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Support OAUTH_BEARER TOKEN in UE-EasyKafka with Lyra Game

修改2024-06-25 16:31:54
修改2024-06-25 16:31:54

We are using UE-EasyKafka to connect the kafka from our unreal engine plugin. The UE-EasyKafka depends on the Modern C++ Kafka API which in turn depends on the Apache Kafka C/C++ client library librdkafka

I was trying to implement the code to connect the kafka with OAUTH_BEARER TOKEN, but UE-EasyKafka doesn't support that yet, the OAUTH_BEARER TOKEN was recently added to Apache Kafka C/C++ client library librdkafka and Modern C++ Kafka API and UE-EasyKafka doesn't keep up with it.

To correctly update the UE-EasyKafka we should probably do the following things

  1. build the Apache Kafka C/C++ client library librdkafka to get the dependencies like rdkafka.lib, rdkafka++.lib and lz4.lib etc.
  2. put all the morden c++ kafka header files and the dependencies (built in the first step) into the ThirdParty folder of project UE-EasyKafka
  3. update the UE-EasyKafka source code.

I didn't want to upgrade the UE-EasyKafka completely, so I just started from the second step and copied the necessary files something like below

        modified:   UE-EasyKafka/Source/KafkaConsumer/Private/KafkaConsumer.cpp
        modified:   UE-EasyKafka/Source/KafkaProducer/Private/KafkaProducer.cpp
        modified:   UE-EasyKafka/Source/ThirdParty/KafkaLib/include/kafka/AdminClient.h
        modified:   UE-EasyKafka/Source/ThirdParty/KafkaLib/include/kafka/KafkaClient.h
        modified:   UE-EasyKafka/Source/ThirdParty/KafkaLib/include/kafka/KafkaConsumer.h
        modified:   UE-EasyKafka/Source/ThirdParty/KafkaLib/include/kafka/KafkaProducer.h
        modified:   UE-EasyKafka/Source/ThirdParty/KafkaLib/include/kafka/Properties.h
        modified:   UE-EasyKafka/Source/ThirdParty/KafkaLib/include/kafka/RdKafkaHelper.h

The modified files looks like below:

and I made some necessary changes to the source codes, everything went smoothly.

The method KafkaClient::configInterceptorOnNew() calls Apache Kafka C/C++ client library librdkafka's method rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_broker_state_change, and it is not in the current rdkafka dependencies in my project, so I just commented it out. If I really want it, I have to finish the first step (build the Apache Kafka C/C++ client library librdkafka to get the dependencies like rdkafka.lib, rdkafka++.lib and lz4.lib etc.) mentioned above.

  • I thought that everything is OK, but when I rebuilt the project, dalala, surprise, I got a build error somthing as below

'dynamic_cast' used on polymorphic type 'kafka::Properties::ValueType::Object' with /GR-; unpredictable behavior may result

the compiler complained the following code using dynamic_cast

            template<class T>
            T& getValue() const { return (dynamic_cast<ObjWrap<T>&>(*object)).value; }

There is a funny thing, the unreal engine's code also uses the dynamic_cast in file C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\Templates**Casts.h**, it never reports any problem before. But all of sudden it reports the same problem as above after upgrading the morden c++ kafka code, don't know why.

		if constexpr (!TIsCastable<FromValueType>::Value || !TIsCastable<ToValueType>::Value)
			// This may fail when dynamic_casting rvalue references due to patchy compiler support
			return dynamic_cast<To>(Arg);

To fix this problem, we need to enable Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) to /GR, but how to add this option /GR ? NO NO, the following 2 ways will not work for unreal engine project.

I tried 2 ways

  1. Modify the project config properties as below, these Bubild, Rebuild, Compile Command Line will finally call the unreal build script.
  1. Modify the build batch script to add that option, my build script is C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat, if you modify the build script, then you don't need to modify the project config properties in the the first way.
rem the option /GR to enable RTTI dynamic_cast
echo Running UnrealBuildTool: dotnet %UBTPath% %* /GR
dotnet %UBTPath% %* /GR

NO, THIS DIDN'T WORK. It seems the build got passed, BUT in the log we got message like

28>Couldn't find target rules file for target '/GR' in rules assembly 'UE5Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

The build command is acutally as below, I tried to add the option '/GR' in different places in this command line, but none worked.

dotnet "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.dll" LyraEditor Win64 Development -Project="C:\github\LyraStarterGame\LyraStarterGame.uproject" -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild -Rebuild

FIX: To enable Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) in an Unreal Engine project:

specifically for a project likeLyraEditor, you need to modify the build configuration settings. This is usually done in the LyraEditor.Build.cs file associated with your project, rather than using Visual Studio directly. Unreal Engine uses its own build system, UnrealBuildTool (UBT), to manage compiler settings.

