标题:GraphTinker: Outlier rejection and inlier injection for pose graph SLAM
作者:Linhai Xie,Sen Wang,Andrew Markham
来源:IROS 2017(IEEEIntelligent Robots and Systems)
今天介绍的文章是“GraphTinker: Outlier rejection and inlier injection for pose graph SLAM”——GraphTinker:位姿图SLAM中回环的添加与剔除,该文章发表在IROS2017。
在GTK中,首先检测位姿图中不一致的回环并被剔除模型剔除。 然后重建一组人工回环,并通过添加模块插入,从而给后端提供一个增强图。 架构图底部给出三个姿态图示例。红色和浅绿色线分别表示假阳性回环和添加的回环。
In pose graph Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) systems, incorrect loop closures can seriously hinder optimizers from converging to correct solutions, significantly degrading both localization accuracy and map consistency. Therefore, it is crucial to enhance their robustness in the presence of numerous false-positive loop closures. Existing approaches tend to fail when working with very unreliable front-end systems, where the majority of inferred loop closures are incorrect. In this paper, we propose a novel middle layer, seamlessly embedded between front and back ends, to boost the robustness of the whole SLAM system. The main contributions of this paper are two-fold: 1) the proposed middle layer offers a new mechanism to reliably detect and remove false-positive loop closures, even if they form the overwhelming majority; 2) artificial loop closures are automatically reconstructed and injected into pose graphs in the framework of an Extended Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother, reinforcing reliable loop closures. The proposed algorithm alters the graph generated by the front-end and can then be optimized by any back-end system. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate significantly improved accuracy and robustness compared with state-of-the-art methods and various back-ends, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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