public class ConcertCityDialog : AbstractBasicDialog<DialogResult>
private static FacebookService FacebookService => new FacebookService(new FacebookClient());
public async Task ConcertCityIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
var fbAccount = await FacebookService.GetAccountAsync(context.Activity.From.Id);
var selectedCityName = result.Entities.FirstOrDefault()?.Entity;
concert_city selectedCity;
using (var concertCityService = new ConcertCityService())
selectedCity = concertCityService.FindConcertCity(selectedCityName);
if (selectedCity == null)
await NoneIntent(context, result);
user_interaction latestInteraction;
using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
var user = userService.FindByFacebookIdIncludeInteractions(context.Activity.From.Id);
latestInteraction = user.user_interaction.MaxBy(e => e.created_at);
latestInteraction.preferred_city_id = selectedCity.id;
latestInteraction.gif_created = true;
using (var userInteractionService = new UserInteractionService())
var shareIntroReply = context.MakeMessage();
shareIntroReply.Text = "Great choice! You are now participating in the competition. If you dare then pass your message \uD83D\uDE0E";
await context.PostAsync(shareIntroReply);
var reply = await MessageUtility.MakeShareMessageCard(context, fbAccount, latestInteraction, false);
await context.PostAsync(reply);
public async Task NoneIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
messenger_user user;
using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
user = userService.FindByFacebookId(context.Activity.From.Id);
var phrase = CreateMisunderstoodPhrase(user, result.Query);
using (var misunderstoodPhraseService = new MisunderstoodPhraseService())
List<concert_city> concertCities;
using (var concertCityService = new ConcertCityService())
concertCities = concertCityService.GetUpcomingConcertCities().ToList();
// Prompt city
var reply = context.MakeMessage();
reply.Text = "I'm not sure what you mean \uD83E\uDD14<br/>Which Grøn Koncert would you like to attend?";
reply.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions
Actions = concertCities.Select(e => MessageUtility.MakeQuickAnswer(e.name)).ToList()
await context.PostAsync(reply);
protected override void OnDeserializedCustom(StreamingContext context)
public abstract class AbstractBasicDialog<T> : LuisDialog<T>
protected AbstractBasicDialog() : base(new LuisService(new LuisModelAttribute(
domain: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LuisAPIHostName"])))
public virtual async Task CancelIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
var randomQuotes = new List<string>
"If you say so, I'll leave you alone for now",
"alright then, I'll leave you alone",
"Okay then, I won't bother you anymore"
await context.PostAsync(MessageUtility.RandAnswer(randomQuotes));
public virtual async Task StartIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
public async Task CustomerSupportIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
var user = userService.FindByFacebookId(context.Activity.From.Id);
if (user != null)
user.receiving_support = true;
await context.PostAsync("I'll let customer service know, that you want to talk to them. They will get back to you within 24 hours.<br/>If at any time you want to return to me, and start passing a message, just type \"Stop customer support\".");
context.Call(new CustomerSupportDialog(), ResumeAfterCustomerSupport);
private async Task ResumeAfterCustomerSupport(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<DialogResult> result)
context.Done(await result);
protected misunderstood_phrase CreateMisunderstoodPhrase(messenger_user user, string phrase)
return new misunderstood_phrase
phrase = phrase,
dialog = GetType().Name,
messenger_user_id = user.id
private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext context)
protected abstract void OnDeserializedCustom(StreamingContext context);
public class BasicLuisDialog : LuisDialog<DialogResult>
private static FacebookService FacebookService => new FacebookService(new FacebookClient());
public BasicLuisDialog() : base(new LuisService(new LuisModelAttribute(
domain: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LuisAPIHostName"])))
public async Task NoneIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
var facebookAccount = await FacebookService.GetAccountAsync(context.Activity.From.Id);
RegisterUser(facebookAccount, null, out var user);
var phrase = CreateMisunderstoodPhrase(user, result.Query);
using (var misunderstoodPhraseService = new MisunderstoodPhraseService())
var reply = context.MakeMessage();
reply.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions
Actions = new List<CardAction>
new CardAction { Title = "Get started", Type = ActionTypes.ImBack, Value = "Get started" },
new CardAction { Title = "Customer support", Type = ActionTypes.ImBack, Value = "Customer support" }
var name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(facebookAccount.FirstName) ? "" : $"{facebookAccount.FirstName} ";
reply.Text = $"Hm, I'm not sure what you mean {name} \uD83E\uDD14 Here are some ways you can interact with me:";
await context.PostAsync(reply);
public async Task GreetingIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
var rnd = new Random();
var facebookAccount = await FacebookService.GetAccountAsync(context.Activity.From.Id);
