from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required 限制只有后台权限的用户才能登录(django自带员工识别装饰器...,识别只有is_staff 的用户才能登录后台系统),如后台首页登录限制,无论是在网址栏上直接输入网址还是前端跳转,只要不是员工都无法访问到后台。...# 是否为后台员工识别装饰器@staff_member_required(login_url='index')# 不是后台员工,无法登录后台,重定向到前端首页def index(request):
All he’s got to do now is to hire the staff.
7-2 校园角色类设计(学生Student、教员Faculty和职员Staff) 分数 15 全屏浏览题目 切换布局 作者 刘凤良 单位 天津仁爱学院 学校需要构建综合系统,使用者包含多种角色。...角色Role分两类:学生Student和雇员Employee;雇员又分为教员Faculty和职员Staff。 每个角色都有姓名、年龄。学生有学号、班级。一个雇员有工号、入职日期。教员有职称。...sta = new Staff("王五", 27, "32011", 2017, 7, 23, "教务员");;;...职员 class Staff extends Role{ } 输入样例: 输出样例: 我是张三,年龄32岁。...; } } //派生类 Staff 职员 class Staff extends Role { private String employeeID; private LocalDate
After shouted out that,the Force Staff appered in CaoHaha's hand....As we all know,the Force Staff is a staff with infinity power.If you can use it skillful,it may help...But now,his new owner,CaoHaha,is a sorcerers apprentice.He can only use that staff to send things to
r-- 1 brownwang staff 1.3M Nov 1 15:19 test.mp4 -rw-r--r--@ 1 brownwang staff 351B Nov 5 16...:52 -rw-r--r--@ 1 brownwang staff 349B Nov 5 16:52 -rw-r--r-- 1 brownwang staff...10 brownwang staff 320B Nov 4 17:23 log drwxr-xr-x 5 brownwang staff 160B Nov 5 17:48 code...-rw-r--r-- 1 brownwang staff 119K Oct 21 04:47 a.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 brownwang staff 17B Nov...4 16:13 a drwxr-xr-x+ 4 brownwang staff 128B Nov 4 17:23 Public drwx------+ 3 brownwang staff
AS id, staff.STAFF_ID AS staffId, staff.STAFF_NAME AS staffName, staff.STAFF_LOGIN_NAME AS staffLoginName..., staff.STAFF_CODE AS staffCode, staff.STAFF_STATUS AS staffStatus, staff.STAFF_MOBILE AS staffMobile..., staff.STAFF_PHONE AS staffPhone, staff.STAFF_EMAIL AS staffEmail, staff.STAFF_QQ AS staffQq, staff.STAFF_REMARK...ON rel.STAFF_ID = staff.STAFF_ID WHERE staff.STAFF_ID='0cf01ea9b8214714a970149cd35f3137' GROUP BY...staff.STAFF_ID ORDER BY staff.ID ASC 结果显示: roleCode 这行将去重合并显示
7 host staff 224B 8 8 22:48 app -rwxr-xr-x 1 host staff 253B 8 28 2021 -rw-r--r...-- 1 host staff 167B 8 28 2021 docker-compose.yml drwxr-xr-x 8 host staff 256B 8 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 host staff 1.9K 8 28 2021 mkdocs.yml -rw-r--r-- 1 host staff 105B 8 28....dockerignore drwxr-xr-x 13 host staff 416B 8 28 2021 .git drwxr-xr-x 3 host staff 96B...staff 1.0K 8 28 2021 Dockerfile -rw-r--r-- 1 host staff 535B 8 28 2021 Jenkinsfile -rw-r-
left join staff as sta on pay.staff_id = sta.staff_id left join (select rental_date,rental_id from rental...sum(pay.amount),sta.staff_id from staff as sta left join ( select pay_z.amount,pay_z.staff_id from...= sta.staff_id group by sta.staff_id; select sum(pay.amount),pay.staff_id from (select pay.amount,pay.staff_id...,pay.rental_id from payment as pay where pay.staff_id in (select staff_id from staff)) as pay left join...= 1)) as pay on pay.staff_id = sta.staff_id group by sta.staff_id; select sum(pay.amount),pay.staff_id package com.mkyong.java8; import java.math.BigDecimal; public class Staff { private...> staff = Arrays.asList( new Staff("mkyong", 30, new BigDecimal(10000)), Staff("jack", 27, new BigDecimal(20000)), new Staff("lawrence", 33, new package com.mkyong.java8; import java.math.BigDecimal; public class Staff { Staff("jack", 27, new BigDecimal(20000)), new Staff("lawrence", 33, new BigDecimal
