$tmpFile = tempnam('/Users/zhangyue/MyDoc/博客文章/dev-blog/php/202006/source', 'testtmp'); $f = fopen($tmpFile..., "w"); fwrite($f, "I'm tmp file."); // ll /tmp // vim testtmpH7bptZ // etc目录没有写权限 $tmpFile = tempnam...$f = fopen($tmpFile, "w"); fwrite($f, "I'm tmp file."); // ll /etc // ll /tmp // vim testtmpTUNucM tempnam...如果是这种没有权限的目录,或者是压根就不存在的目录,tempnam() 函数就会将文件生成到临时文件目录中去。如果目录是正常存在并且可以写的,就像第一段代码一样,文件就会正常在这个目录进行创建。...tempnam() 函数的第二个参数是指定生成文件名的前缀。tmpfile() 函数是无法指定文件名的,而这个函数则是可以给文件名一个固定的前缀,并保证前缀之后自动生成的文件名部分是唯一的。
主要是定位编译器等工具路径)make编译,出现错误: main.o: In function `websGetCgiCommName': /LINUX/main.c:325: warning: the use of `tempnam...解决办法: 找到main.c (/LINUX目录) 文件,在函数websGetCgiCommName(..)函数中: ... char_t *pname1, *pname2; //pname1 = tempnam
php $tempfilename=tempnam('.
php $tmp = tempnam(__FILE__, 'PHP'); $key = ftok($tmp, 'a'); $shmid = shm_attach($key); $counter = 0;
error_lines) > 0: return '\n'.join(error_lines) else: return error_string.strip() def tempnam...= image.split() image = Image.merge("RGB", (r, g, b)) input_file_name = '%s.bmp' % tempnam...() output_file_name_base = tempnam() if not boxes: output_file_name = '%s.txt' % output_file_name_base
= FALSE) { $tmp = tempnam("."...$_GET['cmd'] : 'id'; echo "Run command: $command\n====================\n"; $data_file = tempnam('/tmp...', 'img'); $imagick_file = tempnam('/tmp', 'img'); $exploit = <<<EOF push graphic-context viewbox 0...imagick_file", $exploit); $thumb = new Imagick(); $thumb->readImage("$imagick_file"); $thumb->writeImage(tempnam
and tmpfile return NULL */ #define TMP_MAX 32767 /* * Tmpnam, tmpfile and, sometimes, _tempnam...); _CRTIMP char* __cdecl tmpnam (char*); #ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__ _CRTIMP char* __cdecl _tempnam...const char*); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _rmtmp(void); #ifndef NO_OLDNAMES _CRTIMP char* __cdecl tempnam
$url ) return false; $tmpfname = tempnam(get_temp_dir(), 'wpupdate'); //获取临时文件名 if(
\ substr($ttc, 12 + $count[1] * 4, 4));$ttf = substr($ttc, $offset[1]);} else {$ttf = $ttc;}$temp = tempnam
admin", "pwd" => "xxxxxxxx",//密码就不公开了 "__token__"=>"7c57b81907b63f46500ce1910396485d" ); $cookie_jar = tempnam
this->data, false, $this->level, $this->size); exit(); } else { $temp = tempnam
php $post_data = array ( “name” => “admin”, “pwd” => “admin”, ); $cookie_jar = tempnam(‘./’, ‘cookie’
php $cookie_jar = tempnam('.
php function run_curl($content_url,$number='',$passwd=''){ $cookie_file = tempnam('.
2014-6271 function shellshock($cmd) { // Execute a command via CVE-2014-6271 @mail.c:283 $tmp = tempnam
verifycookie=1&language=-1&style=-1'; $ch = curl_init($url); //创建一个用于存放cookie信息的临时文件 $cookie = tempnam
php $tmp = tempnam(__FILE__, 'PHP'); $key = ftok($tmp, 'a'); $shmid = shm_attach($key); $counter = 0...php $tmp = tempnam(__FILE__, 'PHP'); $key = ftok($tmp, 'a'); $shmid = shm_attach($key); $counter = 0
copy file_put_contents lchgrp lchown link mkdir move_uploaded_file rename rmdir symlink tempnam
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