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Top 10 Backend Frameworks for Web Development in 2020

修改2020-01-20 15:41:07
修改2020-01-20 15:41:07

Frameworks have become a vital piece of each frontend and backend development in this cutting edge age. Utilizing frameworks upheld by a huge number of developers around the globe is exceptionally down to earth technique for growing ground-breaking and intuitive applications. 

Backend developers work with a wide scope of libraries, APIs, web administrations, and so on. They are answerable for the usage of database frameworks, guaranteeing appropriate correspondence between different web administrations, producing backend usefulness, and the sky is the limit from there. 

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Backend frameworks are made a decision by numerous elements. As I would see it, a framework ought to be adaptable. The greater part of the occasions backend frameworks are positioned by the coding apparatuses, programming languages the help, and interfaces they offer. 

Top 10 Backend Frameworks for Web Application Development in 2020

Top 10 Backend Frameworks for Web Application Development in 2020.

  • Phoenix (Elixir)
  • Laravel
  • Django
  • ASP.NET Core
  • Spring MVC
  • Express.js
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Flask
  • Play Framework
  • Pyramid

1. Phoenix

Phoenix is a backend framework that works with Erlang's Virtual Machine and is written in Elixir. Given the way that Elixir is a useful language, it may not be as famous as other item situated languages anyway it was intended for building versatile and viable applications. Phoenix utilizes a blend of dependable innovations with the crisp thoughts of functional programming. 

2. Laravel

Laravel is a PHP based backend framework that values its excellent language structure, the capacity to suit enormous groups and the usefulness of its cutting edge toolbox. Laravel follows the MVC engineering design and has worked to encourage broad backend improvement. Laravel likewise offers its own database relocation framework and has a vigorous biological system. 

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The primary point of the Laravel Framework is to make the procedure of improvement simple and fun. Laravel rises as the top decision of numerous developers as it offers great execution, versatility, and highlights. Its one of a kind design empowers the developers to manufacture an altered foundation for their applications. It additionally has an incorporated distributed storage framework like Amazon S3 and Rack Space, alongside nearby stockpiling. 

3. Django

Django is an elevated level Python framework that is worked with the possibility of "batteries included". Which means nearly everything a developer would need is incorporated out of the container. In this way, there is less a requirement for outsider modules and everything in Django cooperates. Django, in any case, is worked for bigger applications. In this way, in case you're anticipating building something little, Django may not be the best choice as it can make a little task enlarged with superfluous highlights. 

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Django flaunts its batteries-included element, which is a lot of highlights, for example, confirmation and informing that Django has. It follows the Convention Over Configuration design and the DRY example too. Security in Django is fundamental. Django gives methods and instruments to developers to construct a safe site or actualizes the security includes in the framework itself, such as forestalling code execution in the layout layer. 

A couple of instances of enormous websites based on Django include Disqus, Mozilla, National Geographic, Pinterest. 


ASP.NET or .Net is the web improvement stage which empowers developers to make the best work area and versatile applications. It utilizes .net as its center framework to grow amazing applications. It's an open-source server-side web application created and structured by Microsoft. Nonetheless, the decision may vary starting with one customer then onto the next and one anticipates to another. Along these lines, first, comprehend its upsides and downsides and afterward take the choice in like manner.

5. Spring 

Spring is a Model-View-Controller framework that utilizations Java, the record-breaking well-known language. Sites like Wix, TicketMaster, and BillGuard are clients of this framework. Spring has numerous sister extends that lift its presentation and let you scale your business rapidly. The way that it utilizes Java, a specific language, is a serious expert to many web developers. The expectation to absorb information may be very steep tho, particularly in the event that you don't know Java. 


Express is a quick, moderate framework of Node.js. It gives a light covering of important web application highlights, without darkening Node.js highlights. Besides, it's anything but difficult to construct powerful Web Services with the assistance of various HTTP utility strategies and middleware accessible. 

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Express prides itself as an insignificant, quick, and unopinionated framework. It gives some center framework functionalities without darkening the highlights of Node and uses the hearty exhibition of the nonconcurrent Node.js. It's additionally very adaptable and bolsters full applications just as REST API, too. Maybe the greatest disadvantage of Express is the way that there's no characterized method for getting things done, in any event for amateurs. 

7. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a server-side web framework sent in the Ruby programming language. In the event that offers a comparable structure and theory to Django anyway offers a substantially more well-known setting to Ruby software engineers. Ruby supports the utilization of configuration examples, for example, MVC (model view controller) and DRY (don't rehash yourself). 

