The world's population is expected To Grow at an annual rate of eighty one million people reaching ten billion in twenty fifty in order to feed of growing population synthetic fertilize are widely used in modern farming To Boost crop yields they act like plant steroids that immediately supply essential nutrients to the soil but like steroids synthetic fertilizes could have negative effects in the long run,用Hu它会伤到一些土资啊,它会造在我们土壤算卦,Soil amendments like synthetic fertilizers not only accelerate a cerification damaging plants and organisms in the soil they could also beach inTo Groundwater and cause water pollution the va agents used toreas food production maystially decrease it over time,洒太多的农药造成我们慈安的问题啊,我觉得也像不好。
政府在推这个有机友善工作的时候,我们也去积极加入。Sus commitment to organic farming allows for safe produce and sustained soil fertility slow releasing organic fertilizers are less asciifying but there are higher cost may deter other ECO minded farmers from trying。A few months ago he had newsfall,张雨琪干嘛管他一开始的时候就来寻找我们产销班,说可以使用他们sociala the FA the organic fertilizer is produced in a newly built factory just minutes away from she's farm it's eight in the morning and the workers are prereping the factory for another day's work。This facility is the first of its kind in the world these blue buckets contain food waste collected by the city of taian the factory composts the waste and turns it into organic fertilizer in a matter of hours three hours To Be exact。
Hundred and fifty kilograms of fertilize produce for every met ton of food waste,因为我本身是农业出身,所以农业废弃物的处理我是很感兴趣的。利用酵素处理可以短短三个小时内把这一些处理熟化变成肥料,就是一种是很了不起的发米的地点采集,This game method is the result of groundbreaking work by chng and mentor DR ch zg ya renow soil microbiologist,我的信息是在土壤微生物及生化,就是专注在微生物回料和有机物废弃物的处理。Composting remains one of the most common ways of treating organic waste but the method is problematic。
就传统的堆尾有三个问题,第一个时间很长,要三个月以上,甚至到六个月,第二个就是很臭很脏,再过来要很大的空间。Having succeeded in developing microbial fertilizers DR young wonders if he can accelerate the process while eliminating the odor issue。微生物用环子要靠时间,那我们要想办法缩短时间,The answer turns out to lie not the microbe themselves but in what microbes produce enzymes。Enzymes or protein that act as catalysts when one substance needs To Be transformed into another nature uses enzymes to speed up the process。微生物是火的菌,这个酵素从哪里来?是从微生物分泌来的酵素直接拿来用,不要靠微生物的繁殖来作用,对我们这个废弃物来处理,时间可以适当非常多。
It took DR young and his team seven years to perfect the bio degragation method which he named TT ttechn at TT t's agro bIoTechx headquarters wastes are treated using different enzyme formulas so all this petri disches our we haved sort of different organic this is kitchente and this is the Bo tongue。Most of the waste we have already have the the enzymes products for it Li and young DR young son is a scientist himself who left his university job to help his father realize the real world potential of his research在发展的时候有高度的困难,其中最重要就是菌种本身,要找到好的菌种分泌这个好的酵素,而且些酵素都要能够耐热、耐环境的储存。另外一个问题就说一体,它很难保存,We get the liquid we will transform into the solid form after that we will book in additives。
The addives will stabilize the activity ofz for at least one year activity technology is the world's only technology that can manage organic waste and turn it into organic within three hours the enzyme formulations are ready for use having perfected the technology at the lab the youngs work with youngng chii chng to test its real world application Chang thought that there was hidden potential in one particular type of waste a growing population has produced more waste than ever before even though Taiwan has one of the highest recycling rates in the world treating recycled food waste remains a big headache local governments have long scrambled to find ways To Get rid of the mounting food waste。
桃园市的人口是225万人,每天厨鱼生产量大概是186公吨,那可以讲非常的庞大,就是我们市政府决定成立厨鱼的厨理厂,这种厨鱼来转换成为肥料,因为厨鱼这一部分我觉得是未来一定要处理的,所以我认为说必须要去做它。In twenty nineteen the city commission chng To Build this new compost facility to treat nearly one third of tan's total recycled food waste,很多人就跟我怀疑我800平方光尺你每天要处理60吨,甚至合约里面有提到节庆之后量了很多,必须每日要增加25%的处理量,我说可以,没有问题。to stream process automate the production and fit everything into a facility that is smaller than two basketball courts,我是用飞高机将这个砧板上面的酒桶的出域放上去,我的工作平台它是自动化进去,它感测到我有东西,再重的时候它就自动往前进,It's not the volume that poses a challenge but the content liquid is drain from the kitchen scraps before they assorted manually。
Removed non food waste like plastic bags and newtensils rice holes sawdust and organic additives are then added to the scraps to suppress odor reduce water content and balance the PH level during milling and mixing。进到100TIME系,我们会在这个时候添加酵素,一顿的要处理盐雾料,我加20公斤的这个酵素,Inside gas is used to heat up the mixture to activate the enzymes different substances have different heating curves and therefore require different temperatures the mixture reaches eighty to eighty five degrees celsius in the bio reactor this process not only ensures enzymes performance but also sterilizes the compost to avoid contamination,因为有机废器物的来源很复杂,我们不知道有没有对人有传播性的病人。
永院是他研发这东西可以耐高文到just after three hours in the bio reactor the food waste mixture is turned into compost that is ready for use the factory turns out fifteen tons of organic fertilizer from tons of food wayste that it treats daily。我们这个特性就是因为它是完全熟化的肥料,温度降低之后就可直接可以用到田里面,我也希望说多做几场,不止在台湾做,在国外也要做,我希望把这个推广到前线,经过这个反复的验证,好证明这个方法是有效的啊,早上处于进来,那下午就可以产生哦有机肥料,那产生的有机肥料可以作为我们的稻米蔬菜哦,重要的这个肥料的来源完全符合循环经济的道理,Local farmers like we cheese benefit directly from the end product。
我都会去找一些那个比较没有肥分的田呢,尽量去撒,然结果效果不错。诶,我们人吃剩下的东西叫处鱼,把它做成有机肥,再回归到大地里面去的话,当然是最好的。as plant owner yui Chung is proving the new compost method lessons the impact of organic waste while creating a sustainable business model。我们的用的种类很多,要屠宰废弃物啊,包括工厂的生物物泥,也可以用这种方式处理废弃物,不要当成类水,再把它当成有效的资源在利药。人类去利用土地,它是会退化的,全世界大概有1/3的地要靠有机质来拯救,变成我们用快速的技术才有办法大量的供应。气候变迁和我们有机质的循环非常大的关系,我们如果把这些东西储存在土壤里面,空气中的温室气体就可以减少,气候变迁,暖化就会降低,土壤健康,植物就会才会健康,我们食物才会健康,人类才会健康。