题目:Identification of a tumour immune barrier in the HCC microenvironment that determines the efficacy of immunotherapy
期刊:Journal of Hepatology (IF: 26)
单位:上海交大 Lianxin Liu
eight patients with HCC receiving anti-PD-1 treatment (non-responders, n = 5; responders, n = 3) and adjacent normal tissue sections (n = 3).
we calculated the signature score of the T-cell-inflamed gene expression profile (GEP),23 an IFN-c–related mRNA profile iomarker to predict clinical response to PD-1 blockade, in each spot and theaverage expression of GEP genes in each spatial cluster.
E: 通过FASC, SPP1+ macrophage在non-responders (NR)显著高。注意E图的标记错了。
Scatter plot showed percentage of SPP1+ macrophages of macrophages in ICB responders (R) and non-responders (NR) in FACS.
F: mIHC表明SPP1蛋白在tumor中比Normal中多。
G: 高SPP1 预后差;
H: TMA染色结果显示,SPP1蛋白在Tumor中显著高于正常组织;
I: 根据SPP1蛋白表达量高低,将59个病人分成2组,发现SPP1高的组,预后差。
J: 根据TCGA-LIHC数据,SPP1在晚期HCC病人中的比例多。
the proportion of SPP1+macrophages increased at the late stage in the TCGA-LIHC cohort (Fig. 3J)
E: 对所有的spot进行髓系免疫抑制 ( immunosuppressive features of myeloid cells) 在SPP1+Macrophage/CAF细胞群中比较高,说明免疫抑制能力强。同时ECM features 在SPP1+Macrophage/CAF细胞群中比较高,说明对细胞外基质重塑能力强。
suggesting that SPP1+ macrophages may be associated with immunosuppressive function and that CAFs may be associated with the generation of ECM components.