PROJECT_DIR <- "./MongolianHCC/" # replace this line with your local path
source(file.path(PROJECT_DIR, "SCRIPTS", "helper_functions.oncoplot.R"))
sample_info_file <- file.path(PROJECT_DIR, "DATA", "PROCESSED", "patient_sample_metadata_w_clustering_risk.txt")
driver_res_file <- file.path(PROJECT_DIR, "DATA", "ORIGINAL", "mut_full.sig_genes.txt")
out_dir <- file.path(PROJECT_DIR, "RESULTS", "mut_oncoplot")
maf_file <- file.path(PROJECT_DIR, "DATA", "PROCESSED", "maf_after_all_filters.maf")
sample_info.exome.file <- sample_info_file
driver_results_file <- driver_res_file
driver_sig_col <- "q"
driver_sig_thresh <- 0.1
driver_sig_freq <- 0.05
cohort_freq_thresh <- 0.2
# cohort_freq_thresh=NA
gene_list_file <- NA
source(file.path(PROJECT_DIR, "SCRIPTS", "helper_functions.oncoplot.R"))
if (!dir.exists(out_dir)) {
dir.create(out_dir, recursive = T)
if (grepl(".xlsx$", sample_info.exome.file)) {
sample_info.exome <- read.xlsx(sample_info.exome.file)
} else {
sample_info.exome <- read.table(sample_info.exome.file, sep = "\t", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
sample_info.exome$Tumor_Sample_Barcode <- sample_info.exome$WES_T
ignoreGenes <- c("TTN", "MUC16", "OBSCN", "AHNAK2", "SYNE1", "FLG", "MUC5B",
"DNAH17", "PLEC", "DST", "SYNE2", "NEB", "HSPG2", "LAMA5",
"AHNAK", "HMCN1", "USH2A", "DNAH11", "MACF1", "MUC17", "DNAH5",
"GPR98", "FAT1", "PKD1", "MDN1", "RNF213", "RYR1", "DNAH2",
"DNAH3", "DNAH8", "DNAH1", "DNAH9", "ABCA13", "SRRM2", "CUBN",
"SPTBN5", "PKHD1", "LRP2", "FBN3", "CDH23", "DNAH10", "FAT4",
"RYR3", "PKHD1L1", "FAT2", "CSMD1", "PCNT", "COL6A3", "FRAS1",
"FCGBP", "RYR2", "HYDIN", "XIRP2", "LAMA1")
# sort(ignoreGenes)
mafObj <- read.maf(maf_file, clinicalData = sample_info.exome)
maf.filter <- mafObj
frac_mut <- data.frame(
Hugo_Symbol = maf.filter@gene.summary$Hugo_Symbol,
frac_mut = (maf.filter@gene.summary$MutatedSamples / as.numeric(maf.filter@summary$summary[3])),
stringsAsFactors = F
frac_mut[is.na(frac_mut)] <- 0
# driver_res_file="data/somatic.sig_genes.txt"
# driver_sig_col="q"
# driver_sig_thresh=0.1
# driver_sig_freq=0.05
if (file.exists(driver_res_file)) {
driver_res <- read.table(driver_res_file, sep = "\t", header = T, quote = "", stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(driver_res)[colnames(driver_res) == "gene"] <- "Hugo_Symbol"
driver_res$FLAG_gene <- driver_res$Hugo_Symbol %in% ignoreGenes
driver_res_plus <- merge.data.frame(driver_res, frac_mut)
driver_res_plus <- driver_res_plus[order(driver_res_plus[, driver_sig_col], decreasing = F), ]
driver_genes <- driver_res_plus$Hugo_Symbol[driver_res_plus[, driver_sig_col] < driver_sig_thresh & driver_res_plus$frac_mut > driver_sig_freq]
} else {
driver_res_plus <- frac_mut
driver_genes <- c()
# driver_res_plus <- driver_res
cohort_freq_thresh <- 0.1
if (!is.na(cohort_freq_thresh)) {
freq_genes <- setdiff(driver_res_plus$Hugo_Symbol[driver_res_plus$frac_mut > cohort_freq_thresh], driver_genes)
} else {
freq_genes <- NULL
if (file.exists(as.character(gene_list_file))) {
custom_gene_list <- read.table(gene_list_file, stringsAsFactors = F)[, 1]
custom_gene_list <- setdiff(custom_gene_list, c(driver_genes, freq_genes))
} else {
custom_gene_list <- NULL
gene_list <- list(driver_genes, freq_genes, custom_gene_list)
reasons <- c(
paste0("Driver Gene, ", driver_sig_col, " < ", driver_sig_thresh),
paste0("Cohort Freq > ", cohort_freq_thresh),
paste0("Selected Genes")
genes_for_oncoplot <- data.frame(Hugo_Symbol = c(), reason = c())
for (i in 1:length(gene_list)) {
if (is.null(gene_list[[i]][1])) {
genes_for_oncoplot <- rbind(
Hugo_Symbol = gene_list[[i]],
reason = reasons[i]
genes_for_oncoplot <- cbind(genes_for_oncoplot,
frac = driver_res_plus$frac_mut[match(genes_for_oncoplot$Hugo_Symbol, driver_res_plus$Hugo_Symbol)]
