该数据集包含全球生态系统动力学调查(GEDI)第 4A 级(L4A)第 2 版对地上生物量密度(AGBD,单位为兆克/公顷)的预测,以及对每个采样地理定位激光足迹内预测标准误差的估算。在该版本中,颗粒位于子轨道中。模拟波形的高度指标与多个地区和植物功能类型(PFTs)的 AGBD 实地估算值相关联,并对其进行了汇编,以生成一个校准数据集,用于代表世界各地区和植物功能类型组合的模型(即:落叶阔叶树、常绿乔木、常绿灌木、常绿灌木、落叶阔叶树)、针对南美洲的常绿阔叶树,对 GEDI02_A 第 2 版使用的分组选择算法进行了修改,以减少因选择地面高度以上的波形模式作为最低模式而产生的假阳性误差。前言 – 人工智能教程 LARSE/GEDI/GEDI04_A_002_MONTHLY 是原始 GEDI04_A 产品的栅格版本。栅格图像是相应月份各个轨道的月度合成图像。
全球生态系统动态调查 GEDI 任务旨在确定生态系统结构和动态的特征,以便从根本上改进对地球碳循环和生物多样性的量化和了解。GEDI 仪器安装在国际空间站(ISS)上,在北纬 51.6 度和南纬 51.6 度之间收集全球数据,对地球的三维结构进行分辨率最高、密度最大的采样。GEDI 仪器由三个激光器组成,共产生八个光束地面横断面,沿轨道大约每隔 60 米瞬时采样八个约 25 米的脚印。
2019-03-25T00:00:00 -
Rasterization: Google and USFS Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing in Ecology (LARSE) NASA GEDI mission, accessed through the USGS LP DAAC
25 meters
Name | Description | Units |
agbd | Predicted aboveground biomass density | Mg/ha |
agbd_pi_lower | Lower prediction interval (see "alpha" attribute for the level) | Mg/ha |
agbd_pi_upper | Upper prediction interval (see "alpha" attribute for the level) | Mg/ha |
agbd_se | Aboveground biomass density prediction standard error | Mg/ha |
agbd_t | Model prediction in fit units | |
agbd_t_se | Model prediction standard error in fit units (needed for calculation of custom prediction intervals) | |
algorithm_run_flag | The L4A algorithm is run if this flag is set to 1. This flag selects data that have sufficient waveform fidelity for AGBD estimation. | |
beam | Beam identifier | |
channel | Channel identifier | |
degrade_flag | Flag indicating degraded state of pointing and/or positioning information | |
delta_time | Time since Jan 1 00:00 2018 | seconds |
elev_lowestmode | Elevation of center of lowest mode relative to reference ellipsoid | m |
l2_quality_flag | Flag identifying the most useful L2 data for biomass predictions | |
l4_quality_flag | Flag simplifying selection of most useful biomass predictions | |
lat_lowestmode | Latitude of center of lowest mode | deg |
lon_lowestmode | Longitude of center of lowest mode | deg |
master_frac | Master time, fractional part. master_int+master_frac is equivalent to /BEAMXXXX/delta_time | seconds |
master_int | Master time, integer part. Seconds since master_time_epoch. master_int+master_frac is equivalent to /BEAMXXXX/delta_time', | seconds |
predict_stratum | Prediction stratum identifier. Character ID of the prediction stratum name for the 1 km cell | |
predictor_limit_flag | Predictor value is outside the bounds of the training data (0=in bounds; 1=lower bound; 2=upper bound) | |
response_limit_flag | Prediction value is outside the bounds of the training data (0=in bounds; 1=lower bound; 2=upper bound) | |
selected_algorithm | Selected algorithm setting group | |
selected_mode | ID of mode selected as lowest non-noise mode | |
selected_mode_flag | Flag indicating status of selected_mode | |
sensitivity | Beam sensitivity. Maximum canopy cover that can be penetrated considering the SNR of the waveform | |
solar_elevation | Solar elevation angle | deg |
surface_flag | Indicates elev_lowestmode is within 300m of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) or Mean Sea Surface (MSS) elevation | |
shot_number | Shot number, a unique identifier. This field has the format of OOOOOBBRRGNNNNNNNN, where: * OOOOO: Orbit number * BB: Beam number * RR: Reserved for future use * G: Sub-orbit granule number * NNNNNNNN: Shot index | |
shot_number_within_beam | Shot number within beam | |
agbd_aN | Above ground biomass density; Geolocation latitude lowestmode | Mg/ha |
agbd_pi_lower_aN | Above ground biomass density lower prediction interval | Mg/ha |
agbd_pi_upper_aN | Above ground biomass density upper prediction interval | Mg/ha |
agbd_se_aN | Aboveground biomass density prediction standard error | Mg/ha |
agbd_t_aN | Aboveground biomass density model prediction in transform space | Mg/ha |
agbd_t_pi_lower_aN | Lower prediction interval in transform space | Mg/ha |
agbd_t_pi_upper_aN | Upper prediction interval in transform space | Mg/ha |
agbd_t_se_aN | Model prediction standard error in fit units | |
