Zabbix discoverer processes more than 75% busy(入职小灰) 2018年09月05日 17:49:44 谦杯 阅读数 978 版权声明:版权声明:本文为博主原创文章... 报警:Zabbix discoverer processes more than 75%...busy 严重性:Average 建议: 1:内存调度问题 在zabbix_server.conf配置文件中 增加初始化进程 StartPollers=12 重启zabbix-server 2:进程占用问题...修改zabbix_server.conf中discovery进程数量 StartDiscoverers=5 重启zabbix-server (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle
告警原因: 1.某个进程卡住了, 2.僵尸进程出错,太多,导致慢了 3.网络延迟(可忽略) 4.zabbix消耗的内存多了 告警危害: 普通告警,暂无危害(但是最好处理) 处理方法: 一:简单,粗暴(重启...zabbix-server可结合定时任务使用) service zabbix-server restart crontab -e 调出Cron编辑器中增加一个计划: @daily service zabbix-server...restart > /dev/null 2>&1 二:编辑Zabbix Server的配置文件/etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf,找到配置StartPollers的段落: #
在使用Zabbix过程中,当开启自动发现协议后,频繁出现“ Zabbix discoverer processes more than 75% busy”的报警信息,如下: Trigger: Zabbix...discoverer processes more than 75% busy Trigger status: PROBLEM Trigger severity: Average Trigger IP...Zabbix busy discoverer processes, in % ([process,discoverer,avg,busy]): 100 % Original...event ID: 4690 网上找了一下,导致报警的主要原因有很多: 1.支撑Zabbix的MySQL卡住了 2.Zabbix服务器的IO卡住了都有可能 3.Zabbix进程分配到内存不足...“Zabbix discoverer processes 75% busy”的问题 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
解决CentOS“Zabbix discoverer processes 75% busy”的问题 拓荒者发表于运维经验分享订阅 253 ?...腾讯云服务器 年付3折起 首次购买云服务器 最低3折起 超高性价比 限时抢购 在使用Zabbix过程中,当开启自动发现协议后,频繁出现“ Zabbix discoverer processes more...than 75% busy”的报警信息,如下: Trigger: Zabbix discoverer processes more than 75% busy Trigger status: PROBLEM...Zabbix busy discoverer processes, in % ([process,discoverer,avg,busy]): 100 % Original...“Zabbix discoverer processes 75% busy”的问题 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle
2、zabbix unreachable poller processes more than 75 busy unreachable poller processes 一直在处于busy的状态,那这个具体代表什么意思呢...3、Zabbix alerter processes more than 75% busy 收到几百条zabbix告警信息: Zabbix alerter processes more than 75%... for more than 10 minutes和Zabbix poller processes more than 75% busy错误。...8、zabbix告警“Zabbix poller processes more than 75% busy”(网友) 告警原因: 1.某个进程卡住了, 2.僵尸进程出错,太多,导致慢了 3.网络延迟...但是用手机访问官网却可以访问,邮件里面很多Zabbix alerter processes more than 75% busy、Zabbix http poller processes more than
简介: zabbix关于Utilization of trapper processes over报警的处理及优化 image.png 在将StartPollers值设置为20后,虽然还是会触发报警但是在保持...5min后数值还是能够下降 image.png 将StartPollers值设置为40继续监控,要注意假如zabbix server内存过小,StartPollers过大会占用太多的内存资源。...参考链接 [zabbix poller process more than 75% busy - ZABBIX Forums](
3、Zabbix alerter processes more than 75% busy 收到几百条zabbix告警信息: Zabbix alerter processes more than ... for more than 10 minutes和Zabbix poller processes more than 75% busy错误。...但是用手机访问官网却可以访问,邮件里面很多Zabbix alerter processes more than 75% busy、Zabbix http poller processes more than...====================================== Zabbix discoverer processes more than 75% busy 增加Zabbix Server.../bin/bash 4 5 echo `date` >>/tmp/sms.txt 3.2 问题二Zabbix discoverer processes more than 75% busy 问题原因:
