Align or not align? Design quantum approximate operator ansatz (QAOA) with applications in constrained optimization
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何子畅博士(Dr. Zichang He)
Combinatorial optimization has been one of most promising use cases of the near-term quantum computers. To facilitate its practical utils, the encoding of practical constraints is an important task. The quantum approximate operator ansatz (QAOA), an extension of the well-known quantum approximate optimization algorithm, is one of the leading quantum algorithms in constrained optimization. Within a high-depth QAOA, quantum adiabatic theorem inspires an alignment between the initial state and the mixer operator. However, the low-depth QAOA mechanism and ansatz design remains less explored. In this talk, we will validate that the alignment effect continues to improves the QAOA performance even in the low-depth regime. We take portfolio optimization as a comprehensive case study, where the hamming wight constraint is encoded by XY mixers. Furthermore, we demonstrate these findings in a 32-asset problem utilizing Quantinuum’s system model H2 device. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest-scale QAOA demonstration in a universal quantum computer to date.
何子畅是摩根大通全球技术应用研究中心的资深研究员,也是加州大学圣巴巴拉分校电子和计算机工程专业的博士生。子畅的研究主要集中在量子计算和其设计自动化方面。子畅在2021年获得了加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的IEE优秀研究奖学金,并在IEEE EPEPS 2020和IEEE HPEC 2022中获得了两个最佳学生论文奖。
Zichang He is a senior research associate at the Global Technology Applied Research center at JPMorgan Chase and a PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Santa Barbara. Zichang’s research primarily focuses on the quantum computing and its design automation. Zichang is the receipt of IEE Excellent in Research Fellowship in 2021 at UCSB and two best student paper awards in IEEE EPEPS 2020 and IEEE HPEC 2022.
关于ND Quantum Computing
ND Quantum Computing 是由美国圣母大学计算机科学与工程系博士生Zhiding Liang与麻省理工学院电子工程与计算机系博士生Hanrui Wang发起的量子计算系列讲座。
Quantum Computer System Lecture Seriess(QuCS)是为没有量子计算背景但对此感兴趣的观众建立基本的量子知识,同时通过邀请量子计算领域的专家来介绍该领域更先进的研究课题。
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