它!加入 .NET Aspire 团队的一些人员,了解集成的工作原理、如何构建集成,以及您如何为新的 .NET Aspire 社区工具包做出贡献。