Like products一般译为“类似产品”“相似产品”或“同类产品”。
Like product是国际贸易法中一个术语,用于描述不同两个贸易国生产的两种商品之间的特殊关系。具体解释可参考如下英文释义:
A “like product” describes the particular relationship in international trade law between two goods that are produced by two different trading nations. This concept is the foundation of the two central principles of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) system as outlined in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947 (GATT): Most Favoured Nation (Article I) and National Treatment (Article III). If two products cannot be differentiated under the WTO system/GATT then the non-discrimination principle stipulates that a WTO trading member shall not discriminate between like products from different trading partners (giving them equally “most favoured-nation” status) and shall not discriminate between its own and like foreign products (giving them “national treatment”). In essence, if two products are found to be ‘like’ then the issue is whether the foreign product is treated less favourable than the domestic product or another foreign product.
The issue of like product in MFN plays a key role in defining MFN treatment.
转载自:旗渡译问网站 作者:旗渡多语信息中心(出海资讯定制)
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