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dotnetconf 2024 Agenda Day 1

发布2025-01-23 20:57:56
发布2025-01-23 20:57:56

Keynote - Welcome to .NET 9

2024-11-13 00:00 -- 01:00

James Montemagno, Damian Edwards, Maddy Montaquila, Maria Naggaga, Steve Sanderson, Safia Abdalla, Daniel Roth, David Ortinau, Filisha Shah

.NET 9 is here elevating cloud-native and intelligent app development, focusing on productivity enhancements, streamlined deployments, and accelerated AI integration, ensuring superior performance for developers across various applications.

.NET 9 提升了云原生和智能应用程序开发,专注于提高生产力、简化部署和加速 AI 集成,确保开发人员在各种应用程序中获得卓越的性能。

What's new in .NET Aspire

2024-11-13 01:00 -- 01:45

Maddy Montaquila, Damian Edwards

.NET Aspire 9.0 is packed with new features to streamline your app development. New dashboard updates, custom commands, more powerful container start/stop/lifecycle management, new Integrations, and preview support for Azure Functions are packed into this release. Join .NET Product Managers Damian Edwards and Maddy Montaquila to find out why you should be using .NET Aspire in all your apps, and how .NET 9 will make them even better!

.NET Aspire 9.0 包含新功能,可简化您的应用程序开发。此版本包含新的仪表板更新、自定义命令、更强大的容器启动/停止/生命周期管理、新的集成以及对 Azure Functions 的预览支持。加入 .NET 产品经理 Damian Edwards 和 Maddy Montaquila,了解为什么应该在所有应用程序中使用 .NET Aspire,以及 .NET 9 如何使它们变得更好!

AI Building Blocks - A new, unified AI layer

2024-11-13 01:45 -- 02:30

Steve Sanderson

Most .NET apps can be made more powerful and productive through AI features, such as semantic search, auto-classification, summarization, translation, data extraction, and even chat-based assistants. But until now there's been no single standard representation for AI concepts within .NET itself, so developers needed to combine many unrelated APIs.

Microsoft.Extensions.AI addresses this by providing a new set of standard APIs for AI services, including large language models (LLMs) running locally on your workstation or as hosted services, integrating with text embeddings, vector stores, and more.

In this talk we'll demonstrate how these new standard abstractions let you combine multiple services that can easily be swapped and changed over time, and how you can plug into the internals for more advanced scenarios. By the end you'll be ready to start experimenting with new AI features in your own apps.

大多数 .NET 应用程序都可以通过 AI 功能变得更加强大和高效,例如语义搜索、自动分类、摘要、翻译、数据提取,甚至是基于聊天的助手。但到目前为止,.NET 本身中没有 AI 概念的单一标准表示,因此开发人员需要组合许多不相关的 API。

Microsoft.Extensions.AI 通过为 AI 服务提供一组新的标准 API 来解决这个问题,包括在您的工作站上本地运行或作为托管服务运行的大型语言模型 (LLM),以及与文本嵌入、矢量存储等集成。

在本次演讲中,我们将演示这些新的标准抽象如何让您组合多个服务,这些服务可以很容易地随着时间的推移而交换和更改,以及如何插入内部结构以实现更高级的场景。最后,您就可以开始在自己的应用程序中尝试新的 AI 功能了。

What's new in C# 13

2024-11-13 02:30 -- 03:15

Mads Torgersen, Dustin Campbell

Join Mads and Dustin from the C# design team as they take you through new features in C# 13 and beyond.

加入 C# 设计团队的 Mads 和 Dustin,他们将带您了解 C# 13 及更高版本中的新功能。

What's New for ASP.NET Core & Blazor in .NET 9

2024-11-13 03:15 -- 04:00

Daniel Roth

In this session we'll go over all the improvements coming to ASP.NET Core & Blazor in .NET 9, including various performance improvements, optimized static web asset handling, improved Blazor reconnection logic, built-in OpenAPI support, improved distributed caching, and much more!

在本次会议中,我们将介绍 ASP.NET Core和Blazor在.NET 9中的所有改进,包括各种性能改进、优化的静态网页资产处理、改进的Blazor重新连接逻辑、内置的OpenAPI支持、改进的分布式缓存等等!