We already have the following code in EasyKafka.Build.cs, we still need to add these codes to other modules like KafkaAdmin, KafkaConsumer, KafkaProducer and KafkaLib, after adding that, the compilation error was gone, finally BINGO!

		bEnableExceptions = true;

		if( Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
			bUseRTTI = true;//Avoid using RTTI on limux

OK, we got the project built successfully with the upgraded code of morden-kafka. Next we need to modify the Easy-Kafka to support oauth-bearer-token, let's take the producer as an example (we should probably modify the same for the consumer):

  1. Define the call-back function 'onOauthbearerTokenRefresh' (required by morden-kafka) in KafkaProducer/Public/KafkaProducer.h
// oauthbearerConfig will be a json string as below, you can use your own format
// {"Token":"your.token.value", "PrincipalName":"alice", "LeftTimeMS":9999999999999, "extensions": {"a":"val", "b":"val"}}
static SaslOauthbearerToken onOauthbearerTokenRefresh(const std::string& oauthbearerConfig);
// need the following function to convert the "extensions" to a map<string, string>
static std::map<std::string, std::string> ConvertJsonObjectToStdMap(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject);
  1. Implement these 2 methods in KafkaProducer/Private/KafkaProducer.cpp
SaslOauthbearerToken FKafkaProducerModule::onOauthbearerTokenRefresh(const std::string& oauthbearerConfig) {
	SaslOauthbearerToken sasltoken;

	// Create a JSON reader
	TSharedRef<TJsonReader<TCHAR>> JsonReader = TJsonReaderFactory<TCHAR>::Create(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(oauthbearerConfig.c_str()));
	// Declare a JSON object to hold the parsed data
	TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject;
	// Parse the JSON string
	if (FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(JsonReader, JsonObject) && JsonObject.IsValid())
		// Accessing data from the parsed JSON
		FString token;
		if (JsonObject->TryGetStringField("Token", token)) {
			sasltoken.value = std::string(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*token));
		else {
			std::string errmsg = "FKafkaProducerModule::onOauthbearerTokenRefresh() Failed to parse the JSON field 'Token'.\n" + oauthbearerConfig;
			UE_LOG(LogKafkaProducer, Error, TEXT("%s"), UTF8_TO_TCHAR(errmsg.c_str()));
			throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);

		FString pricipalName;
		if (JsonObject->TryGetStringField("PrincipalName", pricipalName)) {
			sasltoken.mdPrincipalName = std::string(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*pricipalName));
		else {
			std::string errmsg = "FKafkaProducerModule::onOauthbearerTokenRefresh() Failed to parse the JSON field 'PrincipalName'.\n" + oauthbearerConfig;
			UE_LOG(LogKafkaProducer, Error, TEXT("%s"), UTF8_TO_TCHAR(errmsg.c_str()));
			throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);

		int64 leftTimeMS;
		if (JsonObject->TryGetNumberField("LeftTimeMS", leftTimeMS)) {
			sasltoken.mdLifetime = std::chrono::milliseconds(leftTimeMS);
		else {
			std::string errmsg = "FKafkaProducerModule::onOauthbearerTokenRefresh() Failed to parse the JSON field 'LeftTimeMS'.\n" + oauthbearerConfig;
			UE_LOG(LogKafkaProducer, Error, TEXT("%s"), UTF8_TO_TCHAR(errmsg.c_str()));
			throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);

		//TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> extensions;
		//extensions = JsonObject->GetObjectField("extensions");
		//sasltoken.extensions = ConvertJsonObjectToStdMap(extensions);
		const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>* extensions;
		if (JsonObject->TryGetObjectField("extensions", extensions)) {
			sasltoken.extensions = ConvertJsonObjectToStdMap(*extensions);
		else {
			std::string errmsg = "FKafkaProducerModule::onOauthbearerTokenRefresh() Failed to parse the JSON field 'extensions'.\n" + oauthbearerConfig;
			UE_LOG(LogKafkaProducer, Error, TEXT("%s"), UTF8_TO_TCHAR(errmsg.c_str()));
			throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);

