




在随后的汇报会上,董事长兼CEO张贯京先生向考察团介绍了易特科集团概况,就目前集团AI医疗战略、产品研发与应用、市场成绩等工作进行了详细汇报。考察团一行听取汇报后充分肯定了易特科(前海安测)“AI健康医疗”战略模式,高度赞扬了我司15年来取得的辉煌业绩和我司在全国AI医疗服务工作中的龙头作用。随后,双方就安测中医AI辅助诊断、AI体检&慢病筛查大数据、AI肿瘤筛查和辅助诊断、AI医疗云平台等AI 医疗服务情况进行了深入而热烈的交流。



On August 29th, 2018, Li Cheng, deputy director of the Health and Treatment Bureau of Yanchi County, Ningxia Autonomous Region, and Li Wu, a full-time deputy director of the Medical Reform Office, led the medical reform office to specialize in Song Kaiping, the public health department, Chen Jijiang, and the vice president of Yanchi County People's Hospital, You Pan, medical staff. Department of Deputy Director Wang Cang, Yanchi County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Vice President Cao Yi, Huamachi Health Center Dean Liu Wenxue, Hui Anbao Town Center Health Center Vice President Zhang Hongxia and other delegations visited Shenzhen E-Techco (Qianhai AnyCheck) conducted a visit.

Mr. Zhang Guanjing, Chairman and CEO of E-Techco (Qianhai AnyCheck) led Ms. Kang Meng, Managing Director and Executive Vice President of E-Tech Group, Mr. Liu Wei, Vice President and General Manager of Marketing Department, and General Manager and Chief Engineer Office of Strategic Cooperation Department Director Dr. Gao Weiming, Deputy General Manager and Director of the Investment Department Mr. Ren Wendong, Vice President and Executive Director of the Marketing Department Mr. Hou Yunchao, Mr. Si Bolong, Major Project Director of the Marketing Department, Mr. Fu Wenzheng, Senior Manager of the Solution Department, and Ms. Chen Ying, Senior Engineer of the Bidding Office and other core teams accompanied the inspection and listened carefully to the on-site guidance of the leadership delegation.

Accompanied by Chairman Zhang Guanjing, the delegation of the Ningxia Health Planning Commission led a survey on the cultural profile, honor wall, technology center and product exhibition area of our company, and examined in detail the E-Techco (Qianhai AnyCheck) in medical treatment. Patented technology, research and development achievements and honors in the field. The delegation visited the company's "smart medical + smart health + smart pension + AI" and other areas of innovative research and development results and scientific research team building highly praised and praised.

At the subsequent briefing, Mr. Zhang Guanjing, Chairman and CEO, introduced the overview of E-Tech Group to the delegation and gave a detailed report on the current AI medical strategy, product development and application, and market achievements. The Ningxia Health Planning Commission’s delegation visited the report and fully affirmed the E-Tech (Qianhai AnyCheck) “AI Health Care” strategy model. It highly praised the brilliant achievements of our company in the past 15 years and our company’s work in the national AI medical service. The leading role in the. Subsequently, the two sides conducted in-depth and enthusiastic exchanges on AI medical services such as AI-assisted diagnosis, AI physical examination and chronic disease screening big data, AI tumor screening and auxiliary diagnosis, and AI medical cloud platform.

Director Li Cheng said at the meeting: After the start of the new round of medical reform, the rapid development of medical artificial intelligence has brought great benefits to the people. The masses can pay less and less toss and reduce the medical burden of the masses. Director Li Cheng also stressed that he hopes that E-Techco (Qianhai AnyCheck) will continue to explore new ways of medical reform in the future work, learn, draw on, summarize, explore, innovate and practice more AI medical reform highlights, and accumulate experience and practices. National medical enterprises have made more demonstrations and references, and have played an active role in building a healthy China and made positive contributions.

E-Techco (Qianhai AnyCheck) will actively explore and practice the reform of China's medical system under the support of AI technology innovation, and actively meet the needs of the people's growing health care and health care services. Comprehensive, continuous, economic, convenient and effective health care services will benefit both Chinese doctors and patients and make greater contributions to improving people's healthy living standards.

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