标题:Deep Auxiliary Learning for Visual Localization and Odometry
作者:Abhinav Valada 、 Noha Radwan 、 Wolfram Burgard
来源:2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
大家好,今天为大家带来的文章是——利用相对位姿信息进行辅助学习的视觉定位和里程估计方法,该文章发表于ICRA 2018。
图1 本文中的多任务深度卷积神经网络
图3 VLocNet的定位误差
图4 单一任务模型和使用不同权重初始化的具有多任务能力的VLocNet的效果对比,(该实验使用7-Scenes数据集)
Localization is an indispensable component of a robot’s autonomy stack that enables it to determine where it is in the environment, essentially making it a precursor for any action execution or planning. Although convolutional neural networks have shown promising results for visual localization, they are still grossly outperformed by state-of-the-art local feature based techniques. In this work, we propose VLocNet, a new convolutional neural network architecture for 6-DoF global pose regression and odometry estimation from consecutive monocular images. Our multitask model incorporates hard parameter sharing, thus being compact and enabling real-time inference, inaddition to being end-to-end trainable.We propose a novel loss function that utilizes auxiliary learning to leverage relative pose information during training, thereby constraining the search space to obtain consistent pose estimates. We evaluate our proposed VLocNet on indoor as well as outdoor datasets and show that even our single task model exceeds the performance of state-of-the-art deep architectures for global localization, while achieving competitive performance for visual odometry estimation. Furthermore, we present extensive experimental evaluations utilizing our proposed Geometric Consistency Loss that show the effectiveness of multitask learning and demonstrate that our model is the first deep learning technique to be on par with, and in some cases outperforms state-of-the art SIFT-based approaches.
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