sudo do-release-upgrade -cdChecking for a new Ubuntu releasesudo do-release-upgradeChecking for a new Ubuntu release
There is no developmentversion of anLTSavailable.To upgrade to the latest non-LT
我有一个运行Ubuntu22.04LTS的VM,我知道Ubuntu22.04.1LTS已经在几个月前发布了。那么,我如何才能随时升级到22.04.1,保留所有现有的软件和信任?我试过sudo do-release-upgrade,但告诉There is no developmentversion of an LTSavailable.我希望这个答案也适用于运行在WSL1
这台机器是新的,它是戴尔纬度5300,默认图像为ubuntu20.04LTS I将Prompt=never改为Prompt=lts in /etc/update-manager/release-upgradesCheck your Internet connection or proxy settings
There is no developmentversion of an LTSavailable.To upgrade to the latest
以下是最符合我的情况的问题:..。我会回答其中的一个问题,作为一个“替代答案”,但我的SE代表是不够的。cFailed to connect to your Internet connection or proxy settings
There is no development<
Installing 64 bit versionWARNING: Generic MSI Error.itself - it could mean a pending reboot is necessary prior to install or something else (like the same versionPlease see MSI log if available.itself - it could mean a pending reboot is n
我无法将16.04 LTS升级到18.04.1,我正在运行服务器。lsb_release -a## normal - Check to see if a new release is available- Check to see if a new LTS release is available.release, sin
Doneupdate-manager-core set to manually(base) wal@len:~$ sudo do-release-upgradeThere is no developmentversionof an LTSavailable.To upgrade to the latest