随着 Vue3 的正式转正,Pinia 也渐渐火了起来。所以要更新一下自己的知识树了。这里主要是看看新的状态是什么“形态”。
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
export const usePersonStore = defineStore('objectTest', {
state: () => {
return {
name: 'jyk',
age: 18,
info: {
a1: '11',
a2: '22'
// 也可以这样定义状态
// state: () => ({ count: 0 })
actions: {
nameAction() {
this.name += '11'
getters: {
ageTest(state) {
// 会有代码自动补全!
return state.age += 100
import { usePersonStore } from './object.js'
const xiaoming = usePersonStore()
console.log('\n xiaoming:')
console.log('counter - keys :')
console.log('counter - for in :')
for (const key in xiaoming){
<div v-for="(item, key, index) in xiaoming">
{{index}} -- {{key}}: {{item}}
状态果然采用了 reactive,只是内部结构有点茫然,为啥是这样?
一开始看,是把数据部分变成了 ref,但是仔细一看,原理是toRef。好吧,大概是为了保证响应性,自动结构了。只是还是挺无语的。
action 还是函数的形式,只是,应该挂在“原型”上面吧,为啥又和数据挤在一起了?
为啥这么在意 getter、action是不是和数据在一个“层级”上呢?因为我经常使用遍历的方式。 试了一下,果然都出来了。
{ "$id": "objectTest", "name": "jyk", "age": 118, "info": { "a1": "11", "a2": "22" }, "ageTest": 118 }
不会触发getter,age还是 18
两个都显示为 “118”
<div v-for="(item, key, index) in xiaoming">
{{index}} -- {{key}}: {{item}}
0 -- $id: objectTest
1 -- $onAction: function () { [native code] }
2 -- $patch: function $patch(partialStateOrMutator) { let subscriptionMutation; isListening = false; if (true) { debuggerEvents = []; } if (typeof partialStateOrMutator === "function") { partialStateOrMutator(pinia.state.value[$id]); subscriptionMutation = { type: MutationType.patchFunction, storeId: $id, events: debuggerEvents }; } else { innerPatch(pinia.state.value[$id], partialStateOrMutator); subscriptionMutation = { type: MutationType.patchObject, payload: partialStateOrMutator, storeId: $id, events: debuggerEvents }; } isListening = true; triggerSubscriptions(subscriptions, subscriptionMutation, pinia.state.value[$id]); }
3 -- $reset: function $reset() { const newState = state ? state() : {}; this.$patch(($state) => { assign($state, newState); }); }
4 -- $subscribe: $subscribe(callback, options2 = {}) { if (typeof options2 === "boolean") { console.warn(`[\u{1F34D}]: store.$subscribe() no longer accepts a boolean as the 2nd parameter: Replace "store.$subscribe(fn, ${String(options2)})" with "store.$subscribe(fn, { detached: ${String(options2)} })". This will fail in production.`); options2 = { detached: options2 }; } const _removeSubscription = addSubscription(subscriptions, callback, options2.detached); const stopWatcher = scope.run(() => watch(() => pinia.state.value[$id], (state, oldState) => { if (isListening) { callback({ storeId: $id, type: MutationType.direct, events: debuggerEvents }, state); } }, assign({}, $subscribeOptions, options2))); const removeSubscription = () => { stopWatcher(); _removeSubscription(); }; return removeSubscription; }
5 -- $dispose: function $dispose() { scope.stop(); subscriptions = []; actionSubscriptions = []; pinia._s.delete($id); }
6 -- name: jyk
7 -- age: 118
8 -- info: { "a1": "11", "a2": "22" }
9 -- nameAction: function() { const _actionId = runningActionId; const trackedStore = new Proxy(store, { get(...args) { activeAction = _actionId; return Reflect.get(...args); }, set(...args) { activeAction = _actionId; return Reflect.set(...args); } }); return actions[actionName].apply(trackedStore, arguments); }
10 -- ageTest: 118
11 -- _hotUpdate: function(newStore) { originalHotUpdate.apply(this, arguments); patchActionForGrouping(store, Object.keys(newStore._hmrPayload.actions)); }
console.log('counter - for in :')
for (const key in xiaoming){
counter - for in :
pinia.vue:42 $id
pinia.vue:42 $onAction
pinia.vue:42 $patch
pinia.vue:42 $reset
pinia.vue:42 $subscribe
pinia.vue:42 $dispose
pinia.vue:42 name
pinia.vue:42 age
pinia.vue:42 info
pinia.vue:42 nameAction
pinia.vue:42 ageTest
pinia.vue:42 _hotUpdate
console.log('counter - keys :')
counter - keys :
pinia.vue:38 (12) ["$id", "$onAction", "$patch", "$reset", "$subscribe", "$dispose", "name", "age", "info", "nameAction", "ageTest", "_hotUpdate"]
可以使用 class + reactive 实现一个充血实体类,比如这样:
import { computed, reactive } from 'vue'
// 充血实体类
class TestClass {
constructor (_info) {
// 设置属性,数组或者对象
this.name = 'jyk'
this.age = 18
this.info = {
a1: 'a1',
a2: 'a2'
// 通用赋值
$set(model, clear = false) {
if (clear) {
Object.keys(this).forEach(key => {
delete this[key]
Object.assign(this, model)
actionTest() {
this.age += 1
get getterTest() {
const tmp = computed(() => { return this.age + 100})
return tmp
export default function() {
const tmp = new TestClass()
return reactive(tmp)
const test2 = testClass()
console.log('\n 遍历 Object.keys -----')
console.log('\n 遍历 for in -----')
for (const key in test2) {
console.log(key, ':', test2[key])
console.log('\n 遍历 for in 结束 -----')
获取实例后,套上 reactive 就可以获得响应性。
这样数据部分在第一层,其他各种方法都在“原型”里面,那么在 v-for、 Object.keys 和for...in的时候,只会出现数据部分,没有各种函数了。