
学个词 hoodwink

【学个词 hoodwink】hoodwink - vt. 蒙蔽;欺骗;遮眼;hoodwinker - n.


hoodwink - transitive verb

1: to deceive by false appearance : DUPE

people who allow themselves to be hoodwinked by such promises

2 archaic : BLINDFOLD

3 obsolete : HIDE

Did you know?

We usually use the word wink to refer to a brief shutting of one eye, but hoodwink draws on an older and more obscure meaning of wink covered in our Unabridged Dictionary: “to close one’s eyes.” To hoodwink someone originally was to effectively do that kind of winking for the person; it meant to “cover someone’s eyes,” as with a hood or a blindfold. This 16th-century term soon came to be used figuratively for veiling the truth. “The public ... is as easily hood-winked,” wrote the Irish physician Charles Lucas in 1756, by which time the figurative use had been around for decades—and today, that meaning of the word is far from winking out.

Synonyms bamboozle,beguile,bluff,buffalo,burn,catch,con,cozen,deceive,delude,dupe,fake out,fool,gaff,gammon,gull,misguide,misinform,mislead,snooker,trick

Example Sentences

1 Don't let yourself be hoodwinked into buying things you don't need.

2 Tom Sawyer famously hoodwinked the other boys into thinking there was nothing more enjoyable than whitewashing a fence.

3 Though their tool can’t stop current fake news in its tracks, the team hopes to at least learn more about how the disingenuous content can hoodwink people.

—Lacy Schley, Discover Magazine, 7 Oct. 2019

4 Couples who manage to hoodwink their families stay in the competition, while those who can't sell the lie are out.

—Maureen Lee Lenker, EW.com, 11 Feb. 2022

5 Paired with knowledge gleaned over decades from scientists studying the mechanisms the immune system uses to detect foreign invaders, these tools could be used to hoodwink it into regarding the pig as something more akin to a friendly tourist.

—Megan Molteni, STAT, 24 Jan. 2022

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