An M&A revival
Corporatenuptialsare back on
The yeargot off to ascorchingstartwith the announcement of two mega-deals in less than a week
AFTER A pandemiclull, $900bn-worth of deals were announced in late 2020. This yeargot off to a hot start, withmgm Resorts' $11bn bid for Entain, a Britishbetting-shopoperator, and a potential $18bntie-upofGojekandTokopedia, two Indonesian tech darlings.
相关背景:美高梅集团(MGM Resorts)近日为了寻求收购英国博彩公司Entain PLC,加码到了111亿美元价格;印尼打车支付应用Gojek与电商巨头Tokopedia拟合并,成立新公司上市。
Mergers and acquisitions的缩写,即企业并购,包括兼并和收购两层含义、两种方式。
nuptials /ˈnʌpʃlz/
复数,表示“婚礼”,英文解释为“a person's marriage and marriage celebrations”举个:
Sadly we weren't able to attend thenuptials.
scorching /ˈskɔːtʃɪŋ/
可替换hot,表示“灼热的(地);极热的(地)”,英文解释为“very hot”,如:a scorching summer day 炎热的夏日。
lull /lʌl/
表示“平静时期;间歇”,英文解释为“a short period of calm in which little happens”举个:
There has been alullin the fighting.
betting shop
表示“彩票经营点”,英文解释为“a place where people go to risk money on horse races or other sports events”。
表示“联系;联合,合作”,英文解释为“a connection or agreement that joins two things or organizations”举个:
Cambridge University Press arrangeda tie-up withthe German publisher Klett.
This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline "An M&A revival"(Jan 9th2021)
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