Quantum Circuit Decomposition and Routing Collaborative Design
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Evan McKinney, 匹兹堡大学博士生
在本讲座中,我将重点介绍我们在超导量子计算机协同设计方面的工作,并强调我们对开发专用转译工具的关注。转译有助于解决关键瓶颈,特别是由于 NISQ 系统中有限的量子比特连接而频繁使用 SWAP 门所产生的计算开销。我们的最新贡献是一种名为 MIRAGE 的优化技术。这种方法通过结合 "镜像门 "来增强现有的电路路由算法,"镜像门 "在其分解中固有地包含了数据移动。镜像门只需颠倒量子位输出的顺序,即可执行替代量子门。MIRAGE 通过最大限度地减少对 SWAP 门的依赖,有效地降低了电路深度,使其与iswap基础门的系统高度兼容。
In this talk, I will highlight our work in the co-design of superconducting quantum computers, emphasizing our focus on developing specialized transpilation tools. Transpilation serves to tackle key bottlenecks, notably the computational overhead arising from the frequent use of SWAP gates due to limited qubit connectivity in NISQ systems. Our most recent contribution is an optimization technique termed MIRAGE. This approach enhances existing circuit routing algorithms by incorporating 'mirror gates,' which inherently include data movement in their decompositions. Mirror gates execute alternative quantum gates simply by reversing the order of qubit outputs. MIRAGE effectively reduces circuit depth by minimizing the reliance on SWAP gates, making it highly compatible with systems employing the root of iswap basis gate.
Evan McKinney是匹兹堡大学三年级博士生,由Alex K. Jones教授和Michael Hatridge教授共同指导。他在爱荷华州立大学获得计算机工程和物理学学士学位。他的研究方向是量子计算架构和近期量子计算应用的优化。
Evan McKinney is a third-year PhD student, co-advised by Dr. Alex K. Jones and Dr. Michael Hatridge at the University of Pittsburgh. He received his bachelor's from Iowa State University in computer engineering and physics. His research is on quantum computing architecture and optimizations for near-term QC applications.
关于ND Quantum Computing
ND Quantum Computing 是由美国圣母大学计算机科学与工程系博士生Zhiding Liang与麻省理工学院电子工程与计算机系博士生Hanrui Wang发起的量子计算系列讲座。
Quantum Computer System Lecture Seriess(QuCS)是为没有量子计算背景但对此感兴趣的观众建立基本的量子知识,同时通过邀请量子计算领域的专家来介绍该领域更先进的研究课题。
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