into staff(name, sex) values('Thomas', 'Male'); insert into staff(name, sex) values('Catalina', 'FeMale...'); insert into staff(name, sex) values('Thomas', 'Male'); insert into staff(name, sex) values('Catalina...', 'FeMale'); insert into staff(name, sex) values('Thomas', 'Male'); insert into staff(name, sex) values...('Catalina', 'FeMale'); insert into staff(name, sex) values('Thomas', 'Male'); insert into staff(name...staff(name, sex) values('Catalina', 'FeMale'); insert into staff(name, sex) values('Thomas', 'Male')
` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'Neo'), (2, 'Luke'), (2, 'Jack'); staff 是员工表与下面的staff_has_role配合使用,形成员工与权限一对多关系...CREATE TABLE `staff_has_role` ( `id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `staff_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED...` (`staff_id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_staff_has_role_staff` FOREIGN KEY (`staff_id`) REFERENCES `staff` (`id...` (`staff_id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_product_staff` FOREIGN KEY (`staff_id`) REFERENCES `staff` (`id`) ) COMMENT...where id=NEW.staff_id and role="update") then SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = "The staff's
------@ 4 mu staff 128 9 1 15:23 Desktop drwx------+ 20 mu staff 640 8 29 12:14 Documents drwx...------@ 35 mu staff 1120 9 6 09:29 Downloads drwx------@ 85 mu staff 2720 8 30 11:05 Library drwx...------+ 4 mu staff 128 8 20 20:17 Movies drwx------+ 8 mu staff 256 8 20 20:17 Music drwx--...---- 26 mu staff 832 9 6 09:28 Nextcloud drwx------ 3 mu staff 96 1 2 2019 Parallels drwx...-rw-r--r-- 1 mu staff 1578 12 29 2018 Untitled1.ipynb drwxr-xr-x 3 mu staff 96 8 25 16:08
into i from dual; --插入工号i insert into DN.sys_staff@VISITING_DN(staff_id,user_id,operator_name,org_id...@VISITING_DN(staff_id) values(i); --人员权限表插入 insert into DN.sys_staff_role_rel@VISITING_DN(role_id...,staff_id) values(5,i); when deleting then --查询主键 select staff_id into j from DN.sys_staff@...VISITING_DN where user_id=:old.userid; delete DN.sys_staff_attr@VISITING_DN where staff_id=j;...delete DN.sys_staff_role_rel@VISITING_DN where staff_id=j; delete DN.sys_staff@VISITING_DN where
是 checkGoodsCount 的入参 , 是直接的朋友 * * Manager 可以直接给 Staff 下指令 , Staff 去查询课程个数 * Manager 不需要关注 Good...*/ public void checkGoodsCount(Staff staff) { List goodList = new ArrayList...staff = new Staff(); manager.checkGoodsCount(staff); } } 执行结果 : 商品数量为 : 20 三、迪米特原则代码示例 (...void checkGoodsCount(Staff staff) { staff.checkCount(); } } 2、员工类 package demeter; import...staff = new Staff(); manager.checkGoodsCount(staff); } } 执行结果 : 商品数量为 : 20
=b.payment_id and a.customer_id=b.customer_id and a.staff_id = b.staff_id where b.payment_id is null...= b.staff_id where b.payment_id is null; select a.payment_id,a.customer_id,a.staff_id,a.amount from...= b.staff_id where b.payment_id is null; select a.payment_id,a.customer_id,a.staff_id,a.amount from...=b.payment_id and a.customer_id=b.customer_id and a.staff_id = b.staff_id where b.payment_id is null...= b.staff_id where b.payment_id is null; select a.payment_id,a.customer_id,a.staff_id,a.amount from
)), name='ckeditor_browse'), ) 在上面第 12 行代码这里可以看到,views.upload 还加一个 staff_member_required 验证,点进去看一下...import staff_member_required urlpatterns = [ # url(r'^upload/', staff_member_required(views.upload...(views.browse)), name='ckeditor_browse'), ] 也可以自己写一个验证规则,替换掉 staff_member_required。...staff_member_required 拓展 此函数可以拓展到任何一个路由上,做登录验证,也可以重写 staff_member_required 验证逻辑。...P.*)$', staff_member_required(serve), {"document_root": settings.MEDIA_ROOT}), ] # ..
