我安装了Groovy。我正在尝试从我使用Java创建的命令提示符运行groovy脚本,如下所示:因此,如果我在命令行中键入"groovy“,将得到以下结果:Cannot run program "groovy": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specifieddef
part_no ='147590' and (SELECT part_no from lora1app.ENG_PART_REVISION_REFERENCE eprr --Wecan use it to any OBJSATE
where eprr.OBJSTATE= 'Preliminary' and eprr.part_no='147590' ) and TEXTPART_REV) from lora1app.ENG_PART_REVISION_REFER
Is there any static data available related to flights schedule or any other detail which wecan storeIn case we have static data then what will be the ideal time duration to refresh data.
3.Are we allowed to store real-time data on our end temporarily?If
Authenticate if they're not thereelif gauth.access_token_expired: gauth.flow.params.update({'access_type': 'offline'})else:credentials to a file
在ajax调用之后,是否可以在div中没有特定类的情况下重新加载div?我有一个带有comments类的div,我想在ajax调用后重新加载它。类media和modal由一个foreach循环生成。 <div class="comments">
some content here <div class="modal"> </div>