genes_for_oncoplot <- genes_for_oncoplot[!is.na(genes_for_oncoplot$frac), ]
genes_for_oncoplot <- genes_for_oncoplot[order(genes_for_oncoplot$reason, -genes_for_oncoplot$frac), ]
split_idx <- as.character(genes_for_oncoplot$reason)
split_idx <- factor(split_idx, levels = reasons[reasons %in% split_idx])
split_colors <- rainbow(length(levels(split_idx)))
names(split_colors) <- as.character(genes_for_oncoplot$reason[!duplicated(genes_for_oncoplot$reason)])
split_colors <- list(Reason = split_colors)
# source("scripts/helper_functions.R")
oncomat <- createOncoMatrix(maf.filter, g = genes_for_oncoplot$Hugo_Symbol, add_missing = F)$oncoMatrix
write.table(genes_for_oncoplot, file = paste0(out_dir, "/genes_for_oncoplot.txt"), sep = "\t", quote = F, row.names = F)
include_all <- T
if (include_all) {
### createOncoMatrix drops empty samples, so this adds them back in
all_wes_samples <- as.character(sample_info.exome$Tumor_Sample_Barcode[!is.na(sample_info.exome$Tumor_Sample_Barcode)])
extra_samples <- setdiff(all_wes_samples, colnames(oncomat))
empty_data <- matrix(data = "", nrow = nrow(oncomat), ncol = length(extra_samples), dimnames = list(rownames(oncomat), extra_samples))
oncomat <- cbind(oncomat, empty_data)
oncomat <- oncomat[match(genes_for_oncoplot$Hugo_Symbol, rownames(oncomat)), ]
onco_genes <- rownames(oncomat)
#### TCGA Comparison Heatmap (from helper_functions.oncoplot.R)
tcga_comparison_results <- make_TCGA_comparison_heatmap(onco_genes, maf.filter, split_at = split_idx)
tcga_comparison_hm <- tcga_comparison_results[[1]]
#### MONGOLIA oncoplot
## Oncoplot parameters
annotate_empty <- ""
annotation_font_size <- 9
annotation_height_frac <- 0.3
onco_width <- 9
onco_height <- NULL
oncomat.plot <- oncomat
colnames(oncomat.plot) <- sample_info.exome$Patient[match(colnames(oncomat.plot), sample_info.exome$Tumor_Sample_Barcode)]
if (is.null(onco_height)) {
onco_height <- max(round(0.2 * nrow(oncomat.plot), 0) + 2, 5)
hm_anno_info <- as.data.frame(sample_info.exome[match(colnames(oncomat.plot), sample_info.exome$Patient), ])
rownames(hm_anno_info) <- hm_anno_info$Patient
hm_anno_info <- hm_anno_info[, c(10:ncol(hm_anno_info))]
hm_anno_info$sex <- ifelse(is.na(hm_anno_info$sex), "NA", ifelse(hm_anno_info$sex == 1, "M", "F"))
grouping_var <- "hdv"
group_counts <- c(0, table(hm_anno_info[, grouping_var], useNA = "ifany"))
names(group_counts) <- c(names(group_counts)[2:length(group_counts)], "last")
group_levels <- sort(unique(hm_anno_info[, grouping_var]))
plot_idx <- c()
for (currgroup_idx in 1:length(group_levels)) {
# currgroup_idx=1
currgroup <- group_levels[currgroup_idx]
curr_subset <- hm_anno_info[hm_anno_info[, grouping_var] == currgroup, ]
order_classes <- factor(ifelse(is.na(as.character(curr_subset$class)), "Unknown", as.character(curr_subset$class)))
curr_idx <- orderByGroup(oncomat.plot[, colnames(oncomat.plot) %in% rownames(curr_subset)], order_classes)
plot_idx <- c(
plot_order <- plot_idx
################### TOGGLE FOR TOP/BOTTOM ANNOTATION ###################
##### This is for only class/cluster on top
# top_anno_names <- c("Class")
# names(top_anno_names) <- c("class")
# bot_anno_names <- c("Sex","Age","HCV","HBV","HDV","Stage","Tumor Size","Cirrhosis","Obesity","Alcohol","Smoker","Family History","alb","bil","alt","afp","multinodular","Risk Group")
# names(bot_anno_names) <- c("sex","age_bin","hcv","hbv","hdv","stage","tumor_size","cirrhosis","obesity","alcohol","smoker","FHx_LC","alb","bil","alt","afp","multinodular","risk_bin") # column names
################### TOGGLE FOR TOP/BOTTOM ANNOTATION ###################
##### This is for cluster+HDV on top
top_anno_names <- c("Class", "HDV", "HBV", "HCV")
