另外给大家准备DeepSeek满血版R1 平替版网站,在后台回复【AI】,找到链接直接点击即可
kkmaomao,cartoonish plush tomato character with exaggerated stitching,
lime green chenille fabric texture,
standing in flower garden with dewdrops on surface,
early morning golden hour lighting,
three-dimensional felt leaf hat,
visible stuffing seams at base --ar 3:4
kkmaoxian, this photograph features an array of intricately crocheted food items, meticulously themed around a fast-food meal, centered in the image is a crocheted hot dog, showcasing a vivid depiction of layers of bun, yellow mustard, ketchup, and white onions, along with a white, knitted onion ring, to the left of the hot dog is a crocheted hotdog with bright, vibrant colors representing lettuce and tomato, held in a red, crocheted bun, to the hot dogs right is another hotdog with yellow and green detailing for lettuce, surrounded by a similar red crocheted bun,
in the top row, three items are visible: a crocheted mustard bottle topped with what appears to be a white, knitted napkin; a small bundle of french fries represented by yellow and red stitches; and another crocheted hotdog in a red bun,
in the bottom row, a chicken leg made from light brown, tightly stitched fibers is presented, alongside a bone detail in white, and a crocheted burger with green lettuce, a yellow patty, and red lettuce inside a red bun, all the foods are delicately placed on a fluffy, white fabric which appears to be a blanket, enhancing the soft, plush texture of the crocheted elements, the background is minimal and off-white, making the brightly colored crocheted pieces stand out vividly,kkmaoxian
首先确保微信开发者工具更新至最新版本(需支持AI插件)。然后在插件市场中搜索“腾讯云 AI 代码助手”,一键安装并重启IDE。
在 微信开发者工具 中详细安装指南:腾讯云 AI 代码助手
在代码编辑器的左下角,找到模型切换入口,选择tencent:deepseek-r1 模式,可用微信扫码或手机号快速登录(免费开通,不限量调用)。
进行引用微信相关知识库进行问答,这里我引用了DeepSeek R1 的深度思考,通过输入 “我有一个商城小程序,这是我的user模版,帮我生成一个微信小程序的登录组件模版,以及对接微信支付”
最值得一提的是,腾讯云 AI 代码助手中提供微信的知识库!!即时的代码示例和解决方案,点进提示的相关链接还能够看到更多细节,辅助判断,不亏是一家的~咱们也可以更快地编写高质量代码,不需要一边敲代码一边去翻找文档,开发更快了!(我的手速是光速~)
● 场景案例:我需要为小程序实现一个“图片懒加载”功能。
○ 输入需求:“请生成微信小程序中图片懒加载的代码,要求监听滚动事件并动态加载资源。”
○ AI响应:
■ 自动生成 Page 生命周期函数和滚动监听逻辑。
■ 提供 IntersectionObserver API 的兼容方案,并附上详细注释。
AI 代码工具的价值不仅在于“写代码”,更在于降低技术门槛——无论是新手学习最佳实践,还是老手快速验证思路,这款工具都能成为开发者的“第二大脑”。欢迎大家一起来体验这款产品,开发出更好玩的小程序。