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Knowles的AISonic™ 白色家电标准解决方案

发布2021-07-08 10:09:34
发布2021-07-08 10:09:34

白色家电设备的语音集成机会在多个方面都面临挑战。楼氏 标准解决方案包括一套强大的音频前端算法,使消费者的声音能够在嘈杂的厨房或杂物间中被听到。楼氏 DSP还可以运行一个边缘ASR,用于本地命令和控制,并减少网络连接延迟。该套件是建立在楼氏 行业领先的AISonic™ 音频边缘处理器IA8201因其远场语音处理的性能而受到认可。 AISonic™ 白色家电标准解决方案套件平衡了可扩展性和灵活性,使其易于集成到各种嵌入式平台。该套件有两种选择,一种是与入门级电器中的嵌入式MCU一起使用,另一种是与带有触摸HUI的AP一起使用。IA8201参考板配有一个软件包,其中包括一个支持与AP上运行RTOS或Android的嵌入式MCU集成的API。该软件包还包括固件发布,以支持任何传感器和来自楼氏 的预集成麦克风,实现最高质量的音频捕获。

Knowles,主要提供先进的MEMS微型麦克风和扬声器(Advanced micro-acoustic microphones and speakers),音频处理,以及精密设备解决方案(precision device solutions)。Knowles于近日发布AISonic 白家电标准解决方案(White Goods Standard Solutions) - 一套全新的和完整的产品开发解决方案,帮助客户客户更快捷和容易的为智能家电(smart appliances)集成语音交互功能。

新的开发套件,帮助OEM和ODM快速的开发支持远场语音识别和语音唤醒和语音控制能力(build voice-activated control and far-field speech recognition capabilities)的智能家电 - 包括冰箱,微波炉和其他烘烤箱,洗衣机和烘干机,吸尘器,扫地机,洗碗机和其他。三星已经在其作为家用电器智能连接中心的FamilyHub中采用Knowles White Goods Standard Solution。

AISonic白家电标准解决方案是一套基于Knowles领先的用于高精度,音频情景感知(contextual audio and sensing)AISonic语音边缘处理器(Audio Edge Processor) IA8201为核心的开发包,包含IA8201参考板(reference board),和一整套用于应用处理器,或MCU,或RF芯片集成的API,以及用于支持传感器,和预先集成的Knowles高质量音频捕捉和高信噪比麦克风的系统firmware。

Knowles白家电标准解决方案支持语音服务操作互通(voice service interoperability),支持多个语音助理(multiple voice assistants),用户可自由选择以安全的方式与语音助理交互,支持广泛的智能家电生态系统(broader ecosystem of smart appliances),带来了极高的产品开发自由度和产品创新。

作为智能家居产品领域中增长最快的一个垂直分类(the fastest growing verticals in the smart home),语音控制能力是非常重要的产品功能。

据SAR Insight报告,预计到2024年在智能家电产品领域,将售出超过66M的语音处理器(voice processor),2019年到2024年的CAGR将超过55%。

Knowles白家电标准解决方案也通过Knowles Open DSP合作伙伴计划,包含了适用于Amazon Alexa Assistant,和其他云端ASR的API的音频前处理算法(algorithms for an Audio Front End)。Knowles的集成伙伴(integration partner) Sensory Inc.,提供语音唤醒引擎,为内存有限(memory constrained)的智能家电带来可通过Amazon认证的唤醒词和远程语音识别能力。

“As the smart home appliance market matures and continues to expand, support for voice interfaces is expected to become a highly requested feature that consumers look for in new appliances,” said Vikram Shrivastava, senior director, IoT Marketing at Knowles. “The ability to ask your refrigerator to read aloud your grocery inventory, play a recipe video while cooking, or ask your oven to pre-heat while you prepare dinner, all contribute to the user experience but often, OEMs and ODMs face reduced power and memory constraints when adding voice capabilities. These constraints can have an impact on usability – the AISonic Audio Edge Processor removes this friction by providing high performance in a small size, with high efficiency, privacy and compute power enabling customers to design modern products with far-field voice processing functionality for accurate listening. We also have an ecosystem of hardware system integrators that have developed modules to integrate with legacy appliance control boards.”

“The smart home and appliance market continues to be a major opportunity, but it has also become highly-competitive – support for voice can be a major product differentiator,” said Joe Murphy, VP of Marketing, Sensory Inc. “Working with Knowles, we are excited to provide Sensory’s VoiceHub and TrulyHandsfree™ wake word engine for OEMs and ODMs to develop and deploy voice support for new smart appliance applications that perform efficiently and provide the best user experience.”

关于Knowles智能家电标准解决方案请参考以下内容 --

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2021-06-09,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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