names(top_anno_names) <- c("class", "hdv", "hbv", "hcv")
bot_anno_names <- c(
"Sex", "Age", "Obesity", "Smoking", "Alcohol", "Family History", "Cirrhosis",
"alb", "bil", "alt", "afp", "Tumor Size", "multinodular", "Stage", "Risk Group"
names(bot_anno_names) <- c("sex", "age_bin", "obesity", "smoker", "alcohol",
"FHx_LC", "cirrhosis", "alb", "bil", "alt", "afp",
"tumor_size", "multinodular", "stage", "risk_bin") # column names
hm_anno_info <- hm_anno_info[, unique(c(names(top_anno_names), names(bot_anno_names)))]
annocolors <- my_oncoplot_colors(hm_anno_info)
my_types <- unique(unlist(apply(oncomat.plot, 2, unique)))
my_types <- my_types[!my_types %in% c(NA, "", 0)]
col <- c(
Nonsense_Mutation = "#ad7aff",
Missense_Mutation = "#377EB8",
Frame_Shift_Del = "#4DAF4A",
In_Frame_Ins = "#ff008c",
Splice_Site = "#FF7F00",
Multi_Hit = "#FFFF33",
Frame_Shift_Ins = "#A65628",
In_Frame_Del = "#f781bf",
Translation_Start_Site = "#400085",
Nonstop_Mutation = "#b68dfc",
no_variants = "#d6d6d6"
top_anno_data <- data.frame(hm_anno_info[, names(top_anno_names)], row.names = rownames(hm_anno_info))
colnames(top_anno_data) <- names(top_anno_names)
bot_anno_data <- data.frame(hm_anno_info[, names(bot_anno_names)], row.names = rownames(hm_anno_info))
colnames(bot_anno_data) <- names(bot_anno_data)
unmutated_annodata <- ifelse(colSums(nchar(oncomat.plot)) == 0, annotate_empty, "")
annocolors$empty <- c("TRUE" = "black", "FALSE" = "white")
top_height <- onco_height * annotation_height_frac * (ncol(top_anno_data) / ncol(bot_anno_data))
top_anno <- HeatmapAnnotation(
empty = anno_text(
gp = gpar(fontsize = 6, fontface = "bold", col = "grey10"),
location = unit(0.5, "npc"),
which = "column"),
df = top_anno_data,
name = "top_anno",
col = annocolors,
show_annotation_name = T,
na_col = "grey70",
show_legend = F,
simple_anno_size_adjust = T,
height = unit(top_height, "inches"),
annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotation_font_size)
names(top_anno) <- top_anno_names[names(top_anno)]
bot_anno <- HeatmapAnnotation(
df = bot_anno_data,
name = "bot_anno",
col = annocolors,
show_annotation_name = T,
na_col = "white",
show_legend = F,
simple_anno_size_adjust = T,
height = unit(onco_height * annotation_height_frac, "inches"),
annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = annotation_font_size)
names(bot_anno) <- bot_anno_names[names(bot_anno)]
# browser()
names(col) <- gsub("_", " ", names(col))
oncomat.plot <- gsub("_", " ", oncomat.plot)
col_split_idx <- hm_anno_info$hdv
onco_base_default <- oncoPrint(
alter_fun = alter_fun,
col = col,
row_order = 1:nrow(oncomat.plot),
name = "oncoplot",
show_pct = F,
top_annotation = top_anno,
bottom_annotation = bot_anno,
row_split = split_idx,
left_annotation = rowAnnotation(Reason = split_idx, col = split_colors, annotation_width = unit(0.2, "mm")),
row_title = NULL,
column_title = NULL,
column_order = plot_order,
column_gap = unit(0.01, "npc"),
column_split = col_split_idx,
width = 1
# browser()
save_name <- paste0(out_dir, "/oncoplot.pdf")
pdf(file = save_name, height = onco_height, width = onco_width)
draw(tcga_comparison_hm + onco_base_default, main_heatmap = 2)
class_labels <- hm_anno_info$class[match(plot_order, rownames(hm_anno_info))]
class_labels[is.na(class_labels)] <- "NA"
class_labels <- factor(class_labels)
slice_labels <- hm_anno_info$hdv[match(plot_order, rownames(hm_anno_info))]
slice_labels[is.na(slice_labels)] <- "NA"
slice_labels <- factor(slice_labels)
myclasses <- split(class_labels, slice_labels)
label_idx <- lapply(myclasses, function(x) {
# x=myclasses[[1]]
change_idx <- c(which(as.logical(diff(as.numeric(x)))), length(x))
change_idx <- change_idx / length(x)
curr_label_idx <- rep(1, length(change_idx))
for (i in 1:length(change_idx)) {
prev_start <- ifelse(length(change_idx[i - 1]) > 0, change_idx[i - 1], 0)
curr_label_idx[i] <- (change_idx[i] - prev_start) / 2 + prev_start
mynames <- ifelse(diff(c(0, change_idx)) < 0.1, "", levels(x))
names(curr_label_idx) <- mynames
## Add cluster labels to top annotation
for (slice_num in 1:length(label_idx)) {
for (class_num in 1:length(label_idx[[slice_num]])) {
labeltxt <- names(label_idx[[slice_num]])[class_num]
labelpos <- label_idx[[slice_num]][class_num]
decorate_annotation("Class", slice = slice_num, {
grid.text(labeltxt, labelpos,
default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(fontsize = annotation_font_size * 0.9, fontface = "italic", col = "white")
#### TABLE containing data for each variant
output_data <- maf.filter@data[maf.filter@data$Hugo_Symbol %in% onco_genes, ]
output_data$tumor_genotype <- apply(output_data[, c("Tumor_Seq_Allele1", "Tumor_Seq_Allele2")], 1, paste, collapse = "/")
output_data$normal_genotype <- apply(output_data[, c("Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1", "Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2")], 1, paste, collapse = "/")
pheno_info <- sample_info.exome[match(output_data$Tumor_Sample_Barcode, sample_info.exome$Tumor_Sample_Barcode), ]
pheno_info <- cbind(pheno_info[, "Tumor_Sample_Barcode"], pheno_info[, -c("Tumor_Sample_Barcode")])
pheno_columns <- colnames(pheno_info)
names(pheno_columns) <- make.names(pheno_columns, unique = T)
output_data <- cbind(output_data, pheno_info)
cols_for_table <- c(
"Hugo Symbol" = "Hugo_Symbol",
"Variant Classification" = "Variant_Classification",
"Variant Type" = "Variant_Type",
"Consequence" = "Consequence",
"Chromosome" = "Chromosome", "Start Position" = "Start_Position", "End Position" = "End_Position", "Strand" = "Strand",
"Reference Allele" = "Reference_Allele",
"Tumor Genotype" = "tumor_genotype",
"Normal Genotype" = "normal_genotype",
"Transcript Change" = "HGVSc",
"Protein Change" = "HGVSp_Short",
"Normal Depth" = "n_depth",
"Normal Ref Depth" = "n_ref_count",
"Normal Alt Depth" = "n_alt_count",
"Tumor Depth" = "t_depth",
"Tumor Ref Depth" = "t_ref_count",
"Tumor Alt Depth" = "t_alt_count",
"Existing Annotation" = "Existing_variation",
"gnomAD Frequency" = "gnomAD_AF",
"ExAC Frequency" = "ExAC_AF",
"1000Genomes Frequency" = "AF",
"Current Cohort Frequency" = "tumor_freq",
variant_info <- as.data.frame(output_data)[, cols_for_table]
colnames(variant_info) <- names(cols_for_table)
write.xlsx(variant_info, file = paste0(out_dir, "/Table_2.xlsx"))
tcga.white <- tcga_comparison_results[[2]]
tcga.asian <- tcga_comparison_results[[3]]
tcga_lihc_mc3 <- tcga_comparison_results[[4]]
all_dfs <- list(
MONG_frac_mut = (maf.filter@gene.summary$MutatedSamples / as.numeric(maf.filter@summary$summary[3])),
Hugo_Symbol = maf.filter@gene.summary$Hugo_Symbol, stringsAsFactors = F
TCGA_All_frac_mut = (tcga_lihc_mc3@gene.summary$MutatedSamples / as.numeric(tcga_lihc_mc3@summary$summary[3])),
Hugo_Symbol = tcga_lihc_mc3@gene.summary$Hugo_Symbol, stringsAsFactors = F
TCGA_Asian_frac_mut = (tcga.asian@gene.summary$MutatedSamples / as.numeric(tcga.asian@summary$summary[3])),
Hugo_Symbol = tcga.asian@gene.summary$Hugo_Symbol, stringsAsFactors = F
TCGA_White_frac_mut = (tcga.white@gene.summary$MutatedSamples / as.numeric(tcga.white@summary$summary[3])),
Hugo_Symbol = tcga.white@gene.summary$Hugo_Symbol, stringsAsFactors = F
all_dfs_merged <- all_dfs %>%
Reduce(function(dtf1, dtf2) left_join(dtf1, dtf2, by = "Hugo_Symbol"), .)
write.xlsx(all_dfs_merged, file = paste0(out_dir, "/gene_mutsig_info.xlsx")) # ,asTable = T)
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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。