SAP MM 初阶之Movement Reason 对于一些特定的货物移动,业务人员希望能在SAP系统上记录货物移动的原因。...SAP系统是可以为每个移动类型去维护Reason for Movement的,在OMJJ的配置界面里。...如下图: 在MIGO界面里做货物移动的时候,在WHERE选项卡里指定Reason for Movement....MB51可以根据REASON CODE做查询, 不过标准的MB51初始界面,不显示Reason for Movement栏位。
使用java操作es,添加文档时,出现如下错误: [{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"object mapping for [enclosure_infor...enclosure_infor":"[{\"document\":\"document0\",\"enclosure\":\"enclosure0\"}]" 报错 此时如果执行此语句就会报错如下: "reason
本期精读的文章是: Exploring Reason and GraphQL 1 引言 2018 年了,Reason 生态发展了不少,而且正好看到一篇文章的作者也抱着这种心态尝鲜 React + graphql...2 内容概要 一切皆模块 在 reason 中,一切皆模块,而且不需要手动申明导出与引用,这个是 js 的痛点。...reason react 使用 reason 写一个 react 组件是这样的: let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("Greeting"); let...reason react 更新 state 相比 react 的 setState,reason react 提供了 reducer 支持,这里可以类比到 redux: let make = (_children...5 更多讨论 讨论地址是:精读《初探 Reason 与 GraphQL》 · Issue #56 · dt-fe/weekly
": { 3 "root_cause": [{ 4 "type": "mapper_parsing_exception", 5 "reason...address={type=keyword}}}]" 6 }], 7 "type": "mapper_parsing_exception", 8 "reason...}}}]", 9 "caused_by": { 10 "type": "mapper_parsing_exception", 11 "reason
To connect a .NET web application to an Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible S...
前言 添加第三方框架,然后启动app的时候会,提示dyld: Library not loaded: Reason: image not found 网上大部分的做法都是把Build Phases 里对应
0800 ***[1659:708411] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘’, reason...of type NSException *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘’, reason...of type NSException *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘’, reason
综述 来自波士顿大学、新南威尔士大学、IBM实验室的六位作者于12月19日发表了一篇名为《Can Large Language Models Identify And Reason About Security...Can Large Language Models Identify And Reason About Security Vulnerabilities?
MQTT 3.1.1 中的 Reason Code虽然 MQTT 3.1.1 就已经支持了 Reason Code,但它并没有定义太多可用的 Reason Code。...在仅有的两个支持 Reason Code 的报文中,CONNACK 报文只有 5 个用于指示失败的 Reason Code,SUBACK 报文则仅仅只有一个用于指示失败的 Reason Code,无法进一步指示订阅失败的原因...MQTT 5.0 中的 Reason Code所以在 MQTT 5.0 中,可用的 Reason Code 被扩充到了 43 个,并且规定了小于 0x80 的 Reason Code 用于表示成功,大于等于...在实际使用中,Reason String 的内容取决于客户端和服务端的具体实现,所以一个实现正确的接收端不应该尝试解析 Reason String 的内容,推荐的使用方式包括但不限于在抛出异常时使用 Reason...最后,Reason String 是一个可选的功能,是否会收到 Reason String 取决于对端是否支持。
报错: ElasticsearchStatusException[Elasticsearch exception [type=resource_already_exists_exception, reason...3IyXwPzXQ06z7uwDN-z5Zw] ElasticsearchStatusException[Elasticsearch exception [type=resource_already_exists_exception, reason...line [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"resource_already_exists_exception","reason...index_uuid":"3IyXwPzXQ06z7uwDN-z5Zw","index":"discusspost"}],"type":"resource_already_exists_exception","reason
addons_list-2.xml Failed to fetch URL, reason.../repository-8.xml Failed to fetch URL, reason
org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchStatusException: Elasticsearch exception [type=search_phase_execution_exception, reason...=all shards failed] 日志内容: { "error": { "root_cause": [{ "type": "query_shard_exception", "reason...tAihAg8iQhqt4xAaCh8JHA", "index": "order_idx" }], "type": "search_phase_execution_exception", "reason...failed_shards": [{ "shard": 0, "index": "order_idx", "node": "DMRXw_qLQS-QsqFpckgVEw", "reason...": { "type": "query_shard_exception", "reason": "failed to create query: {…… "term\" : {\
出现如下报错: Tomcat return http status error: 405, Reason Phrase: Method Not Allowed: ?
Reason:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration 问题 安装paimon集成FLink引擎的时候报错了...Reason:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration 思路 依赖问题,没有配置hadoop 环境 #
('rejection of the returned promise occurred, and the reason is: ', reason) }) 如果onFulfilled或onRejected...=> { console.log('rejection occurred, and the reason is: ', reason) return 'a new value' })....=> { console.log('rejection of the returned promise occurred, and the reason is: ', reason) })...也就是说,如果p2的状态现在或将来是rejected,那么p1的状态也随之变成rejected,而reason也来源于p1进行reject(reason)决议时传递的reason。...promise occurred, and the reason is: ', reason) }) 其他情况下,.catch返回的Promise实例的状态将是fulfilled。
) { console.log('reason', reason); }) 复制代码 3....由于成功值value和失败原因reason是由用户在executor中通过resolve(value) 和 reject(reason)传入的,所以我们需要有一个全局的value和reason供后续方法获取...); }, (reason) => { console.log('reason2', reason); }); 复制代码 打印结果为: reason1 123 value2 456 好啦,接下来我们就去实现...(reason)决议。...=> { console.log('reason', reason); }); 复制代码 打印结果: reason 1111 13.
reason => { console.log('reason', reason) // reason3 } ) p.then( value => { },...reason => { console.log('reason2', reason) // reason23 } ) 改变promise状态和指定回调函数谁先谁后?...=> {console.log('reason3', reason)} ) }, 1100); promise.then()返回的新promise的结果状态由什么决定?...()', value) }, reason => Promise.reject(reason) ).catch(reason => { console.log('onReejected1...()', reason) // throw reason // return Promise.reject(reason) return new Promise(() => {
) { console.log('reason', reason); }) 3....由于成功值value和失败原因reason是由用户在executor中通过resolve(value) 和 reject(reason)传入的,所以我们需要有一个全局的value和reason供后续方法获取...); }, (reason) => { console.log('reason2', reason); }); 打印结果为: reason1 123 value2 456 好啦,接下来我们就去实现...(reason)决议。...=> { console.log('reason', reason); }); 打印结果: reason 1111 13.
create SCHEMA tpcds; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tpcds.reason_t2; CREATE TABLE tpcds.reason_t2 ( r_reason_sk...=USTORE); INSERT INTO tpcds.reason_t2 VALUES (1, 'AA', 'reason1'),(2, 'AB', 'reason2'),(3, 'AC', 'reason3...r_reason_sk | r_reason_id | r_reason_desc ----------...DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tpcds.reason_t2; CREATE TABLE tpcds.reason_t2 ( r_reason_sk integer,...INTO tpcds.reason_t2 VALUES (1, 'AA', 'reason1'),(2, 'AB', 'reason2'),(3, 'AC', 'reason3'); select
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