我正在使用google maps.my UI创建一个地址验证器web应用程序:
现在我想要的是在按下确定按钮后,地址应该显示在你的地址类似字段中,就像这个701年,Sunnywale,CA 94089现在我的确定按钮点击事件是
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click" Text="OK"
Width="62px" style="margin-left: 0px" />
<asp:Button ID="Submit" runat="server" style="margin-left: 97px" Text="Validate & Locate Me" Width="137px" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// The following code show execute only after the page is fully loaded
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($('#MyForm').exists()) {
// Enable jQuery Validation for the form
$("#MyForm").validate({ onkeyup: false });
// Add validation rules to the FullAddress field
$("#FullAddress").rules("add", {
fulladdress: true,
required: true,
messages: {
fulladdress: "Google cannot locate this address."
// This function will be executed when the form is submitted
function FormSubmit() {
$.submitForm = true;
if (!$('#MyForm').valid()) {
return false;
} else {
if ($("#FullAddress").data("IsChecking") == true) {
$("#FullAddress").data("SubmitForm", true);
return false;
alert('Form Valid! Submit!');
// return true; // Uncomment to submit the form.
return false; // Supress the form submission for test purpose.
// Attach the FormSubmit function to the Submit button
if ($('#Submit').exists()) {
// Execute the ForumSubmit function when the form is submitted
// Create a jQuery exists method
jQuery.fn.exists = function () { return jQuery(this).length > 0; }
// Position the Google Map
function Map(elementId, geolocation) {
var myOptions = {
zoom: 13,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(elementId), myOptions);
// FullAddress jQuery Validator
function FullAddressValidator(value, element, paras) {
// Convert the value variable into something a bit more descriptive
var CurrentAddress = value;
// If the address is blank, then this is for the required validator to deal with.
if (value.length == 0) {
return true;
// If we've already validated this address, then just return the previous result
if ($(element).data("LastAddressValidated") == CurrentAddress) {
return $(element).data("IsValid");
// We have a new address to validate, set the IsChecking flag to true and set the LastAddressValidated to the CurrentAddress
$(element).data("IsChecking", true);
$(element).data("LastAddressValidated", CurrentAddress);
// Google Maps doesn't like line-breaks, remove them
CurrentAddress = CurrentAddress.replace(/\n/g, "");
// Create a new Google geocoder
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
geocoder.geocode({ 'address': CurrentAddress }, function (results, status) {
// The code below only gets run after a successful Google service call has completed.
// Because this is an asynchronous call, the validator has already returned a 'true' result
// to supress an error message and then cancelled the form submission. The code below
// needs to fetch the true validation from the Google service and then re-execute the
// jQuery form validator to display the error message. Futhermore, if the form was
// being submitted, the code below needs to resume that submit.
// Google reported a valid geocoded address
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
// Get the formatted Google result
var address = results[0].formatted_address;
// Count the commas in the fomatted address.
// This doesn't look great, but it helps us understand how specific the geocoded address
// is. For example, "CA" will geocde to "California, USA".
numCommas = address.match(/,/g).length;
// A full street address will have at least 3 commas. Alternate techniques involve
// fetching the address_components returned by Google Maps. That code looks even more ugly.
if (numCommas >= 3) {
// Replace the first comma found with a line-break
address = address.replace(/, /, "\n");
// Remove USA from the address (remove this, if this is important to you)
address = address.replace(/, USA$/, "");
// Check for the map_canvas, if it exists then position the Google Map
if ($("#map_canvas").exists()) {
Map("map_canvas", results[0].geometry.location);
// Set the textarea value to the geocoded address
// Cache this latest result
$(element).data("LastAddressValidated", address);
// We have a valid geocoded address
$(element).data("IsValid", true);
} else {
// Google Maps was able to geocode the address, but it wasn't specific
// enough (not enough commas) to be a valid street address.
$(element).data("IsValid", false);
// Otherwise the address is invalid
} else {
$(element).data("IsValid", false);
// We're no longer in the midst of validating
$(element).data("IsChecking", false);
// Get the parent form element for this address field
var form = $(element).parents('form:first');
// This code is being run after the validation for this field,
// if the form was being submitted before this validtor was
// called then we need to re-submit the form.
if ($(element).data("SubmitForm") == true) {
} else {
// Re-validate this property so we can return the result.
// The FullAddress validator always returns 'true' when initially called.
// The true result will be return later by the geocode function (above)
return true;
// Define a new jQuery Validator method
$.validator.addMethod("fulladdress", FullAddressValidator);
发布于 2013-05-10 09:04:26
编辑-- --
~ CJ