一 调优相关对应项 Zabbix busy trapper processes, in % StartTrappers=5 Zabbix busy poller processes, in % StartPollers...=5 Zabbix busy ipmi poller processes, in % StartIPMIPollers=0 Zabbix busy discoverer processes, in %...StartDiscoverers=1 Zabbix busy icmp pinger processes, in % StartPingers=1 Zabbix busy http poller processes..., in % StartHTTPPollers=1 Zabbix busy proxy poller processes, in % StartProxyPollers=1 Zabbix busy unreachable...=0 Zabbix busy snmp trapper processes, in % StartSNMPTrapper=0 Zabbix busy vmware collector processes
将zabbix默认字体修改为自己想换的字体 # pwd /usr/share/zabbix/assets/fonts //zabbix5.0字体文件目录 # ls graphfont.ttf # mv...Zabbix discoverer processes more than 75% busy 原因: 1....用户进入系统 # useradd -s /sbin/nologin zabbix 上传文件到/home/zabbix/,解压缩 # pwd /home/zabbix ls # zabbix_agent-...监控项执行命令 # /home/zabbix/sbin/zabbix_agentd -c /home/zabbix/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf # ps -ef | grep zabbix...00:00:00 /home/zabbix/sbin/zabbix_agentd -c /home/zabbix/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf zabbix 6198 6197
Mysql官网innodb_buffer_pool_size参数详解 三、Zabbix Server相关 1、告警:More than 100 items having missing data for...more than 10 minutes 为轮询器的数量不足以监控监控项 解决方案 StartPollers 轮询器实例数量。...2、告警:Zabbix poller processes more than 75% busy unreachable poller processes 一直在处于busy的状态,那这个具体代表什么意思呢...支撑Zabbix的MySQL卡住了,Zabbix服务器的IO卡住了都有可能,Zabbix进程分配到内存不足都有可能。 100 # 内存自动整理占用资源最小百分比 active-defrag-cycle-min 25 # # 内存自动整理占用资源最大百分比 active-defrag-cycle-max 75
2)zabbix监控界出现“Zabbix poller processes more than 75% busy ”报警 线上部署的zabbix监控环境运行一段时间后,突然出现了报警“Zabbix poller...processes more than 75% busy“ 其实,Zabbix的监控警报有很多种,比较常见的几个莫过于内存耗尽,网络不通,IO太慢还有这个“Zabbix poller processes...more than 75% busy”了。...然后随着数据库的增大,Zabbix消耗的内存可是越来越多,Poller processes(轮询)开始天天Busy了. 最后,发现解决这个问题很简单!.../bin/bash -x /root/ > /dev/null 2>&1 3)zabbix Too many processes on 解决办法:将对应的触发器的阀值设置大点
如何衡量Zabbix的性能情况?一台基础配置的Zabbix到底能监控多少主机,能使用监控多少监控项?性能瓶颈出在哪里?如何优化配置?...个主机产生的NVPS大致为500 历史数据分析也会影响zabbix性能,但是不会消耗太多 二、如何判断zabbix性能下降 如果zabbix性能下降,会有如下现象 • Zabbix 队列里面太多的延迟的监控项...-C zabbix_proxy -C zabbix_agentd' 2.2 查看进程 可以查看zabbix-server进程,观察子进程响应时延 ps aux |grep zabbix_server.../ variables #检查数据库配置状态 #调整数据库innodb innodb_file_per_table = 1 innodb_buffer_pool_size= (~75%...频繁出现“Zabbix housekeeper processes more than 75% busy”的告警时,此时housekeeper的性能正在下降 则需要���用分区表 2)web服务器使用nginx
Zabbix 数据库在没有使用分区分表功能,默认使用Housekeeping(管家功能)进行删除历史数据和趋势历史记录,如果zabbix数据库使用了分区分表功能需要把Housekeeping...经常会出现警报" Zabbix housekeeper processes more than 75% busy"的告警。...Zabbix系统针对每个监控项在每次采集时所收集到的数据,这个数据保存Zabbix系统数据库的历史表中。...使用 SQL 脚本创建分区过程 mysql -u zabbix -p zabbix < partition.sql 注意: SQL脚本在新的 Zabbix 安装上非常快速地创建 MySQL 分区程序,但在大型数据库上...查看 mysql 分表情况 mysql -u 'zabbix' -p'zabbixDBpass' zabbix -e "show create table history\G" mysql -u 'zabbix
