标题:A Benchmark Comparison of Monocular Visual-Inertial Odometry Algorithms for Flying Robots
作者:Jeffrey Delmerico and Davide Scaramuzza
来源:2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 21-25, 2018, Brisbane, Australia
本文在不同硬件条件下(包括无人机最常见的单一计算平台的情况)评估了一系列开源VIO算法(MSCKF, OKVIS, ROVIO, VINS-Mono, SVO+MSF, SVO+GTSAM)。我们在EuRoC数据集上测试了各个算法的位姿估计精度、处理每一帧所用的时间以及CPU和内存的占用情况,该数据集包含无人机各种典型的6自由度飞行轨迹。我们展示了所有对比的数据,这可以为其他相关研究提供对比基准。文章的视频已经公开在YouTube上:https://youtu.be/ymI3FmwU9AY
图1 散点图展示了各个算法的效率,横坐标为均方根误差,纵坐标分别为 CPU 占用比、内存占用比以及每一帧图像的处理时间。我们统计了各个算法所有在 EuRoC 数据上成功运行的数据制作的该散点图,其中标志物的颜色代表了不同的算法、形状代表不同的硬件平台、尺寸代表了误差的大小。
图2 不同 VIO 算法平移误差的对比。
图3 不同 VIO 算法偏航角度误差对比。
表1 不同 VIO 算法 ATE 对比,标粗的数据为不同数据集下的最佳算法,标蓝色的数据对比带有回环检测的 VINS-Mono 算法和其他不带回环检测的标准算法。
表2 不同 VIO 算法单帧处理时间的对比。
Flying robots require a combination of accuracy and low latency in their state estimation in order to achieve stable and robust flight. However, due to the power and payload constraints of aerial platforms, state estimation algorithms must provide these qualities under the computational constraints of embedded hardware. Cameras and inertial measurement units (IMUs) satisfy these power and payload constraints, so visualinertial odometry (VIO) algorithms are popular choices for state estimation in these scenarios, in addition to their ability to operate without external localization from motion capture or global positioning systems. It is not clear from existing results in the literature, however, which VIO algorithms perform well under the accuracy, latency, and computational constraints of a flying robot with onboard state estimation. This paper evaluates an array of publicly-available VIO pipelines (MSCKF, OKVIS, ROVIO, VINS-Mono, SVO+MSF, and SVO+GTSAM) on different hardware configurations, including several singleboard computer systems that are typically found on flying robots. The evaluation considers the pose estimation accuracy, per-frame processing time, and CPU and memory load while processing the EuRoC datasets, which contain six degree of freedom (6DoF) trajectories typical of flying robots. We present our complete results as a benchmark for the research community.
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