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Identification of spatial expression trends in single-cell gene expression data
stxBrain.SeuratData::anterior1 -> sto
tissue row col imagerow imagecol
AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1 1 50 102 7475 8501
AAACACCAATAACTGC-1 1 59 19 8553 2788
AAACAGAGCGACTCCT-1 1 14 94 3164 7950
AAACAGCTTTCAGAAG-1 1 43 9 6637 2099
AAACAGGGTCTATATT-1 1 47 13 7116 2375
AAACATGGTGAGAGGA-1 1 62 0 8913 1480
pp = pos2pp(sto@images$anterior1@coordinates[,c(2,3)])
log.fcn = log10
pp = set_marks(pp, as.matrix(sto@assays$Spatial@counts), log.fcn = log.fcn)
min.ncells.expr = 3
min.expr = 5
counts_filt = genefilter_exprmat(as.matrix(sto@assays$Spatial@counts), min.expr, min.ncells.expr)
quantile.cutoff = 0.9 ##filter out the most lowly expressed genes from the fitting
method = 'glm' ##For (robust) linear regression set to 'rlm'
vargenes_stats = calc_varstats(counts_filt, counts_filt, quant.cutoff = quantile.cutoff, method = method)
n.top2plot = 10
topvar.genes = rownames(vargenes_stats[['real.stats']])[1:n.top2plot]
pp2plot = pp_select(pp, topvar.genes)
plot.ercc.points = FALSE
plot_cv2vsmean(vargenes_stats, topvar.genes, plot.ercc.points = plot.ercc.points)
min.count = 1
counts_norm = deseq_norm(as.matrix(sto@assays$Spatial@counts), min.count)
counts_sub = counts_norm[topvar.genes, ]
plot_pp_scatter(pp2plot, log_marks = FALSE, scale_marks = FALSE, pal.direction = -1)
nrand = 100
ncores = 1
trendstat_list = trendsceek_test(pp2plot, nrand, ncores)
gene test earlystop max.env.rel.dev max.rel.dev min.pval nsim_max nsim_stop p.bh p.bo rank
S100a5 S100a5 Vmark 0 6.898791 0.29728032 0.00990099 2 2 0.0110011 0.0990099 1
Fabp7 Fabp7 Vmark 0 5.392828 0.12836321 0.00990099 2 2 0.0110011 0.0990099 2
Ptgds Ptgds Vmark 0 3.491384 0.09823452 0.00990099 2 2 0.0110011 0.0990099 3
Clca3a1 Clca3a1 Vmark 0 3.075842 0.35753230 0.00990099 2 2 0.0110011 0.0990099 4
Ttr Ttr Vmark 0 2.962141 0.10187457 0.00990099 2 2 0.0110011 0.0990099 5
Kl Kl Vmark 0 1.762761 0.11802672 0.00990099 2 2 0.0110011 0.0990099 6
alpha = 0.05 ##Benjamini-Hochberg
sig_list = extract_sig_genes(trendstat_list, alpha)
lapply(sig_list, nrow)
sig_genes = sig_list[['markcorr']][, 'gene']
plot_trendstats(trendstat_list, sig_genes[1])
plot_pp_scatter(pp_sig, log_marks = FALSE, scale_marks = FALSE, pal.direction = -1,pointsize.factor = 1)
Edsgärd D. et al., Identification of spatial expression trends in single-cell gene expression data, Nature Methods, 2018: doi:10.1038/nmeth.4634