What's New in .NET MAUI in .NET 9

2024-11-13 04:00 -- 04:45

David Ortinau, Rachel Kang (SHE/HER)

More and more companies are building mobile and desktop apps with .NET MAUI, and .NET 9 is now here to continue improving those business-critical app experiences. In this session we’ll introduce you to what’s new in .NET 9, how companies are being successful shipping production quality applications with .NET MAUI, and how you can get the most out of Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.

越来越多的公司正在使用 .NET MAUI 构建移动和桌面应用程序,而 .NET 9 现在可用于继续改进这些业务关键型应用程序体验。在本次会议中,我们将向你介绍 .NET 9 中的新增功能、公司如何使用 .NET MAUI 成功交付生产质量的应用程序,以及如何充分利用 Visual Studio 和 Visual Studio Code。

What's new in the .NET Runtime, Libraries, & SDK

2024-11-13 04:45 -- 05:30

Richard Lander, Immo Landwerth

Find out about some of the exciting features .NET 9 is bringing to the runtime, libraries, and SDK! The runtime includes dynamic adaptation to application sizes for garbage collection, new attribute models for feature switches, and numerous performance enhancements. The libraries see updates like nullable reference type annotations in System.Text.Json, new LINQ methods (CountBy and AggregateBy), and a new Base64Url class for URL-safe encoding. The SDK introduces workload sets, improved unit testing integration, and enhanced NuGet security audits. Come join us to learn about .NET features you can start using today in your .NET 9 applications!

了解 .NET 9 为运行时、库和 SDK 带来的一些令人兴奋的功能!运行时包括对应用程序大小的动态适应以进行垃圾回收、功能切换的新属性模型以及许多性能增强。这些库看到了更新,例如 System.Text.Json 中的可为 null 引用类型注释、新的 LINQ 方法(CountBy 和 AggregateBy)以及用于 URL 安全编码的新 Base64Url 类。SDK 引入了工作负载集、改进的单元测试集成和增强的 NuGet 安全审核。快来加入我们,了解您今天可以在 .NET 9 应用程序中开始使用的 .NET 功能!

Performance Improvements in .NET 9

2024-11-13 05:30 -- 06:15

Stephen Toub

.NET 9 is the fastest .NET to date, with a huge number of performance improvements throughout the stack. In this session, we'll take a tour through some of these optimizations and see how .NET 9 will make your applications and services fly.

.NET 9 是迄今为止最快的 .NET,在整个堆栈中具有大量性能改进。在本次会议中,我们将介绍其中一些优化,并了解 .NET 9 如何使您的应用程序和服务蓬勃发展。

Building AI Applications from Scratch: A Hands-On Guide for .NET Developers

2024-11-13 06:15 -- 06:45

Luis Quintanilla

In this session, we'll guide you through the process of developing AI applications using .NET, Aspire, and Azure. Through live demonstrations, we’ll start by constructing a prototype AI application, showcasing how the same codebase and concepts can be adapted across different platforms. We’ll then explore how to scale this prototype into a robust enterprise AI solution using .NET Aspire, and demonstrate how .NET Aspire can be used to monitor your AI applications effectively. Lastly, we’ll walk you through the deployment process, highlighting how you can achieve comprehensive observability and production capabilities in the cloud. Join us for this hands-on session and learn how to transform your ideas into intelligent solutions.

在本次会议中,我们将指导您完成使用 .NET、Aspire 和 Azure 开发 AI 应用程序的过程。通过现场演示,我们将首先构建一个原型 AI 应用程序,展示如何在不同平台上调整相同的代码库和概念。然后,我们将探讨如何使用 .NET Aspire 将此原型扩展为强大的企业 AI 解决方案,并演示如何使用 .NET Aspire 来有效地监控您的 AI 应用程序。最后,我们将引导您完成部署过程,重点介绍如何在云中实现全面的可观测性和生产能力。加入我们,参加此实践会议,了解如何将您的想法转化为智能解决方案。

API-ly Ever After: OpenAPI in .NET 9

2024-11-13 06:45 -- 07:15

Safia Abdalla, Mike Kistler

In .NET 9, ASP.NET Core ships with built-in support for generating OpenAPI documents from minimal and controller-based APIs. In this session, we'll cover the key features of this new support, explore integration scenarios for OpenAPI, and discuss how your team can make the most of OpenAPI.