850 4 27 21:25 ./ drwxr-xr-x@ 13 luogw staff 442 4 27 21:26 ../ -rw-r--r--@ 1 luogw staff...-rw-r--r--@ 1 luogw staff 15900 4 27 21:24 catalina.bat -rw-r--r--@ 1 luogw staff 23463 4...--r--@ 1 luogw staff 25145 4 27 21:24 commons-daemon.jar -rw-r--r--@ 1 luogw staff 2040 4...luogw staff 8509 4 27 21:25 -rw-r--r--@ 1 luogw staff 2091 4 27 21:24 digest.bat...-rw-r--r--@ 1 luogw staff 1965 4 27 21:25 -rw-r--r--@ 1 luogw staff 3574 4 27
实例 //假若父类对象占1M的内存,因为子类对象有一些其他内容,所以多占用0.5M内存,子类对象一共占1.5M内存 People[] staff = new People[2];//这里我们定义了一个父类的对象...,可以指向1M内存; staff[0] = new RichPeople("John", 18, 100,1200);//开辟了1.5M内存,但是实际只指向了1M内存 staff[1] = new RichPeople...("Tp",20,200,20000); if(staff[0] instanceof RichPeople){//判断staff[0]是否是RichPeople的实例 //先创建一个boss实例做暂存...,把staff[0]做强制类型转换 //因为boss的引用就是staff[0],所以对boss的操作就是对staff[0]的操作 RichPeople boss = (RichPeople)staff[...0]; boss.addDeposit(10000); //也可以这样写: //((RichPeople)staff[0]).addDeposit(10000); //((RichPeople)staff
: table CREATE TABLE `staff` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '员工编号', `...` (`id_com`), CONSTRAINT `staff_company_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id_com`) REFERENCES `company` (`id`)..., 1); INSERT INTO mybatis.staff (id, name, age, id_com) VALUES (4, 'John', 50, 2); INSERT INTO mybatis.staff...sid, sname, staff.age from company com left outer join staff on = staff.id_com...该报错是由于在 Company 和 Staff 类中都有 id 和 name 两个相同属性,给相同属性取别名并更新 id 和 result 的 colunm 值,使用别名后正常。
') -> where('id','=',1010) -> select(); // 原条件 $result = Db::table('tp5_staff') ->where('id','exp',...(); // 原条件 $result = Db::table('tp5_staff') -> where('id','exp','1010')->select(); //转换后 3、大于 //...('tp5_staff') -> where('id','exp','>1010') -> select(); //转换后 4、大于等于 //4、大于等于 $result = Db::table('...tp5_staff') -> where('id','>=',1010) -> select(); // 原条件 $result = Db::table('tp5_staff') -> where(...'id','exp','>=1010') -> select(); //转换后 5、小于 //5、小于 $result = Db::table('tp5_staff') -> where('id','
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