// Initial Greeting
var greetings = new List<string>
"Well hello there",
"Hi there"
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(facebookAccount.FirstName))
greetings.Add("Hi {0}");
greetings.Add("Hello {0}");
greetings.Add("Welcome {0}");
if (facebookAccount.Gender == "male")
greetings.Add("Hey handsome");
else if (facebookAccount.Gender == "female")
greetings.Add("Hi gorgeous");
var randIndex = rnd.Next(greetings.Count);
var greeting = string.Format(greetings[randIndex], facebookAccount.FirstName);
await context.PostAsync(greeting);
await MessageUtility.StartTyping(context, 300);
country country;
using (var countryService = new CountryService())
country = countryService.FindCountry(facebookAccount.Locale);
var userHasCountry = RegisterUser(facebookAccount, country, out var user);
// If user contry not found prompt for answer
if (!userHasCountry)
var countryReply = context.MakeMessage();
countryReply.Text = "You are hard to keep track of - where are you from?";
countryReply.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions
Actions = new List<CardAction>
await context.PostAsync(countryReply);
context.Call(new CountryDialog(), AfterCountryDialog);
await FunPrompt(context, country);
private async Task AfterCountryDialog(IDialogContext countryContext, IAwaitable<country> countryAwaitable)
var country = await countryAwaitable;
var facebookAccount = await FacebookService.GetAccountAsync(countryContext.Activity.From.Id);
using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
var user = userService.FindByFacebookId(facebookAccount.Id);
user.country = country;
var reply = countryContext.MakeMessage();
reply.Text = "That's cool \uD83D\uDE0E";
await countryContext.PostAsync(reply);
await MessageUtility.StartTyping(countryContext, 350);
await FunPrompt(countryContext, country);
private async Task FunPrompt(IDialogContext context, country country)
if (country?.name == "norway" && DateTime.Now < new DateTime(2018, 8, 13))
var reply = context.MakeMessage();
reply.Text = "Unfortunately the competition isn't open in Norway yet. You can still talk to customer support if you want to";
reply.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions
Actions = new List<CardAction>
MessageUtility.MakeQuickAnswer("Customer support")
await context.PostAsync(reply);
else if ((country?.name == "denmark" && DateTime.Now >= new DateTime(2018, 7, 29)) ||
(country?.name == "norway" && DateTime.Now >= new DateTime(2018, 10, 21)))
var reply = context.MakeMessage();
reply.Text = "The competition has ended. You can still talk to customer support if you want to";
reply.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions
Actions = new List<CardAction>
MessageUtility.MakeQuickAnswer("Customer support")
await context.PostAsync(reply);
await context.PostAsync("Are you up for some fun?");
context.Call(new IntroductionDialog(), ResumeAfterDialog);
public async Task CustomerSupportIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
var user = userService.FindByFacebookId(context.Activity.From.Id);
if (user != null)
user.receiving_support = true;
await context.PostAsync("I'll let customer support know, that you want to talk to them. They should be messaging you shortly.<br/>You can end your conversation with customer support at any time by typing \"Stop customer support\".");
context.Call(new CustomerSupportDialog(), ResumeAfterDialog);
private async Task ResumeAfterDialog(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<DialogResult> result)
var resultState = await result;
if (resultState == DialogResult.Restart)
await GreetingIntent(context, null);
else if (resultState == DialogResult.CustomerSupport)
await ResumeAfterCustomerSupport(context);
else if (resultState == DialogResult.Done || resultState == DialogResult.Cancel)
private async Task ResumeAfterCustomerSupport(IDialogContext context)
using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
var user = userService.FindByFacebookId(context.Activity.From.Id);
if (user != null)
user.receiving_support = false;
await context.PostAsync("I hope you got the help you needed. Would you like to pass a message to a friend?");
context.Call(new IntroductionDialog(), ResumeAfterDialog);
private bool RegisterUser(FacebookAccount fbAccount, country country, out messenger_user user)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fbAccount?.Id))
user = null;
return false;
using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
user = userService.FindByFacebookId(fbAccount.Id);
if (user != null)
return user.country != null;
user = new messenger_user
id = fbAccount.Id,
country = country
return user.country != null;
protected misunderstood_phrase CreateMisunderstoodPhrase(messenger_user user, string phrase)
return new misunderstood_phrase
phrase = phrase,
dialog = GetType().Name,
messenger_user_id = user.id
Conversation.UpdateContainer(builder =>
builder.RegisterModule(new DialogModule());
builder.RegisterModule(new ReflectionSurrogateModule());
builder.RegisterModule(new DialogModule_MakeRoot());
builder.RegisterModule(new AzureModule(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));
var store = new TableBotDataStore(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StorageConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
builder.Register(c => store)
builder.Register(c => new CachingBotDataStore(store,