Watched variable changed. 87 86 Watched variable changed. 85 Watched variable changed. 84 Watched variable...Watched variable changed. 71 70 Watched variable changed. 69 Watched variable changed. 68 Watched variable...Watched variable changed. 39 Watched variable changed. 38 Watched variable changed. 37 Watched variable...Watched variable changed. 11 Watched variable changed. 10 Watched variable changed.9 8 Watched variable...Watched variable changed. 4 Watched variable changed. 3 2 Watched variable changed. 1 Watched variable
*/ } /* This key is not already watched in this DB....,wk);} 当客户端监视key时就会将这个客户端加入到watched_keys中key的value链表中。..., wk->key); /* Remove this watched key from the client->watched list */ // 删除list中的key...修改key后会对watched_key的所有client设置脏位。...在事务exec/discard后,这个client所有的watched key都会失效。
*/ } /* This key is not already watched in this DB....Let's add it */ // 指定的键没有被监控 clients =dictFetchValue(c->db->watched_keys,key); if(!...unwatchAllKeys 的源码如下: /* Unwatch all the keys watched by this client...., wk->key); /* Remove this watched key from the client->watched list */ // 删除list中的key...) ==0) return; clients =dictFetchValue(db->watched_keys, key); if(!
AS watched_movies_id // 根据电影的标注关系找到备选推荐电影,刨除看过的,把评分、交集关联链路的数量传下去 MATCH (u:`user`)-[e:watched]->(m:`...]->(m:`movie`)(recomm:`movie`) WHERE id(u) == "u_124...,并给出高评分的用户,得出待推荐的电影 MATCH p=(u:`user`)-[e:watched]->(m:`movie`)(m:`movie`)(recomm:...]->(m:`movie`)(recomm:`movie`) WHERE id(u) == "u_124
QStringLiteral("显示")); } } 列表显示的时候按钮位于列表左侧,隐藏的时候位于窗口右边 bool HideShowListView::eventFilter(QObject *watched...m_animation->start(); return false; } else if(event->type() == QEvent::HoverLeave && watched...*list, QWidget *parent = nullptr); // QObject interface public: bool eventFilter(QObject *watched...>move(x,y); return false; } } if(event->type() == QEvent::HoverEnter && watched...m_animation->setEndValue(0.99); m_animation->start(); } return QObject::eventFilter(watched
recorded if they are executed within this context manager and at least one of their inputs is being "watched...Tensors can be manually watched by invoking the watch method on this context manager....If you want fine grained control over which variables are watched you can disable automatic tracking...Raises: ValueError: if it encounters something that is not a tensor. watched_variables View source watched_variables...() Returns variables watched by this tape in order of construction.
总结起来,我们需要的边有: watched(rate(double)) with_genre directed_by acted_by 结合已有信息,相对应地将顶点中可能需要被关注的信息作为属性,给出点...the join condition is the movie title */ SELECT concat('u_',user_watched_movies."...userId") AS user_id, user_watched_movies.rating, user_watched_movies.title, all_movie_aliases_iso...movie_id" AS OMDB_movie_id, user_watched_movies.movielens_genres FROM user_watched_movies JOIN...现在我们来通过 dbt 执行、测试刚刚的规则: dbt run -m user_watched_movies 之后,我们应该就可以在 Postgres(数仓)中看到我们转换之后的一个表了。
保罗·麦克兰尼","芮妮·布莱恩","阿方索·弗里曼","V·J·福斯特","弗兰克·梅德拉诺","马克·迈尔斯","尼尔·萨默斯","耐德·巴拉米","布赖恩·戴拉特","唐·麦克马纳斯"],"is_watched...() { return this.is_watched; } public void setIs_watched(String is_watched) {...this.is_watched = is_watched; } @Override public String toString() { return "Movie...() { return this.is_watched; } public void setIs_watched(String is_watched) {...this.is_watched = is_watched; } @Override public String toString() { return "Movie
(watcher1); watched.addWatcher(watcher2); watched.addWatcher(watcher3);...//通知观察者 watched.notifyWatchers("你好!")...(watcher1); //再次通知观察者 watched.notifyWatchers("很好!")...Observe extends Observable { // 程序的入口 public static void main(String args[]) { Observe watched...(watch); watched.toWatchers("你好!")
