
Avionos:Who wins where 数字品牌和传统零售商的经验教训

在线购物和电子商务的兴起改变了零售格局。Target和Home Depot等传统零售商通过创建可复制店内体验的电子商务站点和移动应用程序,在实体店的成功基础上发展。

相比之下,像Casper和Warby Parker这样的数字本地品牌在网上建立业务,以数字方式建立客户关系,然后开始建立实体陈列室。如今,这两种类型的公司(数字原生企业和传统零售商)经常争夺市场份额和客户忠诚度。




The rise of online shopping and eCommerce has transformed the retail landscape. Traditional retailers such as Target and Home Depot have built on the success of their brick-and-mortar stores by creating eCommerce sites and mobile apps that replicate the in-store experience.

By contrast, digitally native brands like Casper and Warby Parker launched their businesses online, building customer relationships digitally before starting to build brick-and-mortar showrooms. Today, these two types of companies — digital natives and traditional retailers — often compete for market share and customer loyalty.

But they’re playing by very different rules. For many digitally native brands, the game plan is to acquire customers quickly in hopes of a highly valued acquisition by a traditional retailer — e.g., P&G’s recent acquisition of women’s shaving and personal care brand, Billie. This means digitally native brands’ priorities and strategies may be different from established retailers that plan on remaining independent companies and growing organically.

For example, new brands drive growth by spending an outsized amount on advertising to acquire new customers, while focusing relatively little on retention and loyalty. They aren’t playing the long game.

The opposite can be said for traditional retailers. Digitally native brands have much to learn from the tried-and-true brands who precede them — particularly when it comes to becoming an everyday, local presence in their customers’ lives. However, traditional retailers need to adopt some of the tactics of digitally native brands to continue to attract new, convenience-sensitive customers who expect seamless experiences both online and offline. For both types of retail companies, developing multiple strong channels can increase resiliency and help them respond flexibly to uncertainty in the market.

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