在 .NET 9 中,ASP.NET Core 附带了对从最小 API 和基于控制器的 API 生成 OpenAPI 文档的内置支持。在本次会议中,我们将介绍这项新支持的主要功能,探索 OpenAPI 的集成场景,并讨论您的团队如何充分利用 OpenAPI。

Build hybrid apps with .NET MAUI

2024-11-13 07:15 -- 07:45

Beth Massi, Eilon Lipton

In this session learn why you would choose a hybrid web approach to building native apps with .NET MAUI in .NET 9. Learn about Blazor hybrid and how you can build full-featured native apps for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android within a single codebase that can take advantage of your web skills. Take a tour of the new Blazor hybrid tools and templates in .NET 9 and see how you can reuse UI to build solutions that target the web at the same time. We'll also take a look at the new HybridWebView control and show how you can leverage other web frameworks in .NET MAUI.

在本次会议中,了解为什么你会选择混合 Web 方法来使用 .NET 9 中的 .NET MAUI 构建本机应用。了解 Blazor 混合,以及如何在单个代码库中构建适用于 Windows、Mac、iOS 和 Android 的功能齐全的本机应用,从而利用您的 Web 技能。浏览 .NET 9 中的新 Blazor 混合工具和模板,了解如何重复使用 UI 来构建同时面向 Web 的解决方案。我们还将介绍新的 HybridWebView 控件,并展示如何利用 .NET MAUI 中的其他 Web 框架。

What's new in Visual Studio 2022 for .NET developers

2024-11-13 07:45 -- 08:15

Simona Liao, Junyu Wang

Introducing exciting new features in Visual Studio 2022 for .NET developers with demos

通过演示为 .NET 开发人员在 Visual Studio 2022 中引入令人兴奋的新功能

Discover the Latest GitHub Copilot Features for .NET Developers in Visual Studio

2024-11-13 08:15 -- 08:45

Rhea Patel

Since its launch in 2021, GitHub Copilot has transformed the way developers write code by leveraging AI to enhance coding efficiency. Powered by advanced models from GitHub, OpenAI, and Microsoft, Copilot has continued to evolve. With the latest updates in Visual Studio, .NET developers have even more powerful tools at their disposal.

自 2021 年推出以来,GitHub Copilot 通过利用 AI 提高编码效率,改变了开发人员编写代码的方式。Copilot 由 GitHub、OpenAI 和 Microsoft 的高级模型提供支持,不断发展。借助 Visual Studio 中的最新更新,.NET 开发人员可以使用更强大的工具。

CodeParty Attendee Party

2024-11-13 08:45 -- 09:45

Jeffrey T. Fritz

Join Jeff Fritz, Dee Dee Walsh, Sara Faatz and more special guests for our attendee party for some fun and prizes to be given away from our sponsors.

与 Jeff Fritz、Dee Dee Walsh、Sara Faatz 和更多特邀嘉宾一起参加我们的与会者派对,享受一些乐趣,并从我们的赞助商那里获得奖品。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2024-11-02,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 JusterZhu 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

0 条评论
  • Keynote - Welcome to .NET 9
  • What's new in .NET Aspire
  • AI Building Blocks - A new, unified AI layer
  • What's new in C# 13
  • What's New for ASP.NET Core & Blazor in .NET 9
  • What's New in .NET MAUI in .NET 9
  • What's new in the .NET Runtime, Libraries, & SDK
  • Performance Improvements in .NET 9
  • Building AI Applications from Scratch: A Hands-On Guide for .NET Developers
  • API-ly Ever After: OpenAPI in .NET 9
  • Build hybrid apps with .NET MAUI
  • What's new in Visual Studio 2022 for .NET developers
  • Discover the Latest GitHub Copilot Features for .NET Developers in Visual Studio
  • CodeParty Attendee Party
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