event groups bulk --resolved=true --ignore=true Search failing IP’s across the cluster reported by zabbix...they were ever to reach 100% full, they will cause very serious knock on effects for various other processes...A common reason for drives to end up more highly used than others is the running of a FlexProtect job...table --limit=25 --sort=used There may also be times when you may want to see which drives are most busy...Get statistics on drive busyness: isi statistics drive list --nodes=all --type=sas,sata --sort=busy |
redo is generated faster than LGWR can write it out....buffer busy waits SGA中的buffer争用。...Common buffer classes that have buffer busy waits include data block, segment header, undo header, and...Therefore, multiple DBWn processes should deliver more throughput than one DBWR process with the from client SQL*Net more data from dblink SQL*Net more data to client SQL*Net more data to dblink
去掉挂载显示device is busy 出现此问题是当前挂载点上面有进程存在 [root@zabbix ~]# umount /dev/mapper/vg_zabbix-LogVol02 umount...: /var: device is busy....(In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(...[ OK ] [root@zabbix ~]# fuser -m -v /dev/mapper/vg_zabbix-LogVol02 USER...vg_zabbix-LogVol0 Cannot stat /dev/mapper/vg_zabbix-LogVol0: No such file or directory Cannot stat /dev
控制台错误信息: ds working on the request "Http Request: /amlm/updateT03_Bh_Tsdt.action", which is more...than the configured time (StuckThreadMaxTime) of "600" seconds.> ... <ExecuteT hread: '16' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default' has been busy... <ExecuteT hread: '17' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default' has been busy... <ExecuteT hread: '18' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default' has been busy
shell脚本自动安装,方便大家快速上手zabbix。 #!...zabbix-get zabbix-agent zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-mysql 2>>${install_report} } ##############...nginx.conf配置文件 user zabbix; worker_processes 8; pid /var/run/; worker_rlimit_nofile 65535; events...types_hash_max_size 2048; proxy_buffer_size 128k; proxy_buffers 32 32k; proxy_busy_buffers_size...fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_buffer_size 128k; fastcgi_buffers 4 256k; fastcgi_busy_buffers_size
报错信息: [root@localhost ~]# wget安装Zabbix Yum源仓库 [root@localhost ~]# rpm -Uvh /etc/yum.repos.d/zabbix.repo [zabbix] name=Zabbix Official Repository - $basearch baseurl=http://...//安装zabbix-agent 5.0软件 已加载插件:fastestmirror Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration...Repository updates is listed more than once in the configuration Repository extras is listed more than
,zabbix-proxy-MySQL,zabbix-agent,zabbix 1.Proxy::proxy暂时不安装agent 安装mysql,创建database:库名,随便起,例如:zabbix_proxy...=60 //zabbix proxy发送收集的数据给zabbix server的频率tart zabbix-proxy netstat -tunlp | grep zabbix //它也监控在server...有没有出现 Zabbix poller processes more than 75% busy 告警 2.htop iotop iostat //查看服务器的负载情况 3. ... */3 */1 * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u &> /dev/null 重启server端和proxy服务 两个问题: 1.Too many processes...Server:是zabbix-server的ip /etc/zabbix/proxy/zabbix_agent.conf Server //都是zabbix--server
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