
DNA Leads to Arrest of Indiana Man in Decades-old Murder



8-year-old April Tinsley went missing walking to a friend’s house. Her body was found in a ditch(沟).

“30 years. 30 years this family was waiting for answers.”

Retired Fort Wayne police officer Dan Camp(音)was one of the first to sign into the case. For a decade, he carried photos of April in his wallet.

“I would throw all these pictures on my dining table, and just scan(细看)these pictures over and over again, thinking there might be something there missing.”

Camp got the call in 1990 when Tinsley’s killer taunted(嘲弄)detectives with the message scrawled(乱涂乱画)on a barn, then in 2004, threatening notes found on young girls’ bicycles.

But after all these years, it only took weeks to solve the case, using a new cutting-edge(最前沿的)DNA analysis(分析).

Pair-bond(对键,生物学术语)labs compare the suspect’s DNA to a public database(数据库)of genealogy(系谱)information, results people get from a test like 23andMe. They found distant cousins to build the family tree backward then look for descendants(后代)and narrow the search to two brothers.

It really had to be one or the other because they were carrying the right mix of DNA from ancestors(祖先)to fit that profile(轮廓).

Investigators collected DNA from one of the brother’s trash(垃圾)and got them matched. John Miller(音)was arrested Sunday.

In just 3 month, Pair-bond has identified 4 other killers and is working 40 more cases. Aqudal Alf David(音)says Miller admitted to killing April Tinsley. He has not filed(提出)the plea(请求)in court and has no attorney(律师).

“The only one word I am going to ask is ‘Why?’”

For April’s mom hope that justice(公正)may finallybe within reach(为期不远).

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