LOCK# -> NEXT Instruction
The LOCK # signal is asserted during execution of the instruction following the lock prefix. This signal can be used in a multiprocessor system to ensure exclusive use of shared memory while LOCK # is asserted. The bts instruction is the read-modify-write sequence used to implement test-and-run.
The lock prefix works only with the instructions listed here. If a lock prefix is used with any other instructions, an undefined opcode trap is generated.
bt, bts, btr, btc | m, r/imm |
xchg | r, m |
xchg | m, r |
add, or, adc, sbb, and, sub, xor | m, r/imm |
not, neg, inc, dec | m |
Memory field alignment does not affect the integrity of lock.
If a different 80386 processor is concurrently executing an instruction that has a characteristic listed here, locked access is not guaranteed. The previous instruction: