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发布2023-11-14 17:02:40
发布2023-11-14 17:02:40


The Conjecture of Consciousness, Logarithmic Spiral, Glial cells and Brain plasticity



The logarithmic spiral of the brain is related to learning and memory, but is the logarithmic spiral related to consciousness? Referring to the heart-brain experimental study of quantum entanglement of other people, are the spirals of the heart and brain related?

The conjecture of the turbulent transmission of information in the logarithmic spiral does not change the image of information transmitted in different brain regions, but the image quality is lost, and the formula is derived, as shown in Fig. 1. We continue our work to study logarithmic spiral and brain plasticity, where the movement of spiral affects glial cells, which in turn affect brain plasticity. We consider the effects of the presynaptic and postsynaptic spirals.

1 模型的想象

1 The imagination of model


The imaginations help to understand the model. Think of it this way, neuron is the taproot of plant, dendrite is the roots, synapse is a root that grow on, and glial cells is the soil. The combination of clockwise logarithmic spiral and glial cells is the moist soil, which makes the soil loose and conducive to root growth, and the combination of counterclockwise logarithmic spiral and glial cells is the arid soil, which makes the soil hard and not conducive to root growth.

2 对数螺旋线和大脑塑性

2 Logarithmic Spiral and Brain plasticity

Fig.1 Angles of logarithmic Spiral and loss of memory engram














The clockwise logarithmic spiral may loosen glial cells, while the counterclockwise logarithmic spiral may make glial cells sturdy.

We combine clockwise or counterclockwise spirals with presynaptic and postsynaptic positions. In this way, there are 4 cases, see Fig. 2(a).

1. At presynaptic position, it has a counterclockwise logarithmic spiral. At postsynaptic position, there is a counterclockwise spiral. So that pre and postsynaptic glial cells are inhibited to the synaptic locations.

2. At presynaptic position, it has a clockwise logarithmic spiral. At postsynaptic position, there is a clockwise spiral. So that the glial cells with presynaptic and postsynaptic positions are excitatory to the synaptic locations. Makes synapses change freely, it could be the best case.

3. At presynaptic position, it has a clockwise logarithmic spiral. At postsynaptic position, there is a counterclockwise spiral. So that the presynaptic glial cells are excitatory to the synaptic position, so that the postsynaptic glial cells are inhibited by the synaptic position. And the synaptic growth trend is presynaptic growth.

4. At presynaptic position, it has a counterclockwise logarithmic spiral. At postsynaptic position, there is a clockwise spiral. So that presynaptic glial cells are inhibited by synaptic location, so that postsynaptic glial cells are excitatory to synaptic location. And synaptic growth trend is postsynaptic growth.

We combine one of the clockwise or counterclockwise logarithmic spiral with the one of the presynaptic or postsynaptic position. In this way, there are 4 cases, see Fig. 2(b).

5. At postsynaptic position, it has a counterclockwise logarithmic spiral. So that postsynaptic glial cells are inhibited to the synaptic locations. And the synaptic growth trend is presynaptic growth.

6. At postsynaptic position, it has a clockwise logarithmic spiral. So that the glial cells with postsynaptic positions are excitatory to the synaptic locations. And synaptic growth trend is postsynaptic growth.

7. At presynaptic position, there is a clockwise spiral. So that the presynaptic glial cells are excitatory to the synaptic position. And the synaptic growth trend is presynaptic growth.

8. At presynaptic position, there is a counterclockwise spiral. So that presynaptic glial cells are inhibited by synaptic location. And synaptic growth trend is postsynaptic growth.

(a)Both presynapse and postsynapse have logarithmic spirals

(b)The presynapse or postsynapse only has a logarithmic spiral

Fig.2 The Cases of interaction in logarithmic spiral and presynapse, postsynapse

If you consider whether the left or right rotation of the logarithmic spiral, the possible cases are doubled.

We further wonder if the logarithmic spiral motion is the products of consciousness, is the result of the action of sound, light, electricity, and fluid produced by our consciousness. One is the logarithmic spiral that transmits information through turbulence, and then the logarithmic spiral affects glial cells to store information and then changes our Brain architecture.

作者:陶俊波, 哈工大在读博士。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2023-11-13,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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0 条评论
  • 意识、对数螺旋线、胶质细胞和大脑可塑性的猜想
  • The Conjecture of Consciousness, Logarithmic Spiral, Glial cells and Brain plasticity
    • 1 模型的想象
    • 1 The imagination of model
    • 2 对数螺旋线和大脑塑性
    • 2 Logarithmic Spiral and Brain plasticity
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