
美国圣裘德儿童医院免疫系Hu Lab诚聘博士后


Postdoc Position in Neuro-Immunology at St. Jude

The Hu laboratory at the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is recruiting postdocs with diverse backgrounds and expertise to work at the forefront of neuro-immune crosstalk and tumor immunology. Multiple postdoctoral fellow positions are immediately available.

Research Area

The immune system is not only essential for host defense against pathogens, but also plays critical roles in regulating tissue homeostasis in response to various environmental or genotoxic insults. Our previous work has demonstrated the diverse functions and mechanisms by which different immune cell types and pathways interact with the commensal microbiota or the nervous system in the context of metabolic diseases (Nature, 2020;), tissue injury (Science, 2016;), and particularly in cancer (Cell, 2019; Nature Reviews Cancer, 2013, PNAS, 2010, PNAS, 2013).

Our lab investigates immunobiology, immunometabolism, and neuroimmunology, by focusing on the interaction of the immune system and the nervous system and its implications for health and diseases. We will combine advanced cellular and molecular techniques in immunology and neurobiology with genetic-engineering tools, quantitative proteomics, and multiplex imaging systems to interrogate neuro-immune interaction in pathophysiological conditions.

About the PI

Dr. Bo Hu obtained his Ph.D. from Yale University, where he worked in the laboratory of Dr. Richard Flavell to study innate immune receptors in health and diseases. Then as a postdoc fellow with Dr. Bruce Spiegelman at Harvard, he demonstrated the critical role of Neuro-immune crosstalk in metabolic disease. Dr. Hu has published a number of first or co-first author research articles in Nature and Science as well as many reviews.



About the School

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, ranked a best children's hospital for pediatric cancer, with exceptional research community and resources in cancer biology, immunology and neurobiology, offers an exceptional research and training environment with state-of-the-art facilities, along with competitive salary ($72,529.60 starting salary (FY25)), relocation assistance, annual professional development allowance for training and excellent benefits to postdoctoral fellows. To find out more about our benefits for postdocs, check out this link.


Postdoc positions

We are looking for highly motivated and talented scientists to join our team and address the fundamental questions in tumor immunology and neuro-immune crosstalk. Candidates with Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degrees who have research experience in immunology, neurobiology, mouse genetics, cancer biology, bioinformatics or related areas are welcome to apply! Please email your CV, a brief description of your previous work and your future research interests to bo.hu@stjude.org.


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