This project reproduces the bookDive Into Deep Learning, adapting the code from MXNet into PyTorch.
This project is adapted from the original Dive Into Deep Learning book by Aston Zhang, Zachary C. Lipton, Mu Li, Alex J. Smola and all the community contributors. We have made an effort to modify the book and convert the MXnet code snippets into PyTorch.
Note: Some ipynb notebooks may not be rendered perfectly in Github. We suggest the repo or using nbviewer to view the notebooks.
Please feel free to open a Pull Request to contribute a notebook in PyTorch for the rest of the chapters. Before starting out with the notebook, open an issue with the name of the notebook in order to contribute for the same. We will assign that issue to you (if no one has been assigned earlier).
Strictly follow the naming conventions for the IPython Notebooks and the subsections.
Also, if you think there's any section that requires more/better explanation, please use the issue tracker to open an issue and let us know about the same. We'll get back as soon as possible.
Find some code that needs improvement and submit a pull request.
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Try not to submit huge pull requests since this makes them hard to understand and incorporate. Better send several smaller ones.
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[1] Original Book Dive Into Deep Learning -> Github Repo
[2] Deep Learning - The Straight Dope
[3] PyTorch - MXNet Cheatsheet
If you use this work or code for your research please cite the original book with the following bibtex entry.
Ch02 Installation
Ch03 Introduction
Ch04 The Preliminaries: A Crashcourse
4.1 Data Manipulation
4.2 Linear Algebra
4.3 Automatic Differentiation
4.4 Probability and Statistics
4.5 Naive Bayes Classification
4.6 Documentation
Ch05 Linear Neural Networks
5.1 Linear Regression
5.2 Linear Regression Implementation from Scratch
5.3 Concise Implementation of Linear Regression
5.4 Softmax Regression
5.5 Image Classification Data (Fashion-MNIST)
5.6 Implementation of Softmax Regression from Scratch
5.7 Concise Implementation of Softmax Regression
Ch06 Multilayer Perceptrons
6.1 Multilayer Perceptron
6.2 Implementation of Multilayer Perceptron from Scratch
6.3 Concise Implementation of Multilayer Perceptron
6.4 Model Selection Underfitting and Overfitting
6.5 Weight Decay
6.6 Dropout
6.7 Forward Propagation Backward Propagation and Computational Graphs
6.8 Numerical Stability and Initialization
6.9 Considering the Environment
6.10 Predicting House Prices on Kaggle
Ch07 Deep Learning Computation
7.1 Layers and Blocks
7.2 Parameter Management
7.3 Deferred Initialization
7.4 Custom Layers
7.5 File I/O
7.6 GPUs
Ch08 Convolutional Neural Networks
8.1 From Dense Layers to Convolutions
8.2 Convolutions for Images
8.3 Padding and Stride
8.4 Multiple Input and Output Channels
8.5 Pooling
8.6 Convolutional Neural Networks (LeNet)
Ch09 Modern Convolutional Networks
9.1 Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (AlexNet)
9.2 Networks Using Blocks (VGG)
9.3 Network in Network (NiN)
9.4 Networks with Parallel Concatenations (GoogLeNet)
9.5 Batch Normalization
9.6 Residual Networks (ResNet)
9.7 Densely Connected Networks (DenseNet)
Ch10 Recurrent Neural Networks
10.1 Sequence Models
10.2 Language Models
10.3 Recurrent Neural Networks
10.4 Text Preprocessing
10.5 Implementation of Recurrent Neural Networks from Scratch
10.6 Concise Implementation of Recurrent Neural Networks
10.7 Backpropagation Through Time
10.8 Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)
10.9 Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
10.10 Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
10.11 Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks
10.12 Machine Translation and DataSets
10.13 Encoder-Decoder Architecture
10.14 Sequence to Sequence
10.15 Beam Search
Ch11 Attention Mechanism
11.1 Attention Mechanism
11.2 Sequence to Sequence with Attention Mechanism
11.3 Transformer
Ch12 Optimization Algorithms
12.1 Optimization and Deep Learning
12.2 Convexity
12.3 Gradient Descent
12.4 Stochastic Gradient Descent
12.5 Mini-batch Stochastic Gradient Descent
12.6 Momentum
12.7 Adagrad
12.8 RMSProp
12.9 Adadelta
12.10 Adam
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