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Considered as very developer-accommodating, Rails is an opensource, object-arranged, broadly useful back-end improvement framework. Rails follow the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and CoC (Convention over Configuration) approach, which encourages the structure of light-weight applications and lifts adaptability. It additionally guarantees faultless collaboration with outsider applications by enabling each article to have exceptional traits. The applications are kept up to be sans bug as the developers are given an itemized mistake log. It additionally bolsters the improvement of SEO cordial URLs. 

A couple of instances of enormous websites based on Django include Shopify, SoundCloud, Basecamp, GitHub. 

8. Flask

Flask is another Python-based backend framework. Nonetheless, not at all like Django, it is lightweight and increasingly appropriate for the improvement of littler ventures. Flask offers support for things like for Jinja2 templating, secure treats, unit testing, and RESTful solicitation dispatching. It additionally gives broad documentation and is an incredible answer for Python software engineers who needn't bother with every one of the fancy odds and ends that Django ships with. 

9. PLAY 

Play is one of the advanced web application framework written in Java and Scala. It follows the MVC design and intends to upgrade developer profitability by utilizing show over setup, hot code reloading and display of blunders in the program. Play cites itself as "The High-Velocity Web Framework" 

The arrangement and application reloading occurs off-camera. Play is worked for the cutting edge web by being non-blocking, RESTful of course, and having worked in resource compilers for present-day customer side advancements like Typescript, CoffeeScript and LESS. 

Read: Python framework Django version 3.0 released with MariaDB

Based upon Akka Toolkit, the play framework condense the formation of simultaneous and dispersed applications on the Java virtual machine. Its UI is basic and natural. 

10. Pyramid 

Pyramid's prominence is dynamically developing. The majority of the accomplished developers are grasping it. Pyramid frameworks run on Python 3. This framework is adaptable and enables clients to create fundamental web applications by means of a moderate methodology. 

Pyramid frameworks are adaptable and can be utilized for both simple and troublesome undertakings. It is the most esteemed web framework among experienced Python developers of its straightforwardness and estimated quality. It has been utilized by tech monsters like Mozilla, Yelp, Dropbox, and SurveyMonkey. 

What to think about when choosing a backend framework?

There are a couple of significant components you ought to consider before choosing the best backend framework for your utilization case. The following are a couple of things to remember. 

Learning Curve

Each framework has its disparities regarding naming shows, registry structures, and so on. On the off chance that you've never utilized a framework this piece of the expectation to learn and adapt is unavoidable. In any case, in case you're comfortable with a specific programming language as of now, you might need to adhere to a framework that uses that language for the good of a time. Then again in the event that you aren't yet acquainted with a particular language, the Django framework which utilizes Python is a decent spot to begin as it is genuinely direct. 


If you don't have any past involvement in a backend framework it might be ideal to decide on a framework that has broad documentation as well as an enormous network. Along these lines, on the off chance that you ever stall out, you can scan for the best possible documentation or approach somebody in the network for help. 


Some frameworks offer greater adaptability and decision regarding the libraries advertised. This enables developers to actualize or design a library so as to play out a specific assignment that would somehow or another be tedious or impractical. 


Security is an extremely wide point and relying upon the application you're building, you may require certain security highlights which some backend frameworks perform superior to other people. It's likewise significant that the framework you pick is consistently refreshed to guarantee that it is prepared to ensure itself against normal and new assaults. 


If you're assembling an application for the general population, you'll need to guarantee that your framework furnishes the capacity to scale with you. Its storing capacities will play a major part in this and will decide that it is so natural to scale your application. 


There is an assortment of backend frameworks to browse, each with their own arrangement of upsides and downsides. Figuring out which backend framework is the best is somewhat emotional as it relies upon what you're attempting to accomplish, the expectation to absorb the information you should survive, and so on. That being stated, ideally, this rundown of best backend frameworks provides you some guidance with respect to which one you should pick whether you're beginning another venture or simply learning the rudiments.

Read: Top Best Programming Languages for 2020


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0 条评论
  • Top 10 Backend Frameworks for Web Application Development in 2020
    • 1. Phoenix
    • 2. Laravel
    • 3. Django
    • 4. ASP.NET 
    • 5. Spring 
    • 6. EXPRESS 
    • 7. Ruby on Rails
    • 8. Flask
    • 9. PLAY 
    • 10. Pyramid 
  • What to think about when choosing a backend framework?
    • Learning Curve: 
    • Community:
    • Libraries:
    • Security:
    • Scalability:
    • Conclusion
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