public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
protected final void updateAuthenticationDefaults() {
if (this.loginProcessingUrl == null) {
if (this.failureHandler == null) {
failureUrl(this.loginPage + "?error");
LogoutConfigurer<B> logoutConfigurer = getBuilder().getConfigurer(LogoutConfigurer.class);
if (logoutConfigurer != null && !logoutConfigurer.isCustomLogoutSuccess()) {
logoutConfigurer.logoutSuccessUrl(this.loginPage + "?logout");
Specifies the URL to send users to if login is required. If used with EnableWebSecurity a default login page will be generated when thisattribute is not specified.
If a URL is specified or this is not being used in conjunction with EnableWebSecurity, users are required to process the specified URL togenerate a login page. In general, the login page should create a form that submitsa request with the following requirements to work with UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter:
•It must be an HTTP POST
•It must be submitted to loginProcessingUrl(String)
•It should include the username as an HTTP parameter by the name of usernameParameter(String)
•It should include the password as an HTTP parameter by the name of passwordParameter(String)
Example login.jsp
Login pages can be rendered with any technology you choose so long as the rulesabove are followed. Below is an example login.jsp that can be used as a quick startwhen using JSP's or as a baseline to translate into another view technology.
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