HSL value of Hex color code {'h': 300, 's': 67.0, 'l': 80.0}
# how to convert HSL in to HSV in pythonconvertedhsv = HEX2HSV('#eeaaee') # {'h':300,'s':67.0,'l':80.0} HSL和HSV中的色调相同,但饱和度不同,光和值也不同,那么如何将HSL的饱和度和光转换为pyt
fill solid border -1set xtic scale 0
plot 'bar-graph.dat' using 2:xtic(1) title "Python" col fc rgb "#4671d5", '' u 3 title "Java" col fc rgb "#ff0000", '' u 4 title "C++" col
(ctx, role : discord.Role): msg = "{}'s rgb is turned off :disappointed_relievedmsg = "{}'s rgb has been turned on :christmas_tree:".format(role) awaitlast):
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