发布于 2016-08-11 05:46:11
在DAO攻击之后,一些人一起创建了一个列表( 论Reddit )。您还可以查看Vitalik的博客文章:
The DAO (obviously)
The “payout index without the underscore” ponzi (“FirePonzi”)
The casino with a public RNG seed
Governmental (1100 ETH stuck because payout exceeds gas limit)
5800 ETH swiped (by whitehats) from an ETH-backed ERC20 token
The King of the Ether game
Rubixi : Fees stolen because the constructor function had an incorrect name, allowing anyone to become the owner
Rock paper scissors trivially cheatable because the first to move shows their hand
Various instances of funds lost because a recipient contained a fallback function that consumed more than 2300 gas, causing sends to them to fail.
Various instances of call stack limit exceptions.
Variable/function naming mixups: FirePonzi, Rubixi
Public data that should not have been public: the public RNG seed casino, cheatable RPS
Re-entrancy (A calling B calling A): the DAO, Maker’s ETH-backed token
Sends failing due to 2300 gas limit: King of the Ether
Arrays/loops and gas limits: Governmental
Much more subtle game-theoretic weaknesses where at the limit people even debate whether or not they’re bugs: the DAO
发布于 2016-08-11 09:18:54
存在着安全隐患,导致了至少7000 ETH被盗。
交换GateCoin被黑了,导致185,000 ETH被盗.