IN_CREATE File/directory created in watched directory (*)....IN_DELETE File/directory deleted from watched directory (*)....IN_DELETE_SELF Watched file/directory was itself deleted....IN_MOVE_SELF Watched file/directory was itself moved....IN_MOVED_FROM File moved out of watched directory (*).
@ Exclude the specified file from being watched....write mode open file or directory opened moved_to file or directory moved to moved_from file or directory moved from watched directory move file...or directory moved to or from watched directory create file or directory created within...watched directory delete file or directory deleted within watched directory delete_self
具体观察者角色)实现Observer(抽象观察者角色),只需要实现方法update(Observable o, Object arg)即可 写一个测试类进行测试 代码示例 具体主题角色 public class Watched...} } 测试类 public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { //创建主题角色 Watched...watched = new Watched(); //创建观察者角色 Observer watcher1 = new Watcher(); Observer...System.out.println("done"); } } }; watched.addObserver...(watcher1); watched.addObserver(watcher2); watched.count(10); } } 复制代码 总结 被观察者要继承
leftButton = true; inControl = true; widget = 0; } bool MoveWidget::eventFilter(QObject *watched...= 0 && watched == widget) { QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = (QMouseEvent *)event; if (mouseEvent...MouseButtonRelease && pressed) { pressed = false; } } return QObject::eventFilter(watched
Observer { /** * 当被观察者对象发生改变时,此方法被调用 */ void update(Observable o, Object arg); } Watched...: package com.lee.jdkobserver; import java.util.Observable; /** * 具体主题 */ public class Watched extends...watched = new Watched(); Observer observer = new Watcher(); watched.addObserver(observer...); watched.changeData("first"); watched.changeData("second"); watched.changeData...("third"); watched.changeData("fourth"); } } 完整代码可以从spring-boot-test获取,在com.lee.jdkobserver
mainLayout.addWidget(self.LabelState, 600, 1) self.setLayout(mainLayout) def eventFilter(self, watched..., event): if watched == self.label1: # 只对label1的点击事件进行过滤,重写其行为,其他的事件会被忽略 if event.type()...self.label1.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(self.image1)) return QDialog.eventFilter(self, watched
; /* WATCHED keys for MULTI/EXEC CAS */ int id; /* Database ID */...; /* Keys WATCHED for MULTI/EXEC CAS */ WATCH 命令的作用, 就是将当前客户端和要监视的键在 watched_keys 中进行关联。...举个例子, 如果当前客户端为 client99 , 那么当客户端执行 WATCH key2 key3 时, 前面展示的 watched_keys 将被修改成这个样子: 通过 watched_keys...flags |= CLIENT_MULTI; addReply(c,shared.ok); } /* "Touch" a key, so that if this key is being WATCHed...) == 0) return; // 获取所有监视这个键的客户端 clients = dictFetchValue(db->watched_keys, key); if (!
this->initIcon(); } frmIpcPtz::~frmIpcPtz() { delete ui; } bool frmIpcPtz::eventFilter(QObject *watched...type = 10; } else if (watched == ui->btnPtzFocusIn) { type = 11; } else if...(watched == ui->btnPtzFocusOut) { type = 12; } else if (watched == ui->btnPtzApertureIn...) { type = 13; } else if (watched == ui->btnPtzApertureOut) { type =...(this, "ptzControl", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, 255)); } return QWidget::eventFilter(watched
; /* WATCHED keys for MULTI/EXEC CAS */ int id; /* Database ID */...; /* Keys WATCHED for MULTI/EXEC CAS */ WATCH 命令的作用, 就是将当前客户端和要监视的键在 watched_keys 中进行关联。...举个例子, 如果当前客户端为 client99 , 那么当客户端执行 WATCH key2 key3 时, 前面展示的 watched_keys 将被修改成这个样子: [图:Redis设计与实现] 通过...watched_keys 字典, 如果程序想检查某个键是否被监视, 那么它只要检查字典中是否存在这个键即可; 如果程序要获取监视某个键的所有客户端, 那么只要取出键的值(一个链表), 然后对链表进行遍历即可...) == 0) return; // 获取所有监视这个键的客户端 clients = dictFetchValue(db->watched_keys, key); if (!
代码实现 首先定义抽象的观察者: public interface Watcher { void update(String str); } 定义被观察者: public interface Watched...定义具体的被观察者: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ConcreteWatched implements Watched...str); } } } 书写测试类: public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ Watched
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