Source:Benjamin Low, Vice President, Asia Paci-fic, Milestone Systems(注:这是帖子的出处)
Related tags:deep learning, Milestone Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Video Surveillance, AI
Video technologiesare evolving at a strong pace, withartificial intelligence(AI) andma-chine learninghaving the enormous potential to transform video technology and fundamentally change the way we live and work.
For example, last year convenience chain 7-Eleven implemented the use offacial recog-nition video technologyin its 11,000 stores across Thailand. The technology is used to identify loyalty members, analyses in-store traffic,suggest purchases and even measure shoppers' emotion.
In the healthcare industry, institutions are beginning to usevideo analyticsto improve patient care, for instance –alerting staff if a patient has gone too long without being checked, or even identifying if a patient has fallen and needs assistance.
The use ofAI-powered video technologyto simplify everyday processes has already begun – from easier security checks at the airport to paying for purchases with a smile. The trend is only set to accelerate from here, with an estimated 1 billion video cameras connected to artificial intelligence platforms by 2020.
An intelligent industrial revolution
Having machines take overlow-cognitive taskswill be a significant game-changer for years to come. With proper aggregation of information, machines can be better at low-cognitive tasks and often deliver a better quality of service than humans.
In the book "The Inevitable", Kevin Keely says the next 10,000 startups will be based on finding applications for AI, in a similar way to theelec-trificationthat happened during the second industrial revolution. Theintelligent industrial revolutionis beginning to happen all around us.
译:KevinKeely在“The Inevitable”一书中说,接下来的10,000家初创公司将基于寻找AI的应用程序,其方式与第二次工业革命期间发生的电气化相似。智能工业革命正在我们周围开始发生。
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