Here, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing analyses of 16 SSN samples, 6 adjacent normal lung tissues (nLung), and 9 primary LUAD with lymph node metastasis (mLUAD).
We obtained 60,459 cells and then classified them as eight cell types, including cancer cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, T cells, B cells, Nature killer cells, mast cells, and myeloid cells. We provided a comprehensive description of the cancer cells and stromal cells.
2020的10月6日,复旦大学附属中山医院胸外科王群教授团队在Cell Discovery杂志(IF:6.255)发表了题为“Single-cell transcriptome atlas of lung adenocarcinoma featured with ground glass nodules”的研究论文。该研究利用高通量单细胞转录组测序比较了磨玻璃结节肺腺癌(GGN-ADC,lung adenocarcinoma featured with ground glass nodules)和实性肺腺癌(SADC,solid adenocarcinoma)肿瘤微环境图谱的异同点,解析了GGN-ADCs能够保持稳定并有良好预后的可能原因。详见:
2021年1月27日,京大学人民医院胸外科主任王俊院士团队与北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC)、北京未来基因诊断高精尖创新中心(ICG)、生命科学学院白凡研究员团队合作在Science Advances(IF 13.116)发表肺腺癌肿瘤微环境最新研究成果"Decoding the multicellular ecosystem of lung adenocarcinoma manifested as pulmonary subsolid nodules by single-cell RNA sequencing" 该研究利用单细胞测序技术全面揭示了影像学表现为亚实性结节(SSN)的肺腺癌免疫微环境特征,为SSN相对惰性的生物学特性和较好的临床预后特点提供了单细胞尺度上的解释。详见;