A set of symbols with which any language can be transcribed. Interactive IPA Chart.
We use a lot more than just our mouth to produce speech
Voice, place, manner
which (voice or voiceless) -> where (at voice tract) -> how strong (constriction level)
The first consonant chart contains symbols for consonants produced with the pulmonic airstream mechanism.
Non-pulmonic consonants includes symbols representing consonants produced with non-pulmonic airstream mechanisms, which include clicks, implosives, and ejectives.
“Other symbols” are symbols for more complex consonants: those produced with more than one articulation and those produced at places of articulation not included in the main chart.
Cardinal vowels, height, advancement, rounding
Cardinal vowels is a set of language-independent vowels.
Origin: Module 1 - Phonetics and Representations of Speech Translate + Edit: YangSier (Homepage)