algorithm_run_flag_aN | Algorithm run flag-this algorithm is run if this flag is set to 1. This flag selects data that have sufficient waveform fidelity for AGBD estimation | |
l2_quality_flag_aN | Flag identifying the most useful L2 data for biomass predictions' | |
l4_quality_flag_aN | Flag simplifying selection of most useful biomass predictions | |
predictor_limit_flag_aN | Predictor value is outside the bounds of the training data | |
response_limit_flag_aN | Prediction value is outside the bounds of the training data | |
selected_mode_aN | ID of mode selected as lowest non-noise mode | |
selected_mode_flag_aN | Flag indicating status of selected mode | |
elev_lowestmode_aN | Elevation of center of lowest mode relative to the reference ellipsoid | m |
lat_lowestmode_aN | Latitude of center of lowest mode | deg |
lon_lowestmode_aN | Longitude of center of lowest mode | deg |
sensitivity_aN | Maximum canopy cover that can be penetrated considering the SNR of the waveform | |
stale_return_flag | Flag from digitizer indicating the real-time pulse detection algorithm did not detect a return signal above its detection threshold within the entire 10 km search window. The pulse location of the previous shot was used to select the telemetered waveform. | |
landsat_treecover | Tree cover in the year 2010, defined as canopy closure for all vegetation taller than 5 m in height (Hansen et al., 2013) and encoded as a percentage per output grid cell. | % |
landsat_water_persistence | The percent UMD GLAD Landsat observations with classified surface water between 2018 and 2019. Values >80 usually represent permanent water while values <10 represent permanent land. | % |
leaf_off_doy | GEDI 1 km EASE 2.0 grid leaf-off start day-of-year derived from the NPP VIIRS Global Land Surface Phenology Product. | |
leaf_off_flag | GEDI 1 km EASE 2.0 grid flag derived from leaf_off_doy, leaf_on_doy, and pft_class, indicating if the observation was recorded during leaf-off conditions in deciduous needleleaf or broadleaf forests and woodlands. 1=leaf-off, 0=leaf-on. | |
leaf_on_cycle | Flag that indicates the vegetation growing cycle for leaf-on observations. Values are 0=leaf-off conditions, 1=cycle 1, 2=cycle 2. | |
leaf_on_doy | GEDI 1 km EASE 2.0 grid leaf-on start day- of-year derived from the NPP VIIRS Global Land Surface Phenology product. | |
pft_class | GEDI 1 km EASE 2.0 grid Plant Functional Type (PFT) derived from the MODIS MCD12Q1v006 product. Values follow the Land Cover Type 5 Classification scheme. | |
region_class | GEDI 1 km EASE 2.0 grid world continental regions (0=Water, 1=Europe, 2=North Asia, 3=Australasia, 4=Africa, 5=South Asia, 6=South America, 7=North America). | |
urban_focal_window_size | The focal window size used to calculate urban_proportion. Values are 3 (3x3 pixel window size) or 5 (5x5 pixel window size). | pixel |
urban_proportion | The percentage proportion of land area within a focal area surrounding each shot that is urban land cover. Urban land cover was derived from the DLR 12 m resolution TanDEM-X Global Urban Footprint Product. |
Product | Description |
L2A Vector | LARSE/GEDI/GEDI02_A_002 |
L2A Monthly raster | LARSE/GEDI/GEDI02_A_002_MONTHLY |
L2A table index | LARSE/GEDI/GEDI02_A_002_INDEX |
L2B Vector | LARSE/GEDI/GEDI02_B_002 |
L2B Monthly raster | LARSE/GEDI/GEDI02_B_002_MONTHLY |
L2B table index | LARSE/GEDI/GEDI02_B_002_INDEX |
L4A Biomass Vector | LARSE/GEDI/GEDI04_A_002 |
L4A Monthly raster | LARSE/GEDI/GEDI04_A_002_MONTHLY |
L4A table index | LARSE/GEDI/GEDI04_A_002_INDEX |
L4B Biomass | LARSE/GEDI/GEDI04_B_002 |
function main () {
// Demo geometry
var geometry = ee.Geometry.Point([-121.90178796259104, 44.68086969733805]);
// Load in the GEDI data
var gedi_agb = ee.ImageCollection("LARSE/GEDI/GEDI04_A_002_MONTHLY")
var gedi_height = ee.ImageCollection("LARSE/GEDI/GEDI02_A_002_MONTHLY")
Map.addLayer(gedi_agb, {}, "GEDI L2A");
Map.addLayer(gedi_height, {}, "GEDI L4A");
Map.centerObject(geometry, 17);
return null;