在国外工作的人,都知道 LinkedIn 是不可少的一个职业社交工具,但很多人对它的理解还只是求职工具而已。实际上,用好 LinkedIn ,可以极大地拓展你的专业领域人脉,带来更多个人与商业的机会,它绝不只是一个在线的简历平台。但应该如何开始呢?本期节目狗熊请到了从事电子商务十多年,在澳洲、美国和新西兰有着丰富工作经验的 Jason Greenwood,来和我们聊聊关于 LinkedIn,你可以如何开始,以及他在运用 LinkedIn 时的心得分享。
LinkedIn = Online CV? Totally not the truth! It is much more powerful than that. Jason shares his tips and opinions about how to use LinkedIn to broaden your professional network in this episode. If you want to be a professonal globally, you can’t miss this one!
Jason Greenwood - Digital Transformation Specialist
As a digital native with broad Omni-channel commerce expertise, Jason is passionate about and love what he do. Having worked both merchant side as an eCommerce business owner & manager and also agency side for multiple companies - he bring a unique perspective to any commerce discussion.
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