万学海文 吴丽丽
1. 人工智能 artificial intelligence
2. 咨询consultation enquiry; enquire
3. 科技馆science and technology museum
4. 展览exhibition
5. 计算机课程 computer professional course
6. 论文dissertation
7. 普通人 average individual
8. 机器人 robot
9. 档案 archives
10. 资料 material
1. 我正在学习计算机课程。
I am studying for a degree in computer professional course.
2. 我对人工智能特别感兴趣。
I have a particular interest in AI.
3. 想寻求关于人工智能的帮助。
I would like to enquire information about the artificial intelligence.
4. 我正在关注科技对普通人的生活的影响。
I am concentrating on the impact of science and technology on the way in which average individual lives a common life.
5. 我想知道是否有关于机器人的档案资料。
I would like to know if you have any written documents on the robot in your archives.
6. 我是否可以使用这些材料?
Could I be allowed to have access to any of the material?
7. 期待着尽快得到您圆满的答复。
I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.
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