在python (我习惯的编程语言)中,使用index操作符很容易,因为您可以只做数字,并且可以得到第一个位。你是如何为装配做这样的事情的?mov edi, ebxshl edi, 1and esi, 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAshr esi, 1mov eax, edi
我可以使用"push edi“传递堆栈参数值,但似乎不能使用"push OFFSET edi”传递引用。在这种情况下,通过引用传递某些内容的正确语法是什么?Used to access stack parametersmov ebp, esp
mov edi] ;Sets up the loop counter for the array
;Testing swapNumber fun
inner JOIN FileDetails files on edi.FileDetailsId = files.Id where edi.IsDeleted = 0 and edi.SenderID= 3 and edi.DocumentTypeID != 5 and edi.DocumentTypeID !FileDetails files on edi.FileDetailsId = files.Id where edi.IsDeleted = 0 and