		UE_LOG(LogKafkaProducer, Display, TEXT("SaslOauthbearerToken created."));
		std::string errmsg = "FKafkaProducerModule::onOauthbearerTokenRefresh() Failed to parse the JSON string.\n" + oauthbearerConfig;
		UE_LOG(LogKafkaProducer, Error, TEXT("%s"), UTF8_TO_TCHAR(errmsg.c_str()));
		throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);

	return sasltoken;

std::map<std::string, std::string> FKafkaProducerModule::ConvertJsonObjectToStdMap(TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject)
	std::map<std::string, std::string> resultMap;

	if (JsonObject.IsValid())
		for (auto& pair : JsonObject->Values)
			FString key = pair.Key;
			FString value;

			if (pair.Value->Type == EJson::String)
				value = pair.Value->AsString();
				TSharedRef<TJsonWriter<>> writer = TJsonWriterFactory<>::Create(&value);
				// TODO Serialize() needs a key to store this value, when Deserialize, we probably need to get the real value without the key
				FJsonSerializer::Serialize(pair.Value.ToSharedRef(), pair.Key, writer);

			resultMap[std::string(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*key))] = std::string(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*value));

	return resultMap;
  1. Then modify the constructor FKafkaProducerModule::CreateProducer to add the oauthbearer callback function
	// check for SASL_MECHANISM, if it is OAUTHBEARER, we need to add the bearer-token-callback-function
	// as the value of field 'oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb' into the KafkaProducerProps
	if (KafkaProducerProps->getProperty(kafka::clients::producer::Config::SASL_MECHANISM) == "OAUTHBEARER") {
		KafkaProducerProps->put(kafka::clients::Config::OAUTHBEARER_TOKEN_REFRESH_CB, OauthbearerTokenRefreshCallback(onOauthbearerTokenRefresh));
  1. Finally we need to create the KafkaProducer with the oauthbearertoekn config string set to property 'sasl.oauthbearer.config', that is very important, the librdkafka's function rd_kafka_conf_set_oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb will get its value and assign to the callback function parameter 'const char *oauthbearer_config'.
	EasyKafka = GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<UEasyKafkaSubsystem>()->GetEasyKafka();

	TMap<EKafkaProducerConfig, FString> KafkaConfiguration =
	KafkaConfiguration.Add(EKafkaProducerConfig::BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS, "localhost:9092");
	KafkaConfiguration.Add(EKafkaProducerConfig::SASL_MECHANISM, "OAUTHBEARER");
	// set 'sasl.oauthbearer.config', the librdkafka will read it.
	KafkaConfiguration.Add(EKafkaProducerConfig::SASL_OAUTHBEARER_CONFIG, "{ \"Token\":\"your.token.value\", \"PrincipalName\" : \"alice\", \"LeftTimeMS\" : 9999999999999, \"extensions\" : {\"a\":\"val\", \"b\" : \"val\"} }");
	KafkaConfiguration.Add(EKafkaProducerConfig::SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "SASL_PLAINTEXT");

	EasyKafka->GetProducer()->CreateProducer("localhost:9092", ""/*user*/, ""/*password*/, KafkaConfiguration, true, (int)EKafkaLogLevel::ERR);
	EasyKafka->GetProducer()->ProduceRecord("your-topic", "your message", 1008 /*RecordId*/, true);

Now we are happy to run the code to connect to the kafka with oauth bearer toekn. Of cause we need a running kafka server accepting the oauth bearer token for authentication, to run such a kafka server, please refer to my article How to run kafka in OAUTHBEARER test mode


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0 条评论
  • 'dynamic_cast' used on polymorphic type 'kafka::Properties::ValueType::Object' with /GR-; unpredictable behavior may result
  • To fix this problem, we need to enable Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) to /GR, but how to add this option /GR ? NO NO, the following 2 ways will not work for unreal engine project.
  • FIX: To enable Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) in